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popeye the sailor

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    popeye the sailor reacted to realworkingsailor in Gothenborg by Popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:100 scale   
    I was just about to ask you what you've been doing on her.....
    Fiddling about with more tediously small parts, I see....
  2. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from augie in US Brig Syren by Augie - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Augie....I have to say that you've done a superb job rigg'in this bad girl!   she looks absolutely beautiful! 
  3. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from mtaylor in San Ildefonso by Sjors - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70   
    in other words....Sjors is saying that he hasn't gotten 'round to it yet 
  4. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from augie in San Ildefonso by Sjors - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70   
    in other words....Sjors is saying that he hasn't gotten 'round to it yet 
  5. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Timothy Wood in 80' ELCO PT Boat by Timothy Wood - FINISHED - BlueJacket Shipcrafters - Scale 1/4" = 1'   
    I'm about at the point where I will have to make a decision of where to place the pedestals on the hull.  I ask the question in another post at MSW and received the rough answer at 1/3 the hull length.  I gave it a look and I wasn't happy, it looked out of proportion, the forward pedestal looked to me as if it was too far forward.  I decided to move the pedestal further aft about to the 8 3/4" point, this move in my estimation gives the bow a longer more graceful look.  Please feel free to give me your thoughts on the subject.     

  6. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to dafi in HMS Victory by dafi - Heller - PLASTIC - To Victory and beyond ...   
    So last night´s tinkering ...
    ... the spectecal plates of the rudder ...

    ... the new poop skylight with bending help in the back ...

    ... roof curved by rolling with a wooden stick over a soft surface ... 

    ... and especially round roof and right number of windows ;-).

    The fighting top with lantern holder...

    ... and the stun´sail boom fittings.


    Cheers, Daniel
  7. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Sjors in San Ildefonso by Sjors - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70   
    Now you see what you have done Aldo???????
    Again talking about balls….and what kind of balls.
    No cannon balls but moth balls, Nerve balls, ice balls,sphere balls…..what's next? 
    I think I better prepare for work to see if there are any Balls are coming into my bus.

  8. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Rustyj in US Brig Syren by Augie - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Hi Augie,



    Just stopped by to catch up on the humor and your fine work. That is a great job
    on the rigging. You are making a complex task look easy.
    You are getting close to that happy sad moment when you sit back and say
    “yeah it’s done” and then realize you will miss her.  
    Well done!  

  9. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to augie in US Brig Syren by Augie - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    The topgallant yards have been sent aloft and the rigging completed (with the exception of the braces)


    Doesn't look like a whole lot but I'm very happy it's proceeding well in spite of summers' diversions. 
    I'd never realized before just how many lines there really are.  And, for the first time, I actually realize what they DO!  And things are getting tight !!!!
    The t'gallant braces are next followed by raising the royal yards.  All is on hold until I get my order of additional rigging line from ME.  My screw ups and do-overs have finally come home to roost and I find myself line-less .  That's ok......there are a few fish to be caught and I need to find the ladder prior to the next photo-op.
    You all stay well
  10. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to rdsaplala in US Brig Syren by Augie - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Hi Augie,
    Splendid rigging work there, Sir, looks like your spiders have been really busy these past few days
    I've been catching up and reading the past few chapters of your log and enjoyed every bit of it, all those "The Far Side" clips are absolute fun, hope you won't mind me injecting my favorite  

  11. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from SkerryAmp in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    yes gentlemen......I have been doing that.   I wipe before securing the planks with pins and clamps........not to mention the sanding.  I'm trying very hard to make this a single plank....I think it will look better this way.   thanks for the good word! 
  12. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from augie in US Brig Syren by Augie - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    then you might have this one andy.   my best friend mike and I,  have been friends since childhood.  in 1969,  they moved away to Florida, to be with thier grand parents {mother's side}.  we continued to write,  becoming pen pals....so to speak.  some time in the early 70's,  he saw this in their local newspaper,  and sent it to me.......I keep it in my personal photo album.  in 1974,  I moved down there,  after graduating from high school........the whole family came up to N.H. and he got to attend.......even the cool party afterwards    I'd tell you more......but it's not fit for the open feed 

  13. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to DSiemens in Mercury by DSiemens - FINISHED - BOTTLE   
    Well I was able to get one of the rails done.  I was hoping to have both done but apparently one year olds don't need sleep.  All well there's always another time for ships.  Here's my progress.  



