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Everything posted by Desertanimal

  1. Thank you all for the likes and encouraging words. They are much appreciated. So now I start the planking. I was really trying hard to take my time and get the boards to fit well. You can see I painted the inside of the live tanks black. So I still had some issues getting the planks fitting tightly in the stem rabbet. You can also see where the garboard has a little gap, pretty sure that was the result of poor fairing in that area. That entire bulkhead should have been sanded a little more. I think my joints got a little better as they went up... Sanded and filled... Now I need to tend to some issues with my bashing. Because I raised the roof I will need taller coaming, so I traced around the original and added the extra height. Since it was curved I made several tic marks and tried to connect them with a smooth curve. I bent the coaming in place after a good soak in water. No boiling, no hot, no ammonia or other things I've heard; just a tall Post Malone cup from Cane's full of water. Almost couldn't reach the middle of the piece when flipping it over, Haha. Then I decided it would be a good idea to paint the coaming before installation. Here you see it painted and installed. I also put in some additional pieces of wood near the stem where I was going to have some joints for the deck planking. Those needed to cut to accept the coaming also. I think I have overloaded you all with pictures now. Let me know your thoughts! Thanks! Chris
  2. Ok, I think I have my photo issues sorted. So let's continue. Here I'm still just working with the bulkheads. Most important here is I'm making the roof higher. I decided I would be planking the floor and the deck. So here I'm starting the floor in the cockpit. Getting the seating area done. You might be thinking that the size of the boars is a little large for scale and you would be correct. I had a bunch of them on hand though and I'm trying to learn new techniques. Here I'm continuing on with planking... I relocated the live well holes because I wanted to leave one open so you could see inside and if I remember they are right on top of a bulkhead. So I moved them forward and framed them and the hatch in mahogany. You can also see I cut away the bulkhead behind the hatch. I was thinking I was going to leave the door open so you could see inside but ultimately decided against it. So we'll leave it there for now. Oh you can see where I miscut the location of the one hole and had to move it over. Math is hard... I'll say it was late at night and I was tired. I see they also look to be different sizes. That's an illusion, they match. Let me know what you think!! Chris
  3. Thanks Todd! Definitely need to go a different direction with my photos in the future.
  4. Yes windows. I’ll do that thanks. Just frustrating that it has to change the extension and now I get to change it back.
  5. I am pulling my hair out trying to post my build log. I have about 100 photos that I stored in Google drive I have downloaded them to a file on my desktop but they are all HEIC files. So I can’t load them into my post. I have opened the photo and save as a .jpg. First of all the file extension did not change so there’s that. Is there no way to batch save the photos as a jpg? I also don’t really want to open each photo and jump through several hoops to get the photo ready to post. There has to be an easier way. If you can’t tell I dislike computer technology a lot. I have no issues if I take a photo with my phone and post it directly from my phone. Don’t really want to use my phone for the entire build log. The above is all happening on my PC desktop, I had just as many issues with my iPad yesterday so I cut the post short and figured I use the desktop in the morning…
  6. I’m starting this build log with the model 99% completed. The reason for that is I knew I was going to be making some modifications to the kit, but I wasn’t exactly sure what I was going to do. Also if it didn’t work out I wouldn’t have to admit it! This is my third build and they were the three Models Shipways boats. The Dory, the Pram and now the Smack. I got a lot of inspiration from build logs I found on here. I remember ones by Dee Dee, and Piet in particular that were the most bashed. I’ll probably drag the log out for a week or so. I’ve got many pictures. So here we go… So we start out pretty normally putting together the spine.
