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Everything posted by captainbob

  1. My boats are built of Basswood and Poplar (the tree is the Tulip Poplar and is probably what is called Tulip there) The Bass is too soft for the frames. If it is a POB I use plywood for the bulkheads but for a fully framed boat I use the Poplar. Bob
  2. Getting the insight of an instrument maker on working with wood to make a boat should be interesting. You’re doing fine so far. Bob
  3. Bedford, It was obvious from the start that you wanted to build this boat your way and liked figuring out how to do it on your own. That is why I only answered questions and did not tell you how to do things. I’ve enjoyed your creativity and am anxious to see the finished boat in the water in full operation. Bob
  4. I find your build quite interesting. Most builders I know would have cut out the beams where the deck house is and put the servos below decks. Bob
  5. I've also had that problem on drills in the US. Bob
  6. Finished ! Finished ! No, it can't be. Why you could . . . and then . . . OK finished it is. Let's get the bow wet with champaign and party on. Beautiful job. Bob
  7. John, Alfons, tarbrush, Popeye, thank you all for the encouraging words. And now for one of the joys of the Darkside. How to make that round stern on this boat. I know, I must not think about it. I must trust the Force and just do it. Bob
  8. First off I need to say thank you to all those who look in and click on the like button. It’s so nice to log on to MSW and see that red signal that says someone likes what you said or did. Again thank you. Now to get on with the boat. The planking is almost done. A little more clean-up in the stern and mount the transom and keel. Also the planksheer so I can mount the stanchions and the bulwarks and then paint. Wow, I shouldn’t list things like that it makes it sound like a lot of work. Anyway here’s the pictures. Bob
  9. My band saw. I can cut straight on my band saw but I can’t cut curves on the table saw. Bob
  10. Yes, welcome to the darkside. With such fine drawings you should have fun building this lovely lapstreak boat. Bob
  11. The Brooklyn is a nice looking tug. I remember it in wood several years ago when I was into RC boats. The plastic hull is nice for RC boats, but there is nothing that says the rest has to be plastic. Since you are a wood scratch builder why not build the rest in wood? You’ll be more comfortable with wood and the finished boat will probably look better. Which ever way you go you should have fun. Bob
  12. For those of us who do not have the plans in front of us or a mode to refer to, she looks great. I see no mistakes. Bob
  13. I use a similar torch to silver solder and to anneal brass. Bob
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