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Jim Lad

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About Jim Lad

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    Sydney Australia

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  1. Another update at last. After being away for a couple of weeks and a couple of extremely busy visitor days at the museum, I've finally been able to get a little ore done. Now we have five yards crossed on the foremast - one more to go once I rig the upper topgallant. I've included an image looking along the well deck which shows a little of the scramble of unsecured rigging at this stage. John
  2. Thanks for those quotes. Mark. Traditionally, of course, the light boxes were painted red and green, and now they are usually painted black. John
  3. Looking good, Keith. Are you going to leave those sidelight boxes white? John
  4. Yes, Keith. I was back at the museum on Monday, but I got hardly any work done. Too many visitors wanted to talk about the 'Duchess' and model making in general! 🙂 John PS: That's not a complaint. The whole point of working on the model in the museum gallery is so that people can talk to me about it.
  5. Yet more stunning work, Ilhan! John
  6. Hello Brian, and a warm welcome to the forum from 'Down Under'. John
  7. Hello Steve, and a warm welcome to the forum from 'Down Under'. John
  8. Hello, and a warm welcome to MSW from 'Down Under'. John
  9. Hello, and a warm welcome to the forum from 'Down Under'. John
  10. Don't quite know how I've missed your log for so long. That's a very nice model you're building! John
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