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Everything posted by marktiedens

  1. Update - I thought it would be a good time to take a break from rigging & work on the ship`s boat. The kit supplied boat is molde from resin & with some work it can be made to look presentable. The first picture shows the boat as supplied - the casting is very thick,so the first thing I did was thin it down with my dremel & sanding drum. Then I added a little sheer to it. The frames were added - only down to the bottom of the casting. Floor boards were then added - they hide the fact that the frames don`t go all the way down to the keel.A cap rail was the made along with a rubbing strake. The inside was painted yellow ochre along with the space between the cap rail & rubbing strake. The bottom was painted with a Floquil color called aged white.The rudder was then made with the hinges simulated by installing a couple of pins,then some black card stock was cut & glued on next to the pins & the pins were then glued to the added strip on the transom. Finally, all the thwarts,foot boards.& thole pins were added. I did not make the masts or oars - didn`t want to hide all the work I did by filling up the inside of the boat with them. If anyone asks,they are stowed below decks. Mark
  2. Wow Pete,that`s one nice figurehead! Thanks Mike - your kind words are much appreciated. Thanks also to everyone hitting the like button. Mark
  3. Thanks Pete - yes,a bit tricky. There is some deflection as it is nearly impossible to rig the backstay without a little deflection. Mark
  4. Hi Ken - here are a few pictures for you. There are a few more in my log on page 16 - the log entries are not numbered,but if you scroll about half way down you will see them. Mark
  5. I decided to fix an error - the cleats on the fore & main masts for the preventer stays should have been just one on the forward surface of the mast instead of two on the sides,so I removed the ones on the sides & added the ones on the forward sides of the masts. Mark
  6. Thanks,Michael - yes,I am using Chuck`s rope for all but the smallest lines. I am using sewing thread for those. Nothing really wrong with the kit rope - just too fuzzy like all kit rope. All the kit rope is light tan & I was having trouble darkening it consistently & once I did,it got too stiff to work with. I already had most of what I needed anyway. Mark
  7. Hi mates - another update. The main stay & preventer stay are now done,as well as the snaking. The fore & main top crowsfeet are done also. 2mm rope was used for the main stay & 1.6mm rope for the preventer stay. As always,thanks for looking in. Mark
  8. Another little update - I have got the fore stay & preventer stay done & snaked.I should be further along,but I am fighting a nasty cold,so not getting a whole lot done right now. Mark
  9. Another little update - after re-doing the bowsprit mast ratlines,the bowsprit was set in place. The gammoning was then done & the rack blocks were made from some walnut strips & set in place. Finally,the bobstays were rigged to the stem & bowsprit. Mark
  10. Another little update - I thought I would take a little break from rigging & add some nails to the wales as Ken did on his RW. The nails I used are from the railroad area of my local hobby shop. They are called track pins & the nice thing about them is they are already blackened . Mark
  11. Thanks Pete - yes, it is starting to come "alive" now. I`m trying not to rush through it & mess it up. Mark
  12. Hi mates & thanks for looking in. A little more progress made - I have finished installing the main & mizzen mast back stays & the mizzen stays. The crowsfeet at the mizzen top are also done. The shroud cleats provided are really nice,but looked a little large on the mizzen stay,so I had one a little smaller that I used. I will use the kit ones on the other areas where they are needed. Just about time to install that fragile bowsprit & hope I don`t snap it off while turning the ship back & forth. Mark
  13. 95% coverage where I`m at,but it was cloudy & raining so I didn`t really get a good look. Mark
  14. Thanks,ragove - happy to have them done. By the way,I think I forgot to mention the ratlines are standard Coats & Clark sewing thread & the spacing was done by eye. Mark
  15. Thanks Pete & everyone else looking in. One more picture of the topmast & futtock shrouds - Mark
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