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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Keit is right, and I appologize From Wiki: ...Windjammers are sometimes confused with clippers, but there are significant differences between them... My english ... Rummors ... Runaway pig was seen week ago somewhere around Horn !
  2. 100 pages ???? Who could believe when I started log? Or I just like to write about necessary and unnecessary things Skriboman ... And main part of log is (I am still a bit shamed) making mess and cleaning mess, and making mess again ... and in same circle I hope that I would be able to show bigger progress in next 100 pages No work today ... I was at Assembly of the Association of Princess dance hip-hop club to help some heads to fly out and to help them to put their way to the legal highway ... I must help her even I think she has no need to be director and chairman of club ...
  3. Exelent job. Everything fits well, and things come to their places. I am satisfied
  4. Thank you Pavel. Now it seems to me that things go in right direction, but there is stil many place for me to make some mess I discovered that I have some skill to make decent model not to be shamed with, even still far far away from museum quality or for any competition purpose, just good enough for living room. I feel little disapointment by my first steps, but that is it now, and there is no come back Circle from metal? It would be right way if I find a way for precise microscopic cutting with tools I have. And if you look carefull on picture, there is right behind one another small metal "ring" ... Right now my homework is to climb on roof to get some war with ants, then to prepare one, some kind of shareholders meeting for tomorrow , and I hope to find some time for Her. I beg for rain to escape from roof job
  5. Thank you Mark Instead regular here is "Dune smiley" ...
  6. Tank you Denis for kind words. Both of us can see and know it can be done better, but final decision is " when I find myself in times of trouble ... words of wisdom ... LET IT BE" In next build
  7. Is there a little place for my little tent? I ll take some beer and good wine with me
  8. Good progress, Bob. Good luck with rails. Top rails give VERY visible line to model, and that can be hard to shape
  9. Thank you for a tip Captain. Maybe I am stuborn, but to me it seems that working with tape demands ideal lines, which are not present at all parts of Her hull, particulary by the rails. And another big question raised to me: How to put tape on a rail 1,5x1,5 mm before painting black. And if I must correct mistakes caused by above mentioned reasons, I have to apply same technique I am using now. And having in mind all this, only question of patience left. Or I just have to discover hot water every time
  10. She is quite tonight, and I was working without pressure Makeup continues After a hour and a half stearing throught magnifier, moved to the place where rudder enter into stern. There is some kind of ring there And that is goal to make. On plans it can not be seen, but on pictures it seem that outside of rudder on that place is little rounded on outside edges, so, let us begin. Actualy, I decided to round them a bit to assume this "ring" to be small enough and in scale It must be done by few steps waiting for putty to dry Oh yes, I am delighted with close-up tool
  11. Slowly, with very thin and very small paintbrush, under magnifier, with good music in background and beer can in front
  12. Working on a white square longitudinal rail. It is not no easy to get straight line between white and black surface. Black and white color gives maximum contrast, and mistake less than 0,5mm are very visible. But, this is down side of white rail, invisible after rotating model, which means that it is good space to practice precise before I reach upper border beteeen white and black
  13. Thank you Bob and Piet, I am also satisfied with look of Her now. Just remember where I was ... She begin to look as real ship model. It is not "something" any more But there is still enormous work to do, including rigging I don't know anything about ( rigging of Santa Maria 30 years ago was just playing comparing with my vision and inspiration I got here on MSW
  14. I was thinking about something else ... look at the pictures of cs keel in Greenwich ... visual proportions of keel cros-section after planking
  15. Check angles and shapes for bow and stern in this plans. Also take care about thickness of kell. I didn't and have many recover jobs later, and my (Her) keel is a bit thiner than it had to be. It is good idea to use kit drawings to get proper hull lines if you do not have nerv to pick them ftom Campbell
  16. Pretty confused day mixed with homeworks, clients, kids issues, passed express, and evening comes. She called and I answered. Her first order was : "Rudder nails first !" And I made and mount 8 missing nails, and rudder is finished (except some coloring) Then she said: "Look at my stern, do you think I am happy with this?" Then I started to fine correct her stern, telling Her that She must bi patient waiting putty to dry and harden. She answered: "OK, do not lose your and my time, give me some make up. Look how untidy I look!" So I start with fine painting along waterline. She is a bit wild tonight When she finally slept, I tested my new founded method for macro shots, and on foot fingers silently run away from shipyard
  17. Ok, just to finish SOME of homeworjs Admiral just ordered to me
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