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Posts posted by NenadM

  1. You are one amazing man. How you keep coming up with something from nothing I will never know.

    Great Work



    Just a long lasting dressage, Joe. As I said before, during socialism, western stuff including all kind of materials tools and many little things just there was on market in former Yugoslavia. Then followed period 1990-2000 when Serbia was hitted with wars and international sanctions, also nothing to bye. So, if we want something bad, we must to learn to improvise and to use what we have 




    With that compass and the other small bits and pieces, your tiny pieces show incredible skill.  Great work!!!!


    Thanks Mark. Macro shots do not show this ...



    Very nice compass Nenad. No surprise here.


    Thanks Dave. Learn from masters :)


    Looks great. I really do look forward to seeing how the grand old lady looks when you're done with her.


    It`s a long way to that. To much works, and many tricky works I have no idea how to do it for now (masts, yards, sails, ropes, knots, metal works)

  2. Nenad.... Do you have a "line trimmer" to make your work easier? (Weed Eater)


    Yes Dave, i have electric mower for grass with 2KW power, also a little weed eater, but still there are places where weed eater can not work ( too close to flowers) so you have to get down on your knee and pick up/cut weed by hands. Here is photos of central yard alpinetum and you can see weed eater can nor pass there, if you want to keep there ground covering flowers


    Before pray to Garden God




    And after




    Also you can see how it looks inside one of several longitudinal "flower alley". Place for praying, also




    Also on next pictures you can notice that every alley is over 1m wide, louded with different stuff on almost every inch




    On the left side is part of very old and very wild climbing rose 



  3. Try to imagine, Mark: Here is my source of pleasure, and at the same time, sometimes ... parcel is 40m x 17m, all under grass except pawn and car paths, and except surface occupied with plants. It is old ortho-photo, some details miss, but mainly, all is here. Almost ... I can not itemize all kind of flowers, clambering, and decorative grass etc Admiral planted here and there and everywhere




    Dots colored red are position of roses, small ones, grown as a trees, or climbing one, wit all kind of thorns you can imagine


    I do not complain


    I like it very much



  4. Thanks all for likes and support


    Working in garden today I was very "clever" ... Working gloves goes to hell, and I had brain storm idea to cut fingers of gloves and to get something as Rambo/Lara Kroft wear ... usefull for job as grass cutting and similar


    Then roses (10 different and hudge) comes to line to make something nice from wild bushes they become... and I was very lazy to walk to garage 20 m away to pick up a brand new pair of working gloves ... Working almost 3 hours ... Result ... My fingers were needled and cutted couple of hundread times which I didn't feel or notice as something serious ... Then evening comes, and every, even a try to do something with fingers tonight is very painfull, even to manipulate with TV remote ...and I am forced to pause with compass. Grounded by myself.


    What a "brilliant" mind I have. Idiot, lesson learned. Until next clever day, and next smart idea. Story of my life. Why I just can not simply walk on "elephant path"?

  5. Thank you, Bruce, for your nice words


    First I decided to redo entrance to under deck space, mixing present look with nice detail from Lou's pictures.


    Planking surface of entrabce was ... ok ... Interesting ...








    Devil do not sleep, and I felt I'll get no peace tonight until I try to make compass


    Today is obviously the day of mixed design, so my compas will be something between ...


    Carved by hands from rounded wooden molding, and sanded until I died to get nice smoth "metal" surface





    Still not finished

  6. Preparing for Compass




    Max 9mm kigh, and max 6 mm in greatest dia. Considering I am dummy for metal works, I am not sure about details i can present in that scale. Probably I`ll make some form only to "looks like" a compass.


    But, let us playing arround 


    Interesting detail. On C-plans, enlarging compas details, which are presented pretty poor, it can be seen it looks like a compass presented on lou`s photos. On other side, comparing present stage and Lou`s photos, we can notice a change in compass design. 


    Lou`s photo




    And present stage




    Do anybody know a reason for design changes, particularly CS did not sail after period Lou`s photos were taken?


    And do anybody know what are names and purpose of details marked with "?". It will be interesting to know for us, people living couple of hundreds - thousands miles from sea. Maybe there is answer

  7. A few details more


    Notice that there is a difference between present stage and when Lou made his photos






    I chose Lou's , it seems more real. Obviously, this is deck entrance to underdeck rudder mechanism space. On present stage, it is not clear what is this on photos. There are some photos on net when tourists use it as a chair!


    And here is what I did today


    Hatch 8x8 mm.




    "on place" testing











    Hatch is ok, but another piece has to be remade. I am not satisfied with result ( i did it fast, and of course, sides are not equial, and it is a bit overscaled)

  8. Awesome job on those casks Nenad!  Well done!!  :)


    Thanks George. Four hours for both of them


    Hi my friend

    The first one was good. BUT: These are phantastic!





    Thank you Gerhard. I think a first one is a bit dirty, with hoops too wide


    Thank you for introducing your family all together.  You can rightly be proud of your father and his achievements, lot only for your country but to the world.


    Your casks look exceptional Nenad, and you have not yet reached the pinnacle of your modeling prowess. 




    Hello Piet. I hope so.


    There are another interesting stories in my family  ... for instance, about my grandfather, may I say, kind a cowboy when he was young, even he was a doctor of medicine, crossing Albania by foot with Serbian army and another refuges when he was only sixteen, running away from enemy, when Austro-Hungary occupied Serbia in WW1, graduated on Sorbonne University after WW1 ... but not that story, another one ... gambling story ...


    Very nimble fingers you've got, Nenad. They do look very good. It's quite a feat on that scale




    Thanks for nice words. It is a kind of amazing discovery when you become aware that those little attachments can do so precise stuff


    Great looking casks, Nenad.  I daresay that "mission accomplished" on them.


    Yes, them are finished.


    Now only a few details left on aft deck , and I can move to main deck, to fight with dead-eyes, and ... boats ... four of them ... and a nice and tricky metal pumps etc etc ... just to mention, nice fences on fore and aft deck I left for later, after setting up masts, considering I am pretty clumsy with my arms when I am concentrated and impatient on one particular little detail with fingers... maybe in mean time I learn metal works ?

  9. Task was: Make casks to look real, just like casks, even from a "fast train passing" look, and let them have five ringa, and two of them, of course, to be equial


    Starting with 7x7 mm molding saved from old Tehnididakta kit, careful cutting to shape - 7mm dia to base, and 5mm dia to top. Fine sanding




    Planking with veneer strips 0,5-1mm arround, sanding




    Base and top made from veneer, sanding to shape




    And rings (rims) ... From laser printing paper 80gr. No other material in my ship yard agree to listen me !!!!





    Nice details on top, hinges (simulated) and handdle




    And after that all, painting.


    I used transparent acrylic to allow plank structure to be seen clearly, and to simulate weathering.


    Gold acrylic with drop of black, mixed with secret magic ingredient added to simulate metal shine, all covered with thin acrylic matt lacquer




    Very very very satisfied with result


    Cheers to you all, who pushing me over my limits !!!!

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