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Everything posted by mikec

  1. Thank you so much BE. that clears it up for me.
  2. Fantastic work Steve. I am taking a break from my Endeavour to finish my Victory. I am still following all you though and looking forward to getting back to mine,
  3. Grant - how did you do your gunport lids? Did you still use the kit hinges which have the ringbolts moulded ? Also did you add the "squiggles" above the lids? I managed to make these out of "L" profile plastic strip (you can see these in view of davits above)
  4. Thanks Grant, although i am still confused as to the triangular rope configuration and how it was attached to a stay?? Completed Davits. Now working on the mast cap support pillars. (see Longridge Diagramme, and my foremast top) TO DO: Cap support pillars Flags (unresolved) Seats of ease At least 1 ships boat (launch) Gunport lid lifts (haven't figured best way to do this yet- want to do on ship, and not pull each lid off)
  5. Very, very nice Grant. I will do this on my next Victory build (after I have finished my 1st Victory, Endeavour and Syrene) 8-]
  6. Back to the Flags and Pennants. 8-/ Sorry to be a pain, I know where I want to place them (on the stays) but still unsure how? See diagramme (with questions)
  7. More Progress: I have made the Davits, I used plastic strip to make the foot cleats, and brass to make the hinges that attached to ships side. I rigged off the ship. Pics show davits prior to final clean up and assembly to ship. I found that in handling the small parts, paint rubs off the sharp edges, so I always do finall clean up once assembled to the ship.
  8. Hey Grant, I did exactly as you did , and same spot. I repaired mine with wifes sewing pin and superglue. The pin is very thin but strong. This allowed me to skewer the pin through the rope . I then flooded with super glue. Glad you managed to fix yours
  9. Also I may move the union jack to the foremast backstay- I have toggle and splice at the corner of the flag-but still don't know how to attach and hoist up the flag up the stay
  10. Thankyou everybody. I appreciate the time you all have taken to help me and your kind comments on my model. I wont use the union pennant. So is the white pendant just that? A white elongated triangle?
  11. Thank you guys. BE that clears up the where.thanks heaps. Thanks Grant. I just need to know where the halyards belayed and how a flag was attached and hoisted up a stay...
  12. Hi grant, can you fellow Victory modellers help me please? see link http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/4931-mamoli-victory-by-mikec-final-finishing/
  13. Great work Greg, and amazing attention to detail.
  14. Awesome build. keep up the great shots and tips. cheers Mike
  15. Can anyone please help me? I can't find anywhere instructions as to the correct method to attach flags and pendants. i have fitted the large flag to the mizzen gaff as indicated by Longridge, and the union jack to the jack staff. But dont know where or how to fit the two other flags (St Georges Cross and pendant) • I want to know how they were attached to the stays (as I have seen on some models), or how they were fitted to masts tops or where in fact they should go • what rigging or blocks are needed (if any) • and where do the downhaul uphaul lines belay to... I have a wooden peg (like a duffle coat has) at the top corner of each flag and a loop at the bottom.(I have seen this set up on many other flags) see photo of flag attached to mizzen I have attached diagram me of what i mean re flag positions. thanks guys
  16. What a fantastic model and build you have going here. I have just stumbled on this log. Great tips and workmanship. Re the colour I used humbrol 74 on my Victory (although it is not the correct colour when matched to the real ship, it looks right in scale) I originally started my Victory using the correct colour and just looks wrong in scale. Thanks for the great log, I will follow with interest, happy new year Mike
  17. Nice work . I love the colour of the stand. although I am working in wood I will try and replicate the red with a stain. it provides a nice contrast. i will follow with interest your progress, cheers Mike
  18. Happy new year. How are you progressing? got any update pics?
  19. Hi Alistair, thanks for looking. I have been working on this for over 10 years off and on. To the untrained eye she looked finished, but I knew there was still a few details to add. i am going to display her in the Devonport Naval Museum as they dont have a model of the Victory, and enspired by the other great Victory builds i thought i had better complete her. the base has copper coin made from actual copper from the victory and the rudder and some of the larger blocks I made from a slug of oak from the Victory too that a friend gave me. i will post more progress pics as I complete her during my holiday break. the ships launch will be scratch built and a project in itself. cheers Mike
  20. Happy new year everyone , I am taking a break from my Endeavour build to finally finish off my victory (as seen in gallery) I have added jack staff and ensigns, and completed stand.i am working on quarter davits, fore and main ensigns,then finally ships launch. cheers Mike
  21. thanks Jerry, nice to meet you too. re the hull planking - I used filler too, Firstly I slightly bevelled the edge of each plank, then when the planking was finished I ran the edge of a needle file between each plank, then applied a watered down waterbased filler, this was eassily cleaned up with a damp cloth. then i re-scored the gap between planks with a tooth pic for a nice clean edge. i will post pics of davits soon cheers mike
  22. Love the rigging station. And the your build (of course). Did you design and make the station? can you please outline some of the features? i an interested cheers Mike
  23. Hey Grant, nice work on the rigging and foremast. i have taken a break from my Endeavour and I am working on the final finishing touches to my Victory - the quarter davits, flags and ships launch. i will post pics of these builds. have you done the davits yet? I am scrolling through your build but havent come accross it yet. the mamoli instructions are completely wrong (no foot cleats, details etc) I am interested to see how you tackled them. Thanks for your great posts on your suberb build. Mike
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