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Everything posted by sticker

  1. Hi vaddoc no not tried it yet, just started panarts armed pinnace, still planking so not yet ready to stain I can't see there being any problems (famous last words) may be in a couple days I'll give them a try on some scrap wood we'll see how it goes cheers
  2. Hi all could i draw your attention to a product that may be of some use to you if you need to stain some of your wood for your models ,it's some stain sample bottles that cover a lot of colours from a company called furniture clinic here in the UK . The bottles are 15ml, they come in various pack sizes and colour types ,i bought 2 packs 1 x 5 bottles of browns and 1x9 bottles of various other colours for less than £15 which seems good value to me , i have no connection to this company it just seems like something us modellers can put to good use ps i forgot to mention earlier that i bought them on amazon ,again no connection cheers
  3. Hi draque i see where your coming from with this model .when I get chance to visit any model ship collection ( such as whitby yorkshire ) this type of model with its age and style always grabs my attention, there is something that I can't explain about them ,but they will always stop me in my tracks to stare at them ,don't get me wrong I love looking at model ships of any type and finding a model in a different type of setting is always a joy eg , the treasurers house in York has a beautiful model ship in a gorgeous case which I can happily stare at for ages just taking in the details . I hope you keep going with your model it deserves your best efforts , and I will be happy to follow along good luck and happy building ............ sticker
  4. Tom lauria makes some excellent videos I look out for them on YouTube the way he works and the pace he presents at is a joy to watch (as opposed to some of the videos that machine gun you with info from other youtubers) if you haven't seen any of his other videos check them out! You won't be disappointed I have no connection with him I just admire his work
  5. Hi Marcus don't get too disheartened with your model you've learned a lot so far , planking is probably the hardest part for a beginner to atempt we all had to go through this at the start and as with everything in life some people are better than others at certain things ,you're next model will be better .my first model was billing boats VASA Waaaay to much for me, got binned never went near models again for around twenty years then restarted but with something smaller and a bit easier and carried on from there so don't worry it will all work out in the end stick it out cheers sticker
  6. A tuit.....usually circular in shape, but an essential tool so you tell the captain yes dear I,ll do that job when I get a round tuit . apologies sticker
  7. hi mark first class idea and well timed for me i need to fit pinned cleats and gun tackle eyebolts and was pondering how to go on ,and as usual someone comes up with a simple and efficient method ! cheers sticker
  8. Good work mark and a nicely paced blog happy to follow cheers sticker
  9. Hi starlight you might like to try Admiralty paints from cornwall model boats (no affiliatian) they seem to do the trick cheers sticker
  10. Thanks for that tom i hope you and your family had a great christmas and you got plenty of modeling related stuff in your stocking ( i did! ) looking forward to seeing your model progress in the new year . So happy and prosperous new year to you and yours and to anyone else reading this cheers sticker
  11. Hi papa ive been following along for sometime now and i reckon your doing a fine job ,i must admit the one part of model ship building i find hard is the repetition of certain parts so i would find the whale boats challenging i have just finished my cannons on my granado and i struggled towards the end of them ( theres only ten ) . Would you mind if i pointed out a youtube channel that maybe of interest to you ? ,its TJ Lauria he is currently running a series on building a model whale boat ,i dont mean it as a tutorial just maybe of some interest ,and i also think his channel deserves a bit of merit i particulaly like his pace of explanation , sorry if you already know of him but maybe some others reading this dont keep up the good work cheers sticker
  12. Hi jeffft personally i dont think there is one drill press out there that will do everything ,i have a large bench pillar drill which is great from 13 mm down to about 4mm but the chuck wont close to any smaller than that but you could use a small chuck in the big chuck if you get my drift but the accuracy suffers so for small modeling jobs ie 4mm and under to around 1mm then i use a dremmel type in a purpose built drillpress and for 1mm and under i use a hand held rechargeable drill just because of the feel you get , and i dont break to many small bits so in my opinion its horses for courses , by the way have you heard the saying? ......you need a big hammer to knock in a big nail...... its very true
  13. Hi vane as it happens my wife bought me the book on granado .........and ....... tell you what have a quick look at my post re aots books ,i dropped lucky cheers sticker
  14. Hi steve g ive used an AMATI pin pusher for the first time on my model and found it fine after a little practice on some spare plank stock its alittle slimmer than the one you have ( i have affiliation to amati ) the kit i'm on is an amati so maybe the pins work well with this pusher than others cheers sticker
