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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. checking in on your progress Yves........I must say that your armament looks stellar! so much detail.......agreed that the one you don't use, can easily stand as its own model! you've built quite a model........large scale subs are definitely the way to go !
  2. really nice job on the sub assemblies Mike as I mentioned, the torpedo tube in my kit are wood dowels. I think I'll see what I got for brass tube.......if not, I will get some it's nice to get a glimpse of what I'm up against
  3. I've done a few different brand kits, and so far I haven't found one with instructions that weren't vague, at best. I started with Billing's kits and have become quite accustomed to the Hieroglyphics. you'll find that dry fitting the parts will help you more. I recently bought my first Dumas kit, and I see that I'll be bouncing between a booklet of printed text and four huge diagram sheets. for some of the hulls I've built, I use the deck platform to space the bulkheads....does fairly well. do you have to cut off the bulwark posts after the bulwarks are planked?.........yea......they are prone to breakage looks like you'll have to switch over to some fava beans to go with that chianti .........hard to believe that you don't have any canned good hang'in around...........here's what I use:
  4. not too bad....I've seen worse. just weight or tape it down........it will stay
  5. looks really good did it come with a stand or are you making one?
  6. the keep looks very nice.....are you planning on opening the rest of the windows? the entire structure looks awesome
  7. no.........but your all invited over........I'll cook something what that is, is the scribblings for a video game Diablo / Hellfire. this is the first game of Diablo, formatted for Windows 98 se. I haven't been able to play the game since I had to give up Windows XP {I ran it in compatibility mode}. I was mess'in 'round on the computer one day and did a search for patches or links.....the admiral found a forum thread on the game and passed it on to me. I had to make a few adjustments, and I was able to run it on windows 8 I love games where I can use a sword and bow.......the bow is good for some gorilla warfare. I love the Diablo series, but I also play the Gothic series and Divine Divinity. through the years, we've collected several different consoles.......NES, super NES.......and my favorite, Playstation....just a few of them. I have some old DOS games that I'd love to get into........but it's a pain to do all the command prompts just to get into the games. I was looking at the B 24 kit.......one thing I'm not too keen on. these models come with a stand.......to model them with the landing gear up is going to be a problem. I checked how the 'gear up' looks on the Liberator, and the wheel is exposed in the well, under the wing. only the wheel is shown, so there must be doors that cover the gear when in the up position. this is what the lower half of the wings look like I could eliminate the gear part and simply cement the wheels in the wells.........about the best solution there is and yes Egilman........I did a little digging......didn't have to go far........these kits, both of them, are likely older Revell kits. Buffalo Bill is fictitious....there was no plane named.......the number jives though. it was #2866 to roll out of the Ford plant back then.......42-73296. one variant, the PB4Y-2 didn't have the twin rudders......but a single horizontal fin. I haven't looked yet, but yes......it will be tough to find decals should I choose to change them. I may because the decal sheets are scant of other definitive markings. I may be able to get away with using 1:72.......if so, I have plenty of B 17 decals to look through
  8. ok..........I bit the bullet! went to HobbyTown today and bought the kit! I recalled the kit being in a long squared cardboard box though.......this one is in a long flatish white cardboard box. it even has a production date on it....5/2/18. they must have sold it and replaced it with another. it just saved me from asking if it was a complete kit
  9. smell the wood............it gets the wood bug deeply embedded so Panart is part of Mantua? I though they were a 'part work' company
  10. as anyone will attest..........it is not a race to rush through a build like this would have been disastrous. the level of detail you've put into this model would have suffered greatly. I found your Venice passenger ship log........very nice subject!
  11. we could do that Lou..........dueling Ospreys I wonder if the germans captured any B 24's..........lemme look...........the first B 24 was captured in 2/20/43.......she was named the Blonde Bomber II , 41-23659. soon after.........42-52106, named Sunshine in March of 1944. not that I would desire to do another like the Wulfe Hound.........but it would be interesting to see what they would look like in insignia and code. B 25's were captured as well. another interesting model would be a P 38........there were two known captured.
  12. appears to be a fairly clean hull are you going to order the wood decks for her? PE perhaps?? following along.........should be a fun jaunt
  13. hey there!........just poked in to see how you've progressed you've come a long way........some really nice detail! the 20mm looks awesome...can't wait to see the 50's! decking looks nice too....see your fitting the smalls bit on it. dash looks great as well.........super nice job!
  14. told you I'd look up to see what this V thing was..............Niles built one as well. those figures look really neat.......check out these folks if you need more Preiser Figures and Minatures - Bring Your Layout to Life
  15. now let me get this straight..............you lead us into the bedroom........so you can finish the kit and spring it on us?!?!?! my friend......with as long as you took, you'd have done better to show us to the refrigerator! ......a fella gets hungry waiting for you whippersnappers ta git your butt in gear but really........you did a splendid job!! I don't see anything wrong with the fenders.........must have been your imagination the only thing I see, is that you didn't rough up the tread on the tires. the finish looks awesome.......better than what I can do ........I hope one day, I can get it right! now.......don't go and put it in that bedroom of yours...........this one deserves to be put out in a proper place........where it can be seen! there is no doubt that you couldn't turn out another beauty, no matter what medium you chose..........I'll have to look up what that V thing is your talk'in about, so I'll know where your next log will be great looking Bentley...congratz and very well done!
