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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. some assembly and painting was done yesterday evening and this morning. I started to paint the figures. this will be new for me, since I don't usually do figures. I hope to do good and learn a few things.........I have the Budweiser clydesdale wagon and the stagecoach in the stash.......they have figures and horses to paint one of the wing skids had the tip broken off.........no idea where it went. I found a piece to add to it......sand it to shape before painting the cockpit was painted and assembled. it was cemented in one side of the fuselage and then closed up to align it with the other side. as I did with the Roden {Kempf} plane, I cut a piece of leather to line the seat. there was an injection ring in the middle of it. I have this half moon piece of plastic in the kit, that I thought was the instrument panel. come to find out, it's nothing more than excess plastic..........the instrument cluster is actually a few gauges on a cross bar. this will be added when the fuselage is cemented together. I'm going to do a few thing to break up and add contrast to all the black. this is a silvery thread, to be used as control cabling.......elevator and rudder cables rigged in the tail section and cemented in place. the fuselage was cemented together when this was dry. another opt to break up the black, are the interplane struts. I'm going to paint them a wood color with steel bracketing. the cabane struts will remain black. I have to let things dry for the time being........and go mow the lawns admiral's orders...........I must obey............
  2. there is progress to report.........and a sliver of info on the idiocracies of this kit. after I trimmed the port side aileron, I was looking at the instructions, and I noticed that the diagram depicts them as I have done, and not as the kit supplies. ...but look at the decal sheet.........they are printed as the supplied kit parts depicts another strange thing about this kit is in the production. it is distributed by Revell / Germany, produced in 1992. when the bottom wing was test fitted, I had to remove a mould date stamp on the outer surface of the part {the root running across the fuselage}. {Revell 1981} it would have been visible. Revell USA had been sold to Hobbico quite a few years ago.......I believe it or some of its assets have been sold since then, but in 1981, I think it was still Revell USA. I was fiddling with the fuselage and I saw another date stamp on the inner surface of one of the halves: Revell INC Venice Calif. 1957. so apparently, this kit was produced using two sets of moulds.........interesting we'll never know now.......the fuselage is together. ....but that's coming up so.....with the subject locked in, and the parts have been made ready, it's time for paint the bottom wing and the middle wing are assembled, since they will be all one color....... the top wing still needs rigging, so it hasn't been assembled yet...... dry fitting after the paint has dried........you'd think I was building the Batplane! I did some more last evening and this morning.
  3. hey there Mike I've never built a model from either one of those companies, so I'm not too familiar with them. I do get notifications from Eduards and a few others, so I see what they are up to. I have heard a lot about Wingnut........tempted to try one of 'em. I'm an old creature of habit........usually building more domestic kits.......but with how fast things out there are changing, the domestic aspects seems to have gone out the window I do love nostalgia though.......I like to retry older kits, seeing if I can do better with them, since I've gotten older and I hope smarter. Eduards had one coming out.......I like the looks of it, but haven't pulled the trigger...........yet this thing about the modifications that this plane had gone through is kinda interesting. as a young lad.....I never gave it a thought. now that I'm older and the resources are vast, it's raised my curiosity level
  4. can't say anymore that hasn't already been said..........your village is coming out superb! some really nice shots too..........sweet!
  5. I own the living room.......I am having a bit of trouble throwing the furniture out though she won't let me you have quite a collection there.........I don't have near that many! ....now........if you want to talk about active projects.................well............
  6. gett'in pretty good with painting the figures look'in sweet!
  7. was there any areas on the wing that one shouldn't walk on?
  8. thanks OC and Ed.........thanks to all who hit the like button I finally painted the horizontal stabilizers...I ended up painting it completely flat black. I don't like the way they present the color scheme diagrams....half the plane is the upper, the other half is the underside. I didn't realize that the topside of the stabilizer was to be painted half black and the other half white. not to mention that when I painted it the first time, I had bleed through from the underside paint. it would have been hard to hide. the rudder will still be flat white.
  9. thanks Egilman.......as long as the decals work. so far so good the differences in the top wings is the aileron issue I've been looking into. Jacob's plane has the single rib curvature also........just something I have to live with I believe that this was a modification change they made when they rolled out the Dr 1. later Dr1's produced had the single rib curvature.
  10. hope you can save it.........the body looked darn good
  11. such a superb model Grant..........if I could afford one of these cars! looks absolutely gorgeous!
  12. if you read the blog, I have made the choice as to whose plane to model. I was test fitting decals from the Roden kit, and Ltn. Josef Carl Jacob's plane is a good fit. looking at the ailerons, it can be seen that they have the single wing rib curvature. what the probability gods giveth, they also taketh away.........the good with the bad. a comparison between the two planes does show a visible difference in size the fuselage seems a good fit.
  13. I went ahead and put the top wing on the plane..........I'll touch up the upper cabling later.
  14. clean up of the parts has been the task of the day. with most of the parts being off the sprues, it made me leary of dimples and pitting......but it hasn't been too much of a problem so far. fitting the main parts, like the bottom and middle wings to the fuselage....doing it now will cut down on the handling later. the mold stamp date was on the bridge of the bottom wing........I sanded it off. the middle wing has the fuselage cap molded to it. it took a bit to get it to fit. one thing I noticed was that the four corners of the cap drape over the fuselage, but have gaps underneath. perhaps some putty will fill them in........................ now........for the problem at hand........the ailerons. I only have one option here........ taking a piece of paper, the starboard aileron was traced out. I went further down, to use the edge as the guide. it was then taped over the port aileron, which will expose how much material needs to be removed. using the convex nail clippers, the excess material was cut off, and then sanded to shape. I think it passes muster painting has begun as well........
  15. I did something yesterday, that I haven't done in quite a while..........I wrote a blog! https://popeyesquadron.wordpress.com/2020/07/09/the-fokker-dr-1/ I'm sure that a lot of folks have bought a kit, only to find that it either doesn't fit the subject, or that it's riddled with inconsistencies. to be able to repurpose the kit or make it correct are the options one has. I've had quite a few myself the next update will show what I'm going to with the aileron dilemma.......
  16. it was an enjoyable journey following along Michael........let's hope this chap takes good care of her. history, no matter what it is, should be preserved
  17. love the looks.......they are so cool! I'm not familiar with acrylics.......every time I mix paints, I get crape
  18. thanks Mike yea.......the wheels, the outer interplane struts and the cabane struts.......and yepper, it would be finished. this is the first french plane I believe I've ever done....I've done plenty of British planes. thanks for the likes folks!
  19. now THOSE are a couple of Kick-AZZ trains Gene! you've got me wanting to get another one! the admiral hates you......by the way I love the use of colors.......very striking! I'm glad that my log helped you.........you did the wood perfectly! five ⭐'s my friend!
  20. incomplete reporting.....I hate it........don't chu? here are the pictures of the fuselage and top wing decaling......... here's what I need to do with Kempf's plane........once I paint the topside cabling more soon!
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