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Everything posted by marktiedens

  1. Yes,the Toyota`s were pretty good,but the strongest cars I worked on were SAAB`s. You could literally not wear them out. Had a dealer take one that had a few hundred-thousand miles on it & tied the gas pedal to the floor,started it,& walked away. Several hours later it ran out of gas. They re-filled the tank & it still started & ran fine. If you remember those SAAB-Barber mini Indy cars,the engines were taken off the assembly line in Sweden & put into the cars with no modifications other than a dry sump oiling system & increased turbo boost. They never had an engine failure! Then GM took them over. Mark
  2. Are the windows small enough to use some of that Kristal Klear window maker? I think you can also use canopy cement for that also - pretty much the same stuff. Seems a shame to bin the whole kit for a window problem. Mark
  3. Being a retired Toyota mechanic,I will have to watch this too! Mark
  4. Upper gun deck is now fitted out. Gratings,ladders,capstans,bulwark cleats, cannon balls,& stove are all in place now. Thanks for looking in Mark
  5. Thanks Frank. Forgot to mention that the carriages were a little too tall partly because the deck planking provided is thicker than the Amati planking. I had to sand some flats on the wheels,plus file the trunnion slots deeper - not really a problem since the supplied carriages are much better than the awful metal ones in the Amati kit. I was not able to add the quoins or the guns would be pointing at the ground. Mark
  6. Thanks O.C.. I think I would rather tie ratlines than rig guns. Mark
  7. Hi - finally got myself in gear & got the upper gun deck guns done. I only rigged the ones that are not hidden under the upper decks. I used Chucks 2.5mm blocks - the smallest I can work with. Most of the other fittings for this deck are already made - just have to place them all. Mark
  8. Great start - I have the complete Aeropiccola Essex kit & hope to start it after my current project,so will be watching with interest. Mark
  9. Looking good as always. Just noticed how LARGE those air intakes are - would not want to be standing in front of one of them when they spooled up. Mark
  10. Thanks guys - it came out better than I expected (I am always my worst critic). Kudos to the designer. I should probably get back to the upper gun deck now - I keep putting it off because I don`t really like to rig gun carriages with all those tiny blocks. Speaking of that,I need to check my inventory of Syren blocks. The kit blocks are about average as far as kit blocks go,but Chuck`s are so much nicer. Mark
  11. Stern trim finished! The rudder & chains will be installed later. Mark
  12. Thanks O.C. - yes,it`s much easier to paint the parts BEFORE glueing them on. Mark
  13. Starboard gallery done - all PE parts fit pretty good,except there wasn`t room for one piece of scrollwork at the aft end of the lower windows. Mark
  14. Thanks Lou - I usually have problems getting all the stern parts to fit right,but it`s all fitting together pretty well due to the good design & accurately cut parts. Mark
  15. Thanks O.C. I don`t care much for painting,especially figures,but it has to be done. I can never get the faces & shadow areas right - kept having to re-do them. Mark
  16. Thanks guys - this was the "easy" part. The side galleries are next. Mark
  17. Hi all - been absent for awhile. Kind of lost my mojo for a while after doing some major storm clean-up plus some minor damage control - slowly coming back now. I managed to get more of the stern trim painted & installed. The castings were well done & I decided to add some color to them rather than paint them all yellow ochre - much better looking, I think. Thanks for looking in. Mark
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