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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by captainbob

  1. I didn't hear anyone offer to pay for wood, and If you're not getting paid, is it really work? Bob
  2. In some boats the mast was mounted in such a way that the fore and back stays could be used to move the mast for better handling even while sailing. Bob
  3. The keel and frame setup is looking good. There will be lots of room for the RC equipment. Bob
  4. Thank you all for not adding to the pressure. Carl, please no “thumb screws” I’ll be needing my thumbs. At first I was thinking of a removable top of the cabin to show off the insides but now I’m thinking I’ll do it like Omega did on his Mystic. There’s always that problem of showing as much of the insides as possible and yet still showing the lines and beauty of the boat. Omega and Nils both do a marvelous job of that and with help and suggestions from all my modeling friends, maybe I can come close. Bob
  5. Kevin, the location of the mast depends on the size and shape of the sail. The total sail area should be slightly ahead of the total below waterline area of the hull and keel, for proper balance in sailing. So if the main is a little larger and the jib a little smaller the mast will be forward on the other hand if the jib is a little larger and the main a little smaller the mast will be farther back. So there is no way to say because one boat has the mast at a certain spot all boats of that type must have their mast at the same place. That is only true in “One Design” boats. Bob
  6. After a debate with myself as to whether or not to add the cabin details I decided I would. So here’s a start on the cabin. I’m building it as a separate unit. I plan to put a stove in the recess on the port and a sink in the shelf on the starboard. Now that I’ve told everyone I stand a better chance of doing it. Bob
  7. Nice work on the stabilizer booms. For lead try fishing weights or used tire balancing weights from the local tire shop. Bob
  8. The planking looks good and the barrels do set off the hold. Bob
  9. It's hard to believe she is not full size until you see the tools on the workbench. Bob
  10. Your MDF clamp is a good idea. Thanks for showing it. I will enjoy watching the steam engine and boiler go together. Glad I found your build. Bob
  11. I showed a picture of the finished cruiser to the admiral. She said, “I know how that is done. You get artistically trained termites to eat away everything that does not look like a boat.” Bob
  12. I am always amazed at the detail you add to your ships. Then I see your helper in the yellow pants and I understand. I need to find a little guy to help me. Great work. Bob
  13. Everyone is welcome to this party and I want to thank you all for showing up to look over my shoulder and to add your comments. Oh, and Steve, I’m “looking forward to seeing how she progresses” also. Stay tuned, we’ll find out together. Bob
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