  15. Hi vane ive been following your build for sometime now and i reckon she's coming along nicely .I myself am building a granado but not the caldercraft kit mine is the amati victory ( chris watton ) version im at a similar stage to you but looking over the kit details there seem to be a lot of differences in styles , by the way i think i must be the only person doing this version so unfortunately i have non to compare / check with , So a couple of differences that apparent to date are the mortar bays yours are fully built up then dropped into cut out of the same shape where as mine are boxes dropped in then the outer frames built around ,the fore deck is different , the aft deck section with the small doors looks very different , the amati model has bill boards from the wales has yours? Please dont think that i consider mine any better than yours in fact when i ordered mine i thought i was buying the caldercraft kit ( i didnt check ) and when it arrived i was a little dissapointed to find everybody else doing the caldercraft kit So the kits may differ but i reckon that they will run parallel at some point soon so i will continue to Follow your build and try to get some photos up this weekend cheers sticker
  16. Hi all i dont know if anybody uses this brush cleaner / preserver but my son got me some at christmas this year and i have been using it with pretty good results so far (no connections to company) its really easy to use , i dont know where he got it (off the internet i expect) he and his friends use it all the time because they paint a lot of war game figures and they use good/expensive brushes , so they want to keep them in good condition. If you cant make out what it is from my poor photo its called ORIGINAL B &J THE MASTERS brush cleaner and preserver it cleans oil,watercolour,acrylic and stain you might want to give it a try if you use good brushes cheers sticker
  17. Hi allenyed good call on the exacto handle i know exactly what you mean, so thats my next job for this stuff, i dont see a problem with it sticking to the round profile of the handle but just to be on the safe side i might file a couple of flat surfaces as insurance cheers sticker
  18. Hi all not long ago i sent for somthing off of a well known auction site ,this was some thermosetting plastic .I wanted to try and mould a handle on to my scalpel ,now the stuff i got arrives as beads but when you put it in hot water above sixty two degrees it changes its state from white beads to a clear squishy lump it only takes a few miniutes , then pour off the water and then mould it around the handle ,after a few mins of manipulating it starts to reset itself , then when you are happy with its shape either leave it or run it under a cold tap and viola! A handle that fits perfect and if your not happy reimerse it in hot water again and start over its reuseable as many times as you like . Now im sure some of you would have other uses for this stuff so ill name it ,( please note i have no connection with this company i just think its its good stuff ,) the company is called THERMOWORX the product is called POLYMORPH it can be coloured or you can buy it precoloured and its quite cheap i bought 100 gram bag for £5 and used just less than half to get a good handle cheers sticker(
  19. Hi oliver thats a shame , we could have compared notes by the way whats your main project? Cheers sticker
  20. Hi oliver did you ever get started on your granado ? I just wonder ,because if you did then that makes us two the only people i can find that are doing / done this kit, if you havent started then it seems to be just me .i have started my kit this winter and i must admit the plans have had me scratching my head a little ,but ill get through , there dosnt appear to be any build logs anywhere ! unless you know any different and i cant do one myself ( dont have a smart phone ) cheers sticker
  21. Thanks uss frolick will give this a go i always have my radio on while working on models and i have read the books twice so far, cheers sticker
  22. Hi davebaxt in your first post you mention the videos, is that amatis official videos ? i ask this because i had a look for myself and saw that a chap called Davaoshipmodeller has done a series on amatis bounty , he does models for a living and it maybe worth a look ,there do seem to be a few issuses with this kit but he shows you how to get round them, good luck with the kit you will get there ! bluff bows = test of patience cheers sticker
  23. Hi there Davebaxt personally i would not use nails on first planking or nails at all for that matter i think its not a good idea to push into the edge of your bulkheads plywood and MDF (horrible stuff ) they dont take the pressure to well and a line of pins running down from top to bottom cant be good even if its glued just my opinion cheers sticker
  24. Hi there Davebaxt treenails ie nails made of wood/bamboo as opposed to metal ( brass/ copper nails) . To use , drill through plank where it touches the bulkhead (and also into the bulkhead aswell ) side then you would use a glued wooden pin pushed through the plank, because the treenail is tapered it will lock the plank in place ,you should thin down youre pva glue so it swells the pin and dosnt push back out on insertion .Some sort of clamp is a good idea while the glue sets or even a spot of super glue on the inside an a quick spritz of activator for a real belts and braces approach, and could pop onto youtube theres plenty of vids hope this helps and im sure plenty of the guys on this forum will help you out theyre a good bunch cheers sticker
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