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Everything posted by SaltyScot

  1. Best wishes for a speedy recovery from me also sir. Having battled with back issues when I was a younger man (due to a young man's stupidity and stubbornness), I am more than aware of just how debilitating it can be when something like this strikes. Give it time and let it heal thoroughly so you don't get a repeat "performance".
  2. I like this, Greg. It helps to keep an open mind, doesn't it? As the old adage goes, you are never to old to learn something new.
  3. The boom has had its final coat of paint as well and will be stored away safely once the wipe-on poly has been applied.
  4. The hull is complete. She has had 3 layers of paint and 3 layers of wipe-on poly to seal it all up. Once everything is completely dry I will be starting on populating the deck. While I am waiting, I will begin assembling the mast and the last deck fitments.
  5. The symmetry of that planking in the one image taken at the stern looking back is fantastic. Compliments on a fine job there.
  6. Welcome to the "crew". We are glad to have you aboard!
  7. I love that color, Greg! I will be following along with this one sir if you don't mind. I am enjoying your build log.
  8. That is some fiddly, intricate work with those railings, Phil. You are doing a nice job with them sir.
  9. I appreciate you dropping by, John, it is truly appreciated. I managed to finish painting the hull this afternoon and really had to restrain myself not to remove the masking off the deck to see the contrast between the deck and the hull. I am out of town for two days as of tomorrow morning so everything will have a chance to dry nicely. I have decided to use wipe-on poly to seal the deck and the hull.
  10. Thank you, Phil. I will be working on her today before taking a 2 day break because I will be up in DC helping the mother-in-law get her house ready to sell 😐
  11. That turned out very well, Peter. It really does look great, well done.
  12. She is coming together really well. Self criticism is a part of this hobby, it helps us improve
  13. I have finished planking the deck, the maple milling was a success I masked off the top rim and wiped some chlorine onto the wood to whiten it up a little and bring a bit of uniformity to the wood tone. As with any moisture that is applied to finished wood, it will raise the grain so the deck will need a light sanding with 200 grit before I do anything else. Depending on the results, I may apply another coat of chlorine, it all has to dry thoroughly first. After that the hull will get its final coat of paint and then, once dry, a clear coat over the whole thing.
  14. Impressive looking ship there Phil. I am enjoying seeing her come together sir.
  15. Good morning, John, I will be heading out to the wood shop in a few minutes. I am hoping the maple won't give me any trouble. I used to shear off veneer strips with my table saw when I was making cutting board edges. I am planning on using the same technique to fabricate the 2mm thick strips and then slice them to 1mm width with a straight edge guide and a sharp Exacto knife. We will see
  16. I am almost done with the deck planking but have run into a bit of an issue. I find now that I wasted too many of the strips while I was stain testing before I began laying the planks, rookie mistake I admit. I literally need only 10 more 3" strips to complete the deck. I do have some maple blanks out in my wood shop and tomorrow I will go and see if I can get some of that down to 1mm x 2mm x 75mm or there abouts to finish off the deck Once complete I aim to "bleach" the deck planks to brighten them up a little before I go on to the next step of finishing the paint job and sealing the hull. My original intention was to have all that done before I did the deck but, as I have said, I had to handle the hull too much during the deck planking that it got scuffed a little. Live and learn.
  17. I like this idea. I used to teach 3D design and print and had access to Fusion when I was at the school. Nice design by the way, Peter. I have been toying with the idea of adding "life" to the sails when they eventually go on the Endeavour. This might just be the ticket.
  18. Peter, That picture literally spoke a thousand words. I had several ideas as to how I was going to do this, now I have one. Thank you!
  19. Steve, This is a great summary and a very interesting and fact filled "report". I particularly liked the Wipe-On Poly solution. I too will tuck all this away for future builds. Thank you!
  20. I use this technique quite often too Keith and for that very reason!
  21. Being a lover of any old wood I think what you have done here is fantastic. What a beautiful display piece! Congrats on the build and welcome to this wonderful forum!
  22. That is some fiddly work there Chris but it is coming along. We are all obviously very self critical of our work and that is what makes us strive for perfection. That being said, let us remember the words of Salvador Dali - "Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it"
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