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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by captainbob

  1. What about water? The Bluenose had a fishing crew of 28. At 1 gallon of water per day,(a minimum) that was 840 gallons per month of fishing. Where was that stored? Bob
  2. John, Popeye, Alfons, and “likes” Thanks for the encouragement. Elia, yes the drawings show a slight camber but doesn’t say how much. It looks like about four inches from side to center in the profile. Lawrence, glad you enjoy the show. I did a web search for the Annie M Parker and saw the picture you posted. That would make a fine model. I might even add it to my list if you don’t mind. Bob
  3. Danny, To me the first frame says, "OK, I,m really going to build this". It's like laying of the keel. It's a time to celebrate. Bob
  4. Bedford, I don’t know why I ever doubt the force? It always comes through. The planking is finished, the keel and the stern post are in place and the rail around the stern is on. There’s a lot of cleanup to do but the parts are there. Next its finish the rail and paint the hull and bulkheads, then the deck goes on. Bob
  5. To bad computers don't have a "I DIDN'T WANT TO DO THAT" button. I know I'd be using it all the time. Other than that you're doing good. Bob
  6. Looks like a lovely life boat to go with your fine Vinal Haven. Bob
  7. I forgot how small this boat is until I went back up and saw you holding it in your hand. Well done. She’s a fine boat Bob
  8. I would redraw the plans. Rotate the profile drawing so the water lines are horizontal then when you draw the sections the water line on them will be straight. Bob
  9. Those dories are sweet. I would like to see how you made some of the parts. Maybe next build. Bob
  10. Sherry, your idea with the thread and glue is great. I’ll have to hang on to it for my boats. Bob
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