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Everything posted by marktiedens

  1. Looks more like a muffler belt to me. Mark
  2. You might also check at a Michaels craft store - the ones near me have a good selection of thin plywood (if they are open during this virus thing). Mark
  3. Marvelous job! I see you have discovered the infamous OcCre rigging plans! I had some of the same issues with the last OcCre kit I did - 2 lines going to 1 pin plus difficulty trying to determine the run of some of the lines. Some were shown actually running from a stay in front of a sail & belaying to a pin behind the sail! I ended up deviating from the plans in places just to make it look halfway believable. Luckily,you only have 1 mast to deal with. Love the lights! Mark
  4. Thanks. This is the fifth hull I`ve coppered,so I`ve had a little practice. Mark
  5. Thanks Mike - The glue actually does ooze out from under the plates. After positioning the plate I blot it with a paper towel to pull off the excess. I do get some smears on the plates,but I use a cloth with some acetate to remove the smears. It smells a bit,but the acetate does soften & remove the smears. Just have to be careful not to use so much that it would get under the plates & loosen them. It also needs to be done in a well ventilated area - besides the smell it is very flammable! Mark
  6. Thanks O.C. & Ernie - much appreciated! I forgot to mention that the copper plates were glued directly to the bare wood with an odorless medium viscosity CA & are stuck so well that a chisel would be needed to remove them. I have done it this way on other hulls & have never had a copper plate fall off. The only prep I did was to clean the plates with acetone to remove any oily residue. Mark
  7. Thanks Richard. Looks slightly shiny with my bright light on it,but should dull down somewhat in time. The copper on my Victory has dulled down pretty good over time & it has the same copper plates I am using on this. Mark
  8. Hi all - coppering done (except the rudder) Have to do a little shaping of the rudder before coppering it. Mark
  9. Amati is supposed to be coming out with a Bismarck - pics looked really nice. Mark
  10. All nice looking aircraft - to me,the most menacing looking one I can think of is the F4 Phantom. It just looks so mean & nasty. Built one long ago & it was in a display cabinet at my local hobby shop,but it`s gone now - don`t know where it went. Mark
  11. What I do when I drop a small part is turn the lights out,lay on the floor,& shine a flashlight across the floor. I usually find my part (along with reminding my I need to sweep a little more often). Doesn`t work well,though,if you have carpet. Mark
  12. All I can say is WOW - super job! All you guys doing plastic is giving me the itch to do one. Mark
  13. That`s the only kit I never completed - the fit was so poor that it was more putty than plastic. Mark
  14. You are doing such a fine job with this kit - the last JoHan kit I tried to build in my youth was so bad I just threw it in the trash! Never bought another one. Mark
  15. Thanks O.C. - I`m not real good at metal work,so looking forward to making sawdust again. Mark
  16. Greetings - hope everyone is staying safe! Hull coppering is about half done - not much else to do with most stores closed. Still no T.P. or paper products in the stores that are open. &^*%$#*! hoarders. I would have preferred to use Amati plates,but the wind in HMS Visa`s sails is a little too weak for what that would cost. Besides,I had to do something with the 3000 Caldercraft plates I already had. I tried flattening the "nails" in them,but it distorted them too much so I just used them as is. They are not as shiny as the photos indicate - I had a very bright light on them. They have actually started to get a light brown patina on them just from my handling them. Mark
  17. Excellent work - your attention to detail amazes me! Glad your feeling better. We don`t need to lose ship modelers - we are a special breed!!! Mark
  18. I may be wrong, but I think Birchwood Casey actually makes a product for blackening aluminum specifically. I saw it while looking for brass black,which the sporting good stores & gun shops no longer seem to carry. I don`t know why they would carry aluminum black,but not brass black. Try googling Birchwood Casey & look through their products. Mark
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