    Actually I think the rails really accent the windows.  
  14. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to michael mott in Bristol Pilot Cutter by michael mott - 1/8 scale - POF   
    Bob, I am really looking forward to getting her wet.
    I did manage to do a little work yesterday and today, I worked on the Jib stay, I might just sew this into the sail and have it fly and not hank it to a stay

    I made a thimble for the 1/16th cable first I filed a couple of grooves at each end I annealed the centre part only and shaped the thimble using the same tools and methods as before


    At the moment it is attached to the bowsprit end cap but it will be attached to a traveler on the bowsprit, so that it can be hauled it to change sheets.

    Started working on the Gaff, by planing down a square of spruce to a tapered round section

    This evening I spent a couple of hours making one of the blocks for the gaff up-haul


  15. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to druxey in Bristol Pilot Cutter by michael mott - 1/8 scale - POF   
    Love the thimble! She will be the cynosure of all eyes when you sail her.
  16. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from mtaylor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    yes gentlemen......I have been doing that.   I wipe before securing the planks with pins and clamps........not to mention the sanding.  I'm trying very hard to make this a single plank....I think it will look better this way.   thanks for the good word! 
  17. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to lb0190 in Niagara by lb0190 - Model Shipways - 1/64   
    Today, I completed the port side framing for the gun/sweep ports. After I sand down the rough spots I'll start planking the bulwarks from bow to stern.

  18. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Timothy Wood in 80' ELCO PT Boat by Timothy Wood - FINISHED - BlueJacket Shipcrafters - Scale 1/4" = 1'   
    Thanks again to both of you for the kind words of encouragement!   
  19. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to russ in 80' ELCO PT Boat by Timothy Wood - FINISHED - BlueJacket Shipcrafters - Scale 1/4" = 1'   
    The paint job looks really nice. Nothing wrong with going slow. Slow and steady wins the race.
  20. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from NenadM in Cutty Sark by NenadM   
    making some good progress Nenad.........keep going! 
  21. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from mtaylor in Licorne by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - POF - TERMINATED LOG   
    good luck Mark....big job ahead.......but it's going to be fun
  22. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to mtaylor in Licorne by mtaylor - 3/16" scale - POF - TERMINATED LOG   
    Thank you, Elmir and Hamilton for looking in.
    Sjors, Sorry about the long reply.
    After much thought about "what next" and much fear and trembling... PLANKING!!!!!!!!!!    So there's fear because I've never single-planked before.  Trembling because I'm looking forward to it...  and maybe too much coffee.   So I gathered the three planking guides from the Articles area and Planking the Built Up Ship Model from ME and studied.  Scratched my head.. said "oh.. nothing to fear".... and got on with it.
    First step was I realized I didn't have a suitable clamps.  So I made 5 of these out of some scrap cherry and maple.  No particular reason other than I had a bit <cough> of scrap.

    First plank on each side is laid.  I'd doing the planks from just above the wale to the chain wale.   I may go farther up before heading below.  One reason is because the planks between the wales need to be sanded and I don't want to damage the wales.  Also, need some playtime experience with minimal tapering and spiling.  I hope....     I'm using swiss pear for the main planking.
    FYI... the hawse holes I already drilled aren't on the same plane.  My bad.  I'll redrill after planking.

  23. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to fnkershner in US Brig Syren by Augie - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Popeye - That cartoon reminds me of something I heard in the news today. Some lady in England found an unexploded bomb in her yard from WWII. Do you know what she did before she called the authorities? She washed in in the kitchen sink. She was quoted to say "It was quite dirty". LOL
    So when my admiral feels the need to clean something when there are other more important things to do. I ask her if she is washing the bomb. She gets mad but she gets the point.
  24. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to realworkingsailor in San Ildefonso by Sjors - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70   
    Some of us are a bit odd... some of us are a bit more odd..... and then there's Sjors....
    Sometimes we just need that push and the realization that "Hey I CAN do this!" soon dawns upon us... and when we know what we are capable of doing, there's no need to settle for second rate anymore... (unless it happens to be an 80 gun ship.... )
  25. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Sjors in San Ildefonso by Sjors - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70   
    Hi Jim,
    I thought it was also for me beyond my capabilities…….but I have found out that you just have to do it.
    Not hesitating but go for it 
    You have to make some things several times and then still it's not perfect.
    But walking is also not learned in one day…...
    When you want to do it, you can do it.
    Wow, listen to me now…...    

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