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Everything posted by marktiedens

  1. Thanks Don,and a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you and everyone else on the forum. Mark
  2. Nice,clean work zappto! I built this kit a number of years ago & remember it well. You are doing a fine job. Mark
  3. Thanks very much,Mike. What`s next? Well,I haven`t decided yet. I have a Spanish ship,a couple more English ships,& a couple of American ships in my stash.Decisions,decisions................................ I have a few things to fix up around the house first,plus I need to get over my annual Christmas cold. Mark
  4. Very nice - I cut my teeth on plastic kits many years ago,but was never very good with them (lousy painter). You have done a fine job . Mark
  5. Michael,Chris,Popeye - thank you all very much. Yes,at 1400mm long it does make into an impressive model. Not sure what the weight is (don`t have an accurate scale),but it`s quite heavy also. Mark
  6. Thanks Pete - much appreciated. Now,then,how is your knowledge on Spanish ships? Thanks very much zappto. Mark
  7. Well,my Royal William is finally done after adding the lower yard braces,sheets,tacks, & flags. The flags are really nice - printed on silk with great colors. The flags were simply wetted down & pinned to a board with some folds & when dry they held their shape.This has been quite a journey with all the interaction with Pete & others. My sincere gratitude to Pete for helping me out on some of the areas that I was not that knowledgeable about - I don`t think I could have finished it without his help. Thanks also to all those who commented,hit the like button,or just silently followed along.Despite some of the mistakes, I am happy at the way it turned out. I will try to get some more pics in the gallery in a day or two. Now what shall I do next...................................................................................................... Mark
  8. Looks good,Vince. You are a brave person to add the sails to an already complex rig. I have struggled with some of the running rigging without the sails! Keep up the good work. Mark
  9. Thanks Michael. I can see that I need to find a darker background - the lighter lines are nearly invisible against the light background. Mark
  10. A little more progress - The ship`s boat which was built earlier is now in place along with the anchors. The pulley hanging from the cathead was made by using a 7mm triple block with a copper strip bent around it & soldered shut. Then I soldered a hook to the copper strip to hang the anchor on. Also got all the upper yard braces on. Next will be the fore & main yard braces,sheets,& tacks. Mark
  11. Hi Don - beautiful ship you have going there. Model Expo used to sell what they called flexible beech - they advertised that you could tie it in a knot without breaking. I don`t see it there any more,though. It was pretty expensive ,too, if I remember. Mark
  12. Pete,O.C.,Frank - thank you all very much! By the way,the bowsprit yard also has a standing lift rigged with deadeyes,which is shown on the plans,so I don`t think it looks out of place to rig the crossjack yard similarly. An extra thanks to Pete for researching this rigging. It`s not that the plans are wrong - there are several variations in the rigging that could have been used in that time period. Mark
  13. update - The mizzen yards are now completed. After some discussions with Pete(piratepete007)it was decide to mount the crossjack yard a little different than what the plans showed. It was mounted with a simple sling with no halliards & the lifts were rigged with deadeyes instead of running tackle. That yard was almost never lowered,so that semi-permanent mounting was used. Still need to do the braces yet,as well. Some of the belaying points for the lateen yard were a little vague,so I rigged them where I thought would be best by adding a couple of cleats to the poop deck. Mark
  14. Wow - you have been going at warp speed while I`m just plodding along! Great job - looks very nice. Mark
  15. Vallejo makes a line of paint called model air - it`s pre-thinned & can be sprayed without extra thinning. They can also be brushed just as well. They are very high quality paints. Mark
  16. Thanks Popeye - the camera usually shows a lot of faults,but it looks good to me also. Now if I can continue the rigging without knocking something loose....................................... Mark
  17. Thanks Michael - yes those are Chuck`s blocks & rope. Thanks Pete - as you can see the blocks & rope from Syren make a big difference. Mark
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