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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by captainbob

  1. Popeye, I'm sure you're the only one to, "put one aside, knowing that there was something left to do." The rest of us would never do that. Bob
  2. When I am doing close-up work I tend to keep my hands about 9 to 10 inches from my face. When I put on my magnifying glasses I still work at 9 to 10 inches. When I have tried dentist’s binoculars the focal distance is from 18 to 24 inches and I found that very awkward. Bob
  3. As John said, “She’ll make a fine model”. I’ll be glad to wait while you get the measurements. Bob
  4. Thanks for the close-ups of the sails and rigging, they will certainly help when I get to that point on my schooner. I’ll be glad to follow such a fine build. Bob
  5. Nice start on what looks like a fun project. I like the lighting. What ship do you plan to build? Bob
  6. Because of the comparative stiffness of model sail cloth and rigging I don’t think you can make the gaff heavy enough. Have you considered pulling the gaff down? Bob
  7. Ya, Popeye, I know. There are a lot of modelers out there that build with thick planks. It’s just that this is the first time for me and I had to sound off. At least there are no sharp bends. Thanks Bedford. My hope is that everyone is enjoying this. At least I’m having fun. Bob
  8. Lets see, Sailor1234...1 X 1/4 in 1:48 scale would be .021" X .005". Yes, that's "thin and flimsy" all right. Thanks for looking in. Bob
  9. If you keep up with this level of work you’ll have to change your name. No longer “NEW” and you’re defiantly graduated from “101”. Bob
  10. I usually plank with .03" these are .07" X .15" and it's killing me. Ah well, at least I'm learning how to plank with heavy timbers. Bob
  11. I’ve been waiting for the ladder and it looks great. And the eagle is just right. Bob
  12. Thanks everyone for the likes. Elia, Thanks for the information, but Lettie will be painted when it is finished and no one will see the planking. And, yes, the sign made the day. Bob
  13. I would not call your soldering skills poor. Your metal work only adds to your skill with wood. Bob
  14. Finally everything is settling back down and getting back to normal. I got a gift of a sign that makes my work area official, so I went in and started planking. The plans say the planking is 2 1/2” X 7” and narrower. That’s .05” X .15” so I’m planking with .07” thick figuring the sanding will take it down to .05”. In the pictures you can see the gar board and the sheer strakes. It looks like I will have to use a lot of filler planks at the stern, but that will be a few days yet. I was looking at the planking of the Bluenose. The one I was studying used 15 planks bow to stern. It doesn’t look like I’ll be so lucky. Bob
  15. The hull and paint are looking good. Sounds like some lathe/brass fun coming up. Bob
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