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Jim Lad

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Everything posted by Jim Lad

  1. Interesting cows your have there in Lancashire, James! John
  2. Brilliant, Greg! Not only does your completed model look absolutely amazing, but you scooped the pool with the competition awards as well! John
  3. Hello Chaz, and a warm welcome to the forum from 'Down Under'. John
  4. Looks like its got a bit out of hand for a couple of cobs of corn, Andy! John
  5. Hello Diego, and a warm welcome to the forum from 'Down Under'. John
  6. Good to hear you beat the infection, Keith. Looks like you're making good progress on the plans. John
  7. Some really interesting old vessels rotting away there, Steve.
  8. Nothing like a bit of major air pollution to protect from frost! John
  9. That's a very helpful image of the replica. John
  10. Just been looking through your images. That is a very fine model of an interesting wooden ship type. John
  11. The 'Pelican' is a fine looking little ship, Gary. She'll make a beautiful model. John
  12. Welcome back, Denis. Sounds like you might need to conceive another project along the lines of the famous M7M Party Boat! John
  13. hello Aeneas, and a warm welcome to the forum from 'Down Under'. John
  14. Interesting theory, Keith but: a) I've never seen merchant ships using anchor buoys - and it would need to be a very long line to reach sown to the anchor; and b) I wouldn't be using wire rope on a buoy. Not something I've seen at all, Richard. Could it be some special use for the ferry operation? John
  15. Hello Charles, it's good to have you join us. I very sorry to hear about the loss of your son and I think your plan to complete his model in his memory is a wonderful idea. John
  16. For example, 'Parma' in 1932. One of Alan Villiers amazing images of life on the last of the commercial sailing ships. John
  17. Hello Pete, and a warm welcome to the forum from "Down Under'. John
  18. Greg, that is just looking SO good! John
  19. I agree with Keith, mate. Get out and enjoy the water while the weather is good! John
  20. Hello, and a warm welcome to the forum from 'Down Under'. John
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