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Everything posted by captainbob

  1. The planking is done. When I made the keel I made it from two pieces of wood so they would join at the rabbet line. The portion that was attached to the bulkheads was 1/16’ thick so that with a 1/32” plank on each side it would be the same as the 1/8” outer portion of the keel. After the planking was finished the rough edges at the keel were sanded down to the keel. The keel was then fitted over the planked hull. With the bulkheads removed you can see the lower portions that were left to be the floors. Since I plan on painting the hull I covered it with filler and sanded it smooth. Now it's ready for the deck framing. Bob
  2. Yes, RC and scale can go together. When I was with the Indy Admirals RC Club in Indianapolis they would have an annual get together of RC’ers from all over the country. One of the competitions was the best detailed scale boat. There are some fine boats out there. Bob
  3. Walt, yes it’s too bad we can’t build all the time but the rest of life needs to be taken care of also. I just started a Friendship sloop (click below). Take care and keep in touch my friend. Bob
  4. I have to agree about the R C forum but a book for beginning I like this one. "Working scale model Merchant Ships" by Tom Gorman Published by Naval Institute Press. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=working+scale+model+merchant+ships Bob
  5. I thought others might like to see this. On a build log someone showed a strip cutter made out of black plastic with a slot to hold an Exacto knife. Someone else asked if they work. This was my response. Yes, it is used for cutting strips of wood from a sheet. The idea is good but this tool is not that accurate so I made my own. I made it longer to ride against the sheet better and I mounted the blade more securely so that it did not wobble in the holder. I use mine all the time for soft wood like poplar. I have cut strips as thin as .015 inch. Bob Someone then asked how it is used. First loosen the screws with the knobs on top. Adjust the plate on the bottom to the width of strip you want. Place cutter on sheet with edge of strip pressed against plate. Slide cutter along sheet. Bob
  6. Twister, Frank, Harvey, all are welcome aboard. Come join the party on this first day of 2015. The building has begun but there’s still a long way to go. Harvey my boat is based on those drawings but instead of 25 feet mine will be 30 feet (7.5 inches) on deck and 10 feet (2.5 inches) in breadth. Also as mentioned earlier the cabin and cockpit will change. Bob
  7. Now the pressure is on. With all of you looking over my shoulder, I don’t dare make a mistake. But I’m sure that if I do you’ll let me know. Thanks to all of you for showing up. Now the party begins. Bob
  8. Well it’s time to start building again. I’ve been working on the plans for an early friendship sloop. The friendship sloop was originally a fishing boat similar to the Muscongus Bay lobster smack, but since it did not have a centerboard it became popular with the cursing and day sailing crowd. That is the way I plan to build this one. Start with the plans drawn by Chapelle, remove the fish well and enlarge the cabin. I plan to hold to Chapelle’s sail plan with two head sails no shrouds and no topsail. First I scanned Chapelle’s plans into the computer and drew the keel parts and bulkheads. After planking the bulkheads will be removed except for the lower portions which will become the floors. Now it’s time to slice up some wood for the planking. Bob
  9. Wow, 2mm diameter by 35mm deep ! The machinists where I worked would not drill to a depth more that 10 times the diameter. Bob
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