  7. Oh yeah, I see that looking at them on the web. Just the line goes through the bottom. I saw a couple with sticks with holes for the line but very few. 😉 Carry on…👍
  8. For the buoy, can you use two separate pieces of basswood? One in each end that’s square but rounded enough to glue in the hole. Chris
  9. Could you post some photos and more info on your other builds? That might help bring the two sides (not to say any of us are on opposing sides, but you get what I mean I hope) closer together. None of us know your modeling abilities and to encourage a beginner to take on a task such as you’re presenting would be a very dangerous line to walk. We’re all about succeeding and sometimes that means small, obtainable goals. Most people are easily discouraged after starting a huge project. A lot enjoy the prep. Buying tools, setting up a workspace, reading the documentation etc. Once the drudgery starts it’s the beginning of the end. Not saying you are like that, sounds like you’ve made some big boats! With none of us knowing you or your abilities you can see why we’d “discourage” someone taking on a task with a huge possibility of not getting finished that will become a monster your children have to deal with when you’re gone. I hope you find a suitable build and keep us updated!! Chris
  10. Thanks! This is a new area for me also. I thought you were seasoned rope, making professional! I wasn’t aware of this section. (Putting on reading glasses.) Chris
  11. Would you mind continuing with this post some and including some information like thread sources and sizes? Then how do create your final rope size? Do you just add the diameters of your threads together? I’ll be starting the Alert soon and may be making rope! 👍 Chris
  12. That’s some good information. Thanks for posting this! The timing for me is very well placed. Chris
  13. Grsjax, do you then clear coat them? Is the surface permanent without clear coat after this prep? Chris
  14. Plywood will never be as flat as a manmade product, in this context. I would definitely go with mdf or the melamine board. There is no side benefit from plywood, birch or otherwise. The benefit to melamine is glue comes off easily. My 2 cents.. Chris
  15. Knight, I’ve thought the same thing. The finish from blackening sure looks good though. As long as I can get it to stay! Thanks for all the tips and it’s good to see I’m not alone in my frustration. Somehow that makes it a little better. 🤣 Chris
  16. Looks like I’ll be picking up some Sparex for the next project. Sure sounds like the way to go. Chris
  17. Thanks for the info! Can’t believe I missed that that I need to coat it afterwards! That should make things go a lot better going forward. Chris
  18. So I’ve read several posts about blackening brass. I’m using Birchwood brass blackener. I prepped the parts by sanding with fine paper, acetone soak, dry. Then in the solution for a few minutes 1-2, rinse with water buff with cloth/paper towel. They look great, I take off the black chalky stuff with the towel and they look like steel. I used some blue tape to hold this piece in place to glue and when I took the tape off this is what I got. 🤬 I used a cotton bud and applied more solution and wiped with clean water it turned out well, but I did that on the boat and I was really afraid of getting some on the paint. I thought this was more permanent? What am I doing wrong? Thanks! Chris
  19. Thanks! I do have the one of Chapelle’s books with the friendship sloop in it. Not a lot of info. I think pictures of existing boats will be the way to go. Then I’ll decide how to proceed.
  20. Excellent points! I was unaware of the change to steel cable. Makes sense obviously. I had to laugh at myself thinking well, you see builders post how they wrap their blocks on a daily basis. That’s got to be standard practice on all boats right? Sure… from 200 years ago!!! 🤣🤣 Thinking I’d have to reinvent the wheel to create rigging at this scale, I may just go the instruction route and worry about all that on the next build. Thanks!! Chris
  21. So I’m at the point that I’m about to mount the boat on the stand (once I figure out what I’m going to use). Then I need to start the rigging. This is the 1:24 Model Shipways Lobster Smack. I’m assuming the metal wire around the blocks is to keep things easy for the beginning builder. I would like to wrap them with rope and seize/serve, don’t know the correct terms, them like I see on larger builds. My question is what should they look like? If someone could direct me to a reference source that will show me what the arrangement should be and size of rope etc. So far I haven’t had much luck looking on the web. I have bashed this kit pretty severely so I figure why stop now? It will give me some practice for the next build. Thank you for your suggestions! Chris
  22. Ok so here’s the result. No tape, just paint, various brushes, bright light and 2x magnification. I’m pretty happy with the result with the naked eye. That wood sure is rough up close. Is that a characteristic of Basswod and it will be less pronounced on harder woods? Let me know what you think! Thanks again! Chris
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