  16. my brother in law had it done...........he went through it quite well. we'll chat later in the week. I go back to work on Monday.......two days.....and then it's back to banking up some time I thought about making the part........went to Hobby Lobby today and was going to pick up some sheet plastic. but thinking about the complexity of the part, I thought better of it. as for the choice of part to lose..........I would have to be a bumbling idiot to have lost a wing.....and a landing gear part would have been no big deal. I'm hoping to find the part by sheer chance I had a thought the other day to look in the monster's cave...........but I did not see it under the bed..........the fact that it got chewed up would have at least put my mind at ease. ........I dropped it........he grabbed it.........end of story. unfortunately, Hobby Lobby didn't have another kit for me to buy.........but at 40% off all kits, I couldn't resist I could have picked up another Lindberg B 17........another Memphis Belle..........or a 1:48 scale B 17G, but I kept my sights simple. a couple of Atlantis kits caught my eye.......one is a B 25 that could very easily be built into one of the Doolittle planes...it has the 'plug' for the belly turret. it might be hard to find the decals though, since it is in 1:64 scale.........odd though {yet again} because it's smaller than the Lindberg kit of the B 17. I would think scale relations, would be the same for all manufacturers........then again, the question here is: is a B 25 smaller than a B 17? this might account for the size difference in same scales {probably getting too analytical for my own good} the kit was only $20.00, so I chose a second, after the admiral pointed out the sale that was going on. there was a B 24 Liberator by Atlantis.........sure......why not.........I've wanted to do one of these as well. it was the same price. this one was boxed the same........I couldn't read the scale anywhere on the B 25...{come to find out, the price sticker was over the label depicting the scale}.........but the Liberator is at 1:92 scale. yes......it's a bit smaller than 1:72, but I don't thing by a whole lot. they are boxed the same........even appear to be part of a series. of course, I couldn't help myself.......I peeked into the boxes........I'll save any further introductions until I start a log. now while this was going on, the admiral was looking elsewhere....like along the bottom shelf {that's where they keep the 'gold'}. she was naming off the kits..........I was lending comments for each one {positive ones}.........she then picked up a kit and said that it looked really cool. I'm like.........WOW.......never heard her say that about aircraft before. I was told to consider it a belated birthday present this kit is impressive! even the decals are done in flat finish. I could have gotten a tank........I've been wanting to do a chopper..........plane/chopper.....this is the best of both worlds! gonna need a table for this one I got a few other things while we were there....thinner, glue, and some basswood. the Devil dog will prevail.......hopefully I'll find the part. I've got research to do for the other two
  17. decent size model............1:48.......especially if you compare it to your Vic the finish is gonna be tough.......I wish I had an idea for ya. but as Egilman said, he's been look'in for the holy grail too 🔍 great start........look'in forward in seeing more
  18. I've seen that somewhere.........I've seen at least three monogram/Revell kits on OMK. I'm sure there are others, with Accurate Minitures....and I think I saw a Tamiya kit. I know.......and I appreciate the suggestion, but the narcelles might be too far back from the fulcrum. the more forward, the better. with the gun arrangement at the nose, the cavity will be totally hidden, and if more is needed, the gun cavity can also be used {there will be a little bit of room there to use as well}. we are going on errands soon........if lucky, I will be able to get another kit. here is the part I'm missing......... I learned a bit more about the camera.........getting rid of the date and time was interesting. I looked in the physical manual I got with the camera........it told me that setting the date and time was done in the initial set up. I installed the CD that was included and found that it can be accessed anytime by pressing the set button twice........this brought up the settings. as you can see, they are gone......but I think I should adjust the picture size. I like to keep my pictures under a meg. I'll get used to it I miss my first camera........the Sanyo.........took great photos and I didn't even need to be smart did you have your surgery yet?
  19. hey there Tom gee........you got me thinking how I did the whipstaff................so I brought the model down to look. the kit has a frame that fits over the slot........I just glued it in the slot. look'in forward in how you do the bulwark posts
  20. hello there Mike...........I see you've made some really great progress looking forward in seeing her on the water! the grim reaper is a nice touch
  21. I can't seem to put a like to that last picture...........done too much of that stuff myself at the moment, I'm on the lookout for an engine mount for a B 25 project that I started...........can't for the life of me figure out where it got off to......the part is big enough! amazing work your doing with this project........really nice PE detail! your idea of the water diorama look super.......to be honest.....it looks great just the way it is.............will look even better with the break waters keep it up....your doing great!
  22. nice progress on the figures OC.......enamel flats are the same.........always seem to dry with a slight sheen. what I do is add enough thinner to deaden it. one drawback to it though, is it opens the door to ghosting. with the airbrush it's not to noticeable........but with a brush, it's terrible. not too sure about acrylics....I've not in the habit of using them. the figures look really good....your doing a stellar job with them hope your knee is better!
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