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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. considering that this was before radar, it was all dead reckoning not sure if you understood what I meant EG........the D VII and the F 1 {actually the V 4} were tested around the same time period. both were rejected by Richthofen due to bad handling. the V 4 mods weren't very extensive, and was first to be retested as the V 5, later to be designated the F 1.........the D VII had more modifications to be done on it, which held it retest off till later. Richthofen was pleased with the F 1, and recommended the order for the first 20 planes. I was gonna hold off on the sad part till later.........a short time after the jastas were supplied with the Dr 1's, they began to experience problems with the top wing coming off. Richthofen's brother Lothar, was injured when his top wing came off.......I believe he actually landed the plane too! they inspected the other planes and found that the connection joints were rotted and coming apart.......that halted flying them until the repairs could be made. I don't have my notes with me, so I'll have more on this later..........it explains why only 320 of them were produced. the D VII took over after that. these plane were the result of the Sopwith Triplane.....I mentioned that at the beginning of the log I did get more done on Ltn. Jacob's plane. the cable control levers had more than enough time to dry. I'd have more on Ltn. Kempf's plane, but I had painted the cables with metallic paint, and it flaked off on the fuselage and wings and it stuck to 'em........having to clean up the mess. anyway........I used thread with this one, so I didn't have that problem. I did buy a thin cable -like wire from Michael's, but the darn stuff wouldn't behave and I didn't use it. it might work better on ship models........we'll have to see. what?????? oh darn.........time for sack time ....gotta work tomorrow. well......here's one picture of the upper wing.......I rigged one of the cables show ya the rest tomorrow! ...might even have something extra for yas!
  2. I see the diagram to connect the track together......did you assemble them like that? looks like a recipe for breakage. looking really good
  3. hey there.........I haven't been in model mode of late.......but I did get a little done on this one. .....kind of here and there really. I did a bit more painting on some of the small bits, and I assembled a bit more on the fuselage. I was going to paint the landing gear housings....never got around to doing it. I did the final touch ups on the wheels. sometime during the week, I started to paint the upper wings, later assembling them to the lower wing and adding it to the fuselage. the painting of the fuselage is partly done. I really wish the dive flaps were separate parts.......it would make this a lot easier. the underbelly was painted first, after the wings were cemented in place. from here though, I got distracted with another project, and this is where I left off. more to come soon
  4. there are others on the back burner Ed.........I have a very strange rotation
  5. they all had their issues.......the biggest thing about the Fokker D VII, was that it was introduced too late. had it been tested before the F 1/Dr 1, I think the D VII would have been the go to aircraft.......along with the Albatross and the Halberstadt. more on the sage of the Dr 1 later.......the sad part is coming up for how good the 'jet' was.....the ME 262 was rather 'plain jane' compared to the jets we have today. I started to do the cable levers........I painted them 'steel' and had to wait for them to totally dry, being a metallic color. more on this project soon
  6. thanks Egilman....I think they are nice kits too. the detail is very good, but future one will have me insuring that the location holes fit........I didn't drill them out. I dunno.........I think my plastic skills have laxed since I turned to wood models. it's quite a kudos coming from you
  7. the body came out great! how you got the spacing on the stripes is really nice......a lot more to scale than if you were to have used decals. what I meant by colored plastic, is some companies use colored plastic as a way to market to folks who don't do a lot or painting. I've found though, that after sanding to get rid of mould lines and injection pin marks, this is really not possible......just doing a clear coat shows them like a sore thumb. white and yellow are the two worst colors to paint over an existing color....you did well on the body....fingers crossed on your redo of the hood
  8. good to see your still working on the sub Yves the conning tower and the gun looks terrific! really nice detail.....will look great on deck
  9. you've made some really good progress since I last looked in great job!
  10. I poked at this one a couple of times......not enough to constitute a real update event. I have some paints that translate to the German equivalents....I tried to stay close. I guess the best word to describe the model, would be pette........really slim fuselage.......it's a small model. there was a bit of a problem fitting the cockpit into the fuselage......kept wanting to miss the tabs on the other side and cock over to one side, but it is assembled now....... the prop root was fitted into the cowl and it too was assembled.......the prop will turn the under belly is to be paint something of a blue/gray...... Humbrol #87 is a steel gray, which looks close to Humbrol's #248 , which is called Himmelblau. both of these color has the blue/gray quality, but I don't have #248. the latter will have to do. I'll start with painting most of the parts.......and assemble more later. more soon friends!
