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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by captainbob

  1. Just found your build. You're doing a fine job. Looks like you have a lot of help. That's good. Bob
  2. Wow thank you all for your good words and warm comments. It's nice to be building again and be in the company of so many friends that appreciate what I am doing, I've decided to leave the cabin as is with just the roof framing. I still need to add running lights and sails. I've seen so many good looking sails on this forum lately, I hope I can remember some of the fine ideas on how to make them. I'll just have to get out the needle and thread and see if my fingers still have any magic left. Bob
  3. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It feels good to be building again but I see I’m back in my old habits. I build and forget to take pictures until I finish, so no one sees what I do. If anyone is interested in how I do a part or process please ask. Anyway this is where I am for now. Bob
  4. Wow a whole semester in drawing the lines in one entry. Looking good. Bob
  5. Patrick they used to say I liked to build with matchsticks but I see you prefer toothpicks. Well done. She's looking beautiful. Bob
  6. Great job, I really like your jib servo control arms, very clever I'll have to remember that one. Bob
  7. No truer words were ever spoken. That's when you go into your happy dance. Bob
  8. I can remember taking something like this to a club meeting and people saying you build well with matchsticks. Cathead you are doing well too. Bob
  9. Thanks to all. It's nice to be back even if it's only 10-30 min. a day. Bob
  10. The relationship between bench height and sit height is a very personal thing. When I was working as a watch maker all the purchased benches were the same height and every workman set the height of his chair to the right feel for him. So don't worry about the bench. It is the chair or stool that you need to adjust. Bob
  11. I've always preferred the drum to the arm, it doesn't work as fast but there's no need for speed in changing the set of the sails. Bob
  12. Hi All, I wish I knew what broke me out of the slump I was in. Then I would know what to do next time. Anyway the mast hoops were one of the things giving me trouble. I tried making them out of wood and then plastic, I was not happy with either. I finally came up with the Idea that a manila folder would be the same color as wood. I rolled a piece around a dowel with lots of glue, put it in the lathe and tore it to shreds. Finally I cut thin strips of the card stock, tapered one end and wrapped them around the dowel covered with plastic wrap, a spot of CA at the start and a spot of CA at the end. After all were wrapped I saturated them with CA to make them hard. After a little clean-up I slipped them onto the mast. Now maybe I can get on with the sail and rigging. Bob Strips cut 0.030” for a 1.5” thick ring. Tapering the ends. Strips wrapped around dowel. Finished rings Rings on mast.
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