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Posts posted by oakheart

  1. Waiting for the 5th plank to dry, trawling through the incredible amount of build logs there are here on MSW.

    I found this build log https://modelshipworld.com/topic/3741-queen-annes-revenge-1710-by-shipmodel-finished-136-scale/


    Thanks  shipmodel  ( Dan ) your work on the QAR boats gives me a goal to work towards. It has re-inspired me, my planking was beginning to get to me.

    I know this is only a tiny model but it is testing me.


    Reading the QAR log I'm being tempted towards a larger project, like a pirate ship or a Bounty.

    But I really do need to finish my launch first. I am too easily tempted into a new project, leaving a trail of part finished models in my wake



  2. I have now glued up the matching plank pre-bent and faceted the frames.

    It looks good, so I think I will continue with this technique until I get round the bend, then up the straighter sides go back to normal.


    I saw some one on this forum ( website )  who had planked straight from the Garboard right up to the gunwale in one run, so on this build that is what I am trying out.


    As a programmer I was taught "only change one thing at a time" or you won't know what is causing the problem.
    Here I have just jumped in with all feet first.





  3. 5 hours ago, iMustBeCrazy said:

    1: Facet the frames as you have but this leaves a faceted interior
    2: hollow out the inside of the planks 

    3: skinnier planks.

    4: using hollowed out balsa blocks

    5: Only clamp on the frames.

     so my take on those options are :

    1: Could I live with the faceted inside - Yes, if it's not to noticeable it could be alright

    2 : looks like it would be really difficult to do.

    3 : Planks are only 0.8 mm ( 1/32 ") going even thinner may work, worth testing, may break.

    4 : This would help but may need a lot of clamping pressure and crush the model.

    5 : with the clamps I am using that's the only way they work, will try elastic bands


    Thanks for all of those ideas, I will see how my faceted frame worked when I un-clamp it later



  4. I have now got to, as Craig said - the interesting bit.

    Moving down the frame, now when I lay the plank on the frame, the plank is flat but the frame is curved !

    In the photo, I have used a wider plank to exaggerate what happens, the problem is made worse when you can only clamp from one side of the plank.



    Sorry - I could not get the phone to focus on the end of the plank, but you can see what's going on.


    To overcome this I have just tried a test laying of a plank.

    Firstly between the tick marks on the frame, I sanded that area flat.

    It's glue up right now, we will see later if it worked.


    How do others overcome this?

    Is there a trick I am missing?



  5. 12 hours ago, Montaigne said:

    Kudos to everyone for sharing their research, ideas and suggestions, and to oakheart: well done so far, it's looking good!


    Thanks for the compliments. 
    Allan and Craig are the experts here, There is a load of information on the their other logs as well. 

    I'm just here having a load of fun doing some research, trying new ideas and learning new skills.


    Question Should all of the detailed information be collected together and put it in the "launch details" log.

    Who started that log ?

    was it Craig or Allan? my memory is not so good 




  6. Okay here as promised the next installment.

    Got three planks in place over the last couple of days, taking it slow.




    Third plank clamped in place




    here is a close up after the clamps have been removed, a bit of clean up needed but pleased with it.


    onto the 4th plank 



    There is a a bit of a step of levels here, I think it's because the first plank did not glue down tight to the frame, hope I can sand the new plank level without sanding right through it.




    here is a view of the whole thing, pretty pleased so far




    comments please




  7. So here we go.

    First plank in place, used PVA with long open time so I had time to get it in the right place.

    Let it glue up overnight.




    very pleased with the no rabbet, just beveled the plank and  you can hardly see the join..............




    1 down 15 more to do.........



  8. Finally got this thing lined out, cotton seemed to work. Not sure about the stem end? 




    This was really what I should have done before I tried to understand the planking, it really helps.

    Now to transfer this to templates.

    Most of it looks pretty straight foward, but I'm not sure how I measure and transfer the area between Station H and  the stem the cotton is stretched in  straight line but i need a curve

    how best to proceed here?



    Any advice would be welcome.

    Ignore the broken temporary square section, it had a nice curve then snapped, I should have soaked , live and learn






  9. OK decision made at least for the first of the two builds, this will be the 'dirty' boat.

    No rabbet on this one, using the ply keel as it will be covered in tar/pitch as per Blights log.


    I am not happy with the way the futtocks cut out of the molds ( frames) the scroll saw seemed to have a mind of it's own today....




    Still I should be able to clean up a bit when I have planked it.




    It's all glued up now so in the morning when the glue is hard, the transom needs fairing.

    Then I can line it out

    Not sure whether to use cotton or thin tape to do the lining having never done it before, maybe try each on different sides

    Then I can get on with cutting the planks ( spilling ) to fit




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