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Everything posted by captainbob

  1. Thanks, Popeye, I’ll try to enter more small updates. Patrick, most friendships I see pictures of have white hulls, so mine will probably be white, but I really have not thought about it. Bob
  2. Nils, did you see the Kruzenstern in "Amazing Photographs"? It reminds me of some of your great builds. Bob
  3. Can you talk your daughter into using your new sail making tool or will you have to use it? I like the black jib stay. It's much better than white. Bob
  4. Gerty, Michael, Popeye, and all that I thanked above. All of you have my permission (as though I needed to give it) to use this any time you need vinyl. What did he say? Now we leave the cabin and move to the cockpit. I didn’t get much done but it now has a deck and next will be the benches. One thing at a time. Bob
  5. Add a piece of trim from the bottom of the door to the deck. It looks like the builder never completed the job or ran out of material. Bob
  6. Thanks Kevin. That helps me understand all those tiny pieces you put in to make it look real. Bob
  7. If as you say the wire is not melting on the copper it sounds as though the copper is wicking away the heat too fast. Bob
  8. Should have said, "And I thought the rigging on my schooner was confusing. It's nothing compared to the rigging you are doing."
  9. Patrick, to give us an idea of the size of the parts, how thick is the plastic that makes the boat stand? Bob
  10. Hi Ben, I’m enjoying your thinking things through in designing this boat. You said that you mainly learned about designing large ships, so here are some pointers concerning smaller sailboats. You know what you want in the boat and the problem is figuring out how to fit it in. Besides just placing things as you would in a cargo ship, try to imagine how it would be for the person sailing in this small boat. The heeling of the boat the bouncing around (At 56’ it is not that stable.) has a lot to do with the room required around things. I remember one designer I read said he always put the head under the fore deck where a person had to sit to use it. He said’ “Any man that thinks he can stand in a sailboat while urinating will only make a mess”. Also so many designers try to stuff in as many beds as they can and advertised this as an advantage. The truth is a boat can only sleep as many as the galley can feed. On a different thought as you know, having looked into doll houses, they are built at 1:12 scale. The advantage to using this scale is that when it comes to furnishing the boat those tiny things that make the house or boat livable can be bought in the correct size instead of you having to make the pots and pans. Bob
  11. I would have tarred it, but since it goes through a block at the end of the bow sprit, they probably see it as running rigging. Bob
  12. John, Capnharv, Omega, Matija, Carl, Piet, Elia, Kevin, Tom, Thanks to all of you for your fine comments on the vinyl. I was also amazed that it looks so real. I wish I could take all the credit but it was suggested by a local plastic aircraft modeler. I don’t know if he ever tried it but I’m sure glad for the suggestion. Bob
  13. Ok, back to the build. I found my 1:48 scale vinyl. It turned out to be the foil around the top of a wine bottle. I wrapped it around .06" (3" scale) plastic sheet. That's all for now. Bob
  14. Patrick, I never knew that the J Class America’s Cup yachts were really “yachts” with fine living quarters below decks. I thought they were like the 12 meter boats that are pretty much empty hulls for sail storage. I wouldn’t mind living on Rainbow. Your model shows her as a fine Yacht. Bob
  15. Yes, I used to do all that calculating and designing but I never listed it like this. As a list it looks like a lot of work but the doing was fun. The added rudder and keel look good but they are always tricky to attach so it doesn’t show when on display. I was right this is a fun build to watch. Thanks. Bob
  16. "I say from the tail of the Poop deck to the forward end of the forecastle deck" This is what I have read most often and is what I use. Five feet long and four masts, you should have as much fun building her as I had with the Lettie. Bob
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