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Posts posted by NenadM

  1. Nenad,


    You could setup a vacuum cleaner which sucks all the dust particles away while you are working on the rigging ... or a compressor to blow it away before, during, and after your work session. Another option: just have a few ants run around with holy stones and water to scrub the deck  :)  ;)




    I have to manipulate and improvise - we have two vacuum cleaners in house - one, more than old, cheep and weak - Chinese no name, which works on principle - what gets in, that exactly gets out. I do not know why till now I did not retire it. Another is - real beast - and too strong - "Rainbow",  which I bought with all accessories to Admiral for cca 2000€ in one of my moments of madness. But, I`ll figure out something 

  2. Oh yes, that deck shot is just marvelous, simply marvelous.  Dead-eyes lined up nicely and the deck looks weathered, great job Nenad.


    Thank you Piet. If you can remember, there were many experiments finding color for deck. Now, even deck is dirty, and even there are traces on of color dust and garbage on bulwarks, when railings and ( almost all) dead eyes are on place and colored, when inner bulwark content is on place and colored, it seems I hit my goal. It will look more better when I finish dead-eyes, clean deck and start with color correction





    Your soldiers are looking spiffy, and their parade ground looks immaculate, no need to get the last pieces of dirt out with a toothpick. A lovely job if I may say so




    Thanks Carl. Looking at Her deck with my new magnyfier, I was open-mounted with amount of collected dust. Add to this garbage from holes I drilled for dead eye holders, and you can get complete dirty picture ... which leads me to serious thinking about way to keep her from dust when rigging time comes ... there are some ideas ... including to occupy Hothead`s room only for rigging purpose, with forbidden entry to everyone, particular to cat.



    Hi Nenad


    Great job, they look good! Can`t wait to see her masted and rigged...................





    Thanks Gerhard. Patience please !. It is hard to work when  outside is 33 C with 100% humidity in air and subjective feeling as 39 C last two weeks and next couple of days ... Flat is acclimatized, but shipyard is not.


    And when you jumped as donkey in downtown whole day in dark colored car without acclimatization, in Courts without it also (?) and if you had afternoon full of meetings, only glass of ... anything wet and cold and nirvana state can be applied successfully on me ;). To add that Hothead is at short visiting home,  and we are preparing for big weeding ceremony of my niece at Saturday with 400 guests, which, naturally means that -  when princess came home after work, there is chat chat chat chat until  ... I fall down sleeping in chair, and command break for today 



    looking good Nenad..........I'm play'in catch up   :)    nice video.......I didn't know you directed too;)    happy to see you overcame the dead eye issue.


    Hello Denis. I noticed your relative absence, following your another logs and posts. Take your time and enjoy in life as much as you can. All builds can wait, life can not 

  3. Thanks Jud. I hope there will not be need for herbicide. Quite enough we eat every day in food, even we do not want, aren't we?


    Thx Piet. I faced with resolution issue ... 15 sec video clip recorded in HD resolution has more than 200MB. Tonight I made two more clips with details, but just had no patience to wait for them to upload to YT, even watching second time how Daeneris burned Mastet's ships ....;)


    So, only photos of tonight progres





  4. Hi Nenad

    Thats what we see, you really did the best!

    Much rain will only mean, there will be a bit more of Yucca to extinct :rolleyes: ......................

    You should chant like they did it in 1969 in Woodstock "No Rain No Rain....."





    My yucca-war was succesfull ( for now). But grass ... this season grass grows rapidly every time when I look at it in yard !


    Rather this song:



    Somewhere in the past, I found led Zeppelin musical notation for first five albums, and enjoyed very much playing my el. guitar, acoustic guitar and 12-wire guitar, particular this song. ( and of course, Stairway to Heaven, and Babe I`m gonna leave you  etc etc)


    Old times ...  

  5. Hmmm... pretty nervous week from unknown reason, with rain, rain, rain ... and 100% humidity in air ... not usual in this area




    Just wow, Nenad.   She looks wonderful.    This video captures her perfectly.


    Thx Mark. With Phone camera it is pretty good. Some details ( rivets on "cooper" plates) are not captured well. Only 5MP camera



    Hi Nenad

    Seeing your video really put a smile on my face because of how beautiful your CS looks! Really, really, really nice!

    Keep it up.





    Thx Patrick. 


    That gives a nice touch to your build log, Nenad. Your Cutty Sark looks real good on film too!!



    Thx Carl. My artistic approach towad mistakes I made obviously has results


    Her Majesty is looking ... majestic !!



    Thanks Cap. 



    Hi Nenad


    the first look at the whole ship, she`s great!





    Thanks Gerhard. I did my best


    I'm impressed...Nedad.  Following you from the beginning and watching you make mistakes..correct.....change....modify....again and again as you perfected the model and your skills.  Very mice indeed.




    Thanks Rob. Some mistakes are still presented very well ( width of inner bulwark)



    i just watch your video Nenad  and yes you did a great job ! 


    Thank you  very much for nice words. I am almost satisfied with results to date. Still a lot to go

  6. Thank Piet for this very usefull imput. Let it stay here !!! No hijack!

    Just wait for me to find something and I'll continue posting ...

    Ok, I'm back

    I had to dive deep in my log, to the section where I was playing making tests trying to make boomkin with chain ( post #1601
    http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/2501-cutty-sark-by-nenad/page-81#entry257937 )

    Chain, if you can call it so, was made from two 0,1 mm twisted Cu wires, and second attempt was made with knots on those thin wires, trying to simulate chain rings, and yes, it is quite strong. Very very strong




    Testing this "structure" I forced "boomkin's" chain with some imaginary rope lines, and it holds very well

    My decision to use 0,5 mm wire for dead eyes was aesthetic, not technological. With 0,5 mm wire colored white, it looks better simulating white rounded cackle on dead-eyes. Just a bit more visible, and that was my goal, to have this nice detail

    Dead eye strops are glued in their holes on deck with drop of CA, dead eyes are also glued with CA drop, by thiny drop in holes on rail. I think it will be strong enough

    On the other side, thinking about further rigging, and watching my photo collection, I noticed some chain lines along masts, not ropes, and I am seriously considering possibility to use twisted 0,1 wire to simulate this vertical chains 0,2-0,4 mm dia, which I doubt I can find on market


    Still far from now, but it is usefull to know strenght of Cu wire, even 0,2 mm thick

    Thanjs again, my friend. Very usefull

  7. I am proud to announce: left side of fore mast dead eyes - mounted and glued, after mat warnishing and correcting of holes. Much much easier and more comfort with my new magnifier


    I am satisfied, it has almost the same look and feel as on photos. Efforts payed off every minute I spent in do/redo works










    Under rail look






    Bird sight. All in straight line




    And scale




    Cleaning and color correction has to be done after all dead eyes mounting

  8. Thanks Omar for nice words


    Move forward to final look of dead eyes








    CA drop - done. Re-drilling holes - done. Coloring wood - done. Coloring wire - started. Follow nice fiting of holes and applying mat acrylic transparent warnish.


    It is raining whole day, and no work in homeyard can be done. After 2+3 hours of looking throught magnifier, my eyes dropped somewhere, which told me to stop.

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