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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. First day of work in the homeyard, and first grass cutting this year. Over a 200C outside with plenty of sunshine. Almost 3 hours joy with ELP ( Emerson, Lake, Palmer) music on my headphones Lunch, a little nap, and in shipyard, where I found traces of Hothead`s violence on my holly anvil ... I said ... nothing ... I thought #$%&%#$%#%
  2. does not make sense to introduce with picture 10 years ago

  3. does not make sense to introduce a picture from 10 years ago

  4. Luca, since I am complicated man who live in complicated country, I am still looking for right solution ...
  5. Matt, how many pair of eyes you have ? Amazing
  6. Thank you, Matt, I ll keep it in mind when it will be really neccessary. For now I dont want to annoy
  7. Something interesting for members of CS fleet I think these are the most detailed pictures of her "coopering" Enjoy
  8. Still waiting for pictures, David PS Do somebody find Longridge in digital edition ?
  9. Thank you Michael for your interest, this images are very useful, and I put them in my CS images collection Just to notice something Quality of images seen on monitor,with consequently colors in the image, depends first of setings of monitor, also depends of quality and settings of camera, and also depends of light conditions, angle and intensity of sun. (Assuming that images are not "photoshoped" ). That is with digital cameras. With, today very rare classic cameras, things are a bit complicated This results in small or large differences in shades of color For lucky one who were in Greenwich, helps something which is called - eye memory, but not to everyone So, comparing with some pictures I collected from internet, there are some differences in shade of colour, and Good only can know if this is a consequence of noticed above, or this is a consequence of using different material for coating after reconstruction Examples follow Inner bulwark seems a little bit lighter and a bit more yellow after reconstruction, and circular strip under bulwark is obviously painted in different colour. Also, protective grid in your pictures seem to be made of iron, and in other pictures - made of rope (???) or it is additional grid of rope (?) Going on this road, in intention to make as much as possible accurate model, it is easy to totally confuse your head, and to lose so much time in investigation without concrete and usefull result. particularly in the case of many known and photo documented stages of different reconstruction details in different time. And then you sure lose yourself And that is not one and only point to bang your poor modeller head In my opinion, on this place arise solution mostly conditioned with aesthetic point of view, as I wrote above. And when discussion moves to aesthetic, then all is connected with personal taste and feeling, so ... as it is said in Serbia: "the tastes are not discussed" . I have no problem with discussing about my future choices of colour set I intend to apply, just opposite, and that is reason I post some tests willing to hear/read other opinions Back to the log Still looking for cherry veneer, in mean time started to finalize corrections on inner bulwark and top rail of aft deck. Pictures will follow
  10. Bindy, as Bob had said long ago, I am pretty attached to my fingers, and take care about them
  11. Thx friends for your comments and likes Bob, nothing serious with hand, even without hanzaplast. I was extremely awkward at the same start of working, and decide not to go further with this state of mind Interesting point of view in upper posts, I was not thinking earlier about Obviously it is time to admit that in my model live little skipper, sailors, captain, carpenter etc etc, with their own will, and I have to talk with them about their intention how to maintain Her Majesty. Maybe to introduce a regular briefing? I quess they live under deck for now, but I am afraid for them to be angry when holes for masts will be closed during re-planking deck. Who knows whether they are unionized, and go on strike ? I have to figure out something about it. Maybe windows ? And how many ? Today, only four on each side. On some old photos it seems windows run along from stem to stern. I must ask my crew how old are they And this admition definitely solves question of the presence of witches and ghosts in the shipyard
  12. BTW, Bob, really nice and pedant work in your photo I wish I could do that Nenad PS No progress today, exept succesfully buried top of scalpel into my thumb, and spilled cup of coffie on workbench, at the same start of new experiment. Not big dil, no damage, but when evening started with accidents, I though better to watch "Suleiman The Magnificent" instead "Nenad The fingerless" or "Campbell Plans Under Coffie Sea" Huh ...
  13. Bob, when I enter this adventure, I had no single idea how many questions and dilemas will be there. I just though - cut a piece, glue it, and paint , and next, and next. Of course, you can go on that easier way, if you have not worm in head ( same one which visit my posts from time to time) And onde day you discover great joy in researching and finding solutions and makeing decisions, maybe even greater joy than pure makeing of some part ( or 56 - 2000 parts) I was thinking a lot about in "stanchion" stage. really enjoy in experiments, and when factory starts ... same thing with inside bulvark strips with rivets ... And when finish this , conditionaly said, booring phase, joy again in new and next chalenge Time laps and drops, and one day you look at your work, and suddenly discover : Oh, that seems to be real good model... And tomorrow you will see something you messed, and bang your hed in wall And in circle again But, all that things are real fun and joy. Much more interesting and relaxing than watching TV
  14. I am just thinking ,... is it dangerous for figure you made to mount bowsprit aftet Nanny?
  15. Thx Denis Believe or not, that is exactly I am thinking about to do (when I beat my lazyness and go to wood store to by veneer) Right now I am on Google researching if is it somewhere a litttle bit closser wood store to place I work (hearth of downtown)
  16. my lad is not interesting, except for occasionally philosophical advices about making models ( he know everything) Have a joy, I ll follow
  17. I loitered the shops today, wear off my poor legs to knee, and find something which I think it will be OK (with little touching ... ) Cherry tree veneer, or something similarly, which "draws" on pink In this shop ( handmade furniture salon) I find only samples, and to bye must go factory 30 km out of the town ... sending option for 0,5 m2 is not feasible ...
  18. Michael WOW I can not do such a small thing even in this, and next three life times
  19. Thx for helping gentleman For you + Here on MSW are two master builders who contagiously influence me with endless testing, searching for ... trying, and another testing .... Actually, between two possible choices Obviously "grey" And obviously "brown" when deck is wet I am looking for something for compomize, for example this Little drop of pink colour ??? Idea is to reduce contrast with bulwarks, still to keep contrast with deck houses Some more test have to be done before final decision Also I like weathered look, but if I decide to weather whole model. It has no sense to weather dock, and to leave outside bulwark brand new
  20. Some more tests for deck re-planking What it will be: 1, 2 or 3 ? I think - 3 What do you think ?
  21. Hello Denis, I Just dropped I like your work very much So much ideas to pick up and so much to learn Follow next steps with great interest Nenad
  22. Anja I just want to write some words, but gjdale wrote exactly what I mean Waiting for your progress Nenad
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