  11. I did do a little on the Fokker.......it's been too hot 'round here lately.......I've only been dabbling. before I can assemble the top wing, the cables need to be cemented into place. I did the decal work to the top half......still need to refine it at this point. I cemented the cabling in place and made a mess with the left insignia. little did I realize, that I could pull the thread back through the holes and then do the decaling {which I did with the right side}. the interplane struts were cemented to the middle wing.......at this time, I put the bottom part of the top wing on to see how it would look. really adds to the size of the model I will add the cable levers once the two halves are put together
  12. hey Ed thanks for the kind word........the kit was terribly misrepresented. it's common knowledge that Richthofen few a Dr 1 when he died........and evenI found out that very few F 1's were ever built. I could prattle on, but the problem is moot now, and yes, I agree.....deciding to do Jacob's plane was the best choice. of course, that leaves me with a full set of F 1 decals........I'll have to find another kit ............ yup....that looks like an Entdecker........I believe that was the German's experiment in the development of single wing fixed aircraft. the early wing design didn't give the wings enough strength, so they suspended it with the truss cables. there was the E III and the E IV variants. I used to build a lot of 'stick and tissue' model planes. Comet and Guillow's were my favorites. another fine model is the Fokker D VIII.........that was my best flyer even after exhausting the rubber band, it would glide further. I use to have pictures of it, but when I moved back to New Hampshire from Florida, they were lost. hadn't built any others until a year or so ago........I built a Guillow's Spitfire MK1. in the closet though, I have a Fokker Dr 1......a Guillow's kit in 1:14 scale I started it early last year..........I've yet to sand everything and start the tissue. I plan on doing it after the Raben's Ravins Dr 1 bottom wings I should post a log on what I have so far.........might even make me continue it they are a great endeavor Ed....... here's a picture of the Spit......my first one in quite a while...
  13. looking at it from a mechanical aspect, many of the domestic cars had multiple arrangements for engine mounts.....one could upgrade a mustang very easily. I've never heard of someone souping up a european sports car, unless they were changing the fuel management system or engine specs. I think the Mustang came out with more variants of this line........Plymouth comes in second. amazing stuff could be done with the older cars.........unfortunately, it a lot harder to do stuff like that with today's cars. I've had a dislike for colored plastic....a lot harder to paint in different colors. even with some primers, the tint still comes through and will alter the color your using. are you using a brush?
  14. thanks Ed and Mark......this one was kind of a filler. I still have the Stuka too.........I put that one back in the box for some reason {I forget}. I'll be working on it I haven't even looked where the Clotilda or the brigg {Agilis} ended up in the new arrangement yet Ed. the Fokkers are next thanks to all who hit the like button!
  15. great job so far OC.........they look very good I'm taking notes on the horses........I have a bunch of them to do at a much larger scale
  16. nice save on the body paint castors look great too !
  17. they do have a B 25B kit out there.........I forget who makes it. the early production of this aircraft was perfect for the mission........the weight was less than the future variants, it's size, and how little modifications would need to be done. all of the guns were removed........due to a miscalculation on the weight for take off. I was looking for decals......I was going to do the Ruptured Duck Pacific Wrecks - B-25B "Ruptured Duck" Serial Number 40-2261 I was hoping to use the kit I have, but it won't work.......I'd have to do too much to it. it's a J variant.
  18. WOW! great job on the dio all the pieces fit really well, and you did a great job on the figures too! simply superb!
  19. hey there folks! I didn't have anything really to report last week. the big L got in the way......I also got more info with my leg issues. I need to have both legs done...just waiting now for the OK from the insurance and scheduling the date. I think it will be sometime in August, since this is the end of July. the good thing is that it's a low impact procedure and it won't lay me up for any real length of time. the only restriction will be no heavy lifting for a week, and I hope I can follow the plan I've devised in the best interest for home and work. if this is all I've had to deal with....then I consider myself to be one lucky guy I did get this model finished yesterday.........I was able to clean up the mess with the interplane struts and cement the cabane struts in place. they still need to be painted. from here, the struts were painted........the touch ups were done, and the rest of the decals were added to the tail. the model is now finished! while browsing a Hobby shop yesterday, I came across a Spad kit that also supplies decals for the German Luftwaffe. interesting to think that even in WWI, planes were being captured and used. I hope you enjoyed watching this project. Glenco kit are Ok.......not much in the way of fit issues............... some holes and locators needed to be drilled out thanks for all the kind comments!
  20. Awesome model.........always wanted one but never pulled the trigger I be watch'in this one!
  21. gee......if there was a way to eliminate the turret, with the right decals, you could have done one of Dolittle's planes I have found a kit that has the option to lose the turret.......but every time I try to hit the buy button, the admiral alarm goes off "it's designed to go off before you do!" I've done that with a few tail heavy models.....glue the tires to a home made base.....one good solution I've got a larger scale B 25 J......under the cockpit floor is a great place to put the weights. I normally use either tire weights or derby cars {if they fit}. I'm not familiar with the access you might have with this one though. she came out great........looks really neat!
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