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Everything posted by mikec

  1. more progress... I have made the companion way, (I am only going to have one on the model, and have hatch on the other opening. I managed to make the latches that hold the lid up. Photo is in macro, so due to magnification looks rough, but in real is neat and tidy to the naked eye. Colour scheme is varnished natural wood on the inside with brass latch device (based on AOTS) and caboose red outer. Photos show piece primed and ready to be masked for airbrushing Red. doors and hatch will be displayed open when finished. cheers Mike
  2. Hey Pat, thanks very much for the link re oar sizes. very helpful. i have now finished the boat and oars 8-)
  3. Well, I have nearly finished my longboat, after initially dreading the build, and putting it off, I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge. I must say that I am quite pleased with result. I have just got the little knees that go on top of the thwarts and it will be complete. Happy to answer any questions. thanks for looking. Next project will be the riding bits that the longboat is lashed to and a companionway Mike
  4. Hi Pat, looking forward to seeing your next posts. I have just about finished my longboat, which I am very pleased with. i cant find any references to the length of the oars. can you please help me? real and scale size for the model cheers Mike
  5. Hi Patrick, she is coming along nicely. i will follow with interest
  6. Hi Alistair, thanks for the kind comments. Re the patina of the wood i found areally great stain called "Kowhai" named after one of our native trees in New Zealand which has a yellow flower. The stain has a slight yellow ochre tinge that makes the wood look like it is old like the museum models.
  7. After being quite anxious about building the long boat (I still have not built my boats for victory (see gallery). However after tackling the Endeavour longboat -and i am quite pleased with the result, it has given me cofidence to tackle the victory boats. I completely disregarded the kits build and scratch built parts based on AOTS Endeavour book. camera is poor quality sorry but I think you get the look of what I achieved, from poor quality kit components. The tiller and rudder works, and can be stored as per the real boat. I scratch built the hinges. Just a few more details to add ( windlass, oar locks etc) and it will; be finished.
  8. found some more detail pics of my Endeavour, sorry about the sequence
  9. Hi everyone, I started work on the longboat. I followed the instructions for hull assembly as indicated in the magazine, planking the frames proved quite fiddly. I wasn't happy with thickness of the frames so reduced the size by sanding down with Tamiya sanding stick, and then added extra frames, Photos shown are prior to cleanup, but as you can see the result is more realistic than the kit assembly. Also had to remove the bow former as it protruded out beneath the gunwhale. Also reduced the oversize width of gunwhale by 3mm from inside. Next stage is to fill and clean up and undercoat with primer ready for spraying.
  10. Fantastic work Grant, the kit blocks are so inferior to yours
  11. What gauge copper wire did you use for the hooks please, I also ordered cannon barrels from Chuck, I hope I can do as good a job as you did...
  12. Wow those guns look real. And i love the sizing work on the bowsprit. Inspirational. thanks Mike
  13. Awesome job. My 1sr build was the billings vasa. Before laser cut parts.it was a hard build to start off. I sold it when it was finished.You have inspired me to build anothe. The corel kit looks great-is ot good? And what reference source are you using? or is it straight from the box? ti will follow your build with interest. Mike
  14. Hi Alistair,The moldings on the stern were made by using sculpting paste, available fom art and craft shop. I used the laser cut brass decorations that came with the kit (which look too flat on the model) as a base and applied layers of moulding paste to the brass decorations slowly building up.With practice you can use your brush with a little water to shape, smooth and sculpt the paste to the desired "carved" finish. The photos dont do it justice, it looks pretty good in reality. cheers Mike
  15. Have not been on site for a year. Looking fantastic Grant. Mike c
  16. Thanks Alistair, yes I wonder how many more Kiwis there are here. Here are some more pics
  17. Hi I lost the site when it was changed and all my previous build pics disappeared into cyber space. I will publish the progress I have made in the year I have been AWOL kindest regards to everyone, Mike I still havn't got my head around the site yet (but I will get there) Chainlinks are scratch built
  18. Hi I have just rediscovered, the site after old one was pulled down and all my pics (Victory and Endeavour build were lost to cyberspace) lookinf awesome. I will try and figure out how to post proggress on my Endeavour. I have done quite a bit scince the old site was pulled down. I have been floundering for ayear on my own, it feels like I have found my family. Post soon i hope. kindest regards Mike
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