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Everything posted by md1400cs

  1. Sherry, Just discovered your S Felipe. Every adjective and superlative has already been spoken for on your build. Beautiful !! I will happily follow along. Regards, MIchael
  2. Ferit, NICE! my iPhone sent me a beep during my Dodger's game (:-( they will (probably) loose the season. BUT your ship is beautiful. Such nice details. Life goes on (:-) In the morning I will feel better. PS: I understand, that for you, baseball is in an other universe. Regards, Michael
  3. Nigel, Yes, paraphrasing others; beautiful forecastle update. Well worth the time. And as Matti noted the colors work harmoniously together. Regards, Michael
  4. Nigel, As always I am always so honored when you so kindly post. Your work is so superlative and extraordinary that it is a kindness that you treat me to encouraging as well as very positive remarks about this build. Interesting that you are also planning on building the Santísima. Building both versions will will certainly be very interesting. I presume that the cross section will reflect the same hull look as your complete ship. These will make a very remarkable side-by-side display. You will certainly "bash" the the kits (:-) Again so nice to have you back on board. Regards, Michael
  5. Joachim, Welcome back (:-) You have been missed. So sorry to hear about the virus. Those can be so damaging. It sounds as if you have resolved the issue. Good to hear. Thanks for taking the time catching up on my build, very nice of you. As you know I have a file of your Wasa, and when I need help, I look through some of your photos for guidance. Again welcome back I will look forward to you updates as well. Regards, Michael
  6. I'm really enjoying following your build. Your work is excellent. I remember, years ago, building the Revell of same. A far cry from your beautiful example in wood, and copper example. But it reminds me of how much I love this ship. One day I need to get my act together and cross the country to visit her. Keep those updates coming. Regards Michael
  7. Ferit, I won't repeat all of the previous superlatives, as much as I would like to. I must have looked at some of your latest updated photos 2 or three times, in case I missed something (I'm sure that I did) . Your Berlin is so so special. Please, you are no longer a beginner, but you have instead become a teacher for many of us, so that we may try to emulate your level of exquisite detailing. Such a beauty. A real joy for the senses. Regards, Michael
  8. Ferit, Thanks for looking back on a "fix" part of this re-build (:-) The original gratings where, well, not gratings. Grrr Now they certainly look better. Thanks, as always, for your generous thoughts. I will eventually be able to consistently move forward with this project. Still working on some fixes. Regards, MIchael
  9. Buck, Thanks again for your nice comments. They are always a source of encouragement. Regards, MIchael
  10. Ferit, You are much too kind. (:-) Let's hope that I can continue this build and still find harmony. Deck cannons, masts and rigging will all be very new to me. I did build a simple ship many years ago, so this will be my first attempt to get it correctly. Regards, Michael
  11. Thanks Ulises, But my BIG challenge will be to just get a bit close to your rigging skills. I've downloaded many of your photos to help guide me when I get there. Regards, MIchael
  12. Nigel, I appreciate your redo comments. Nice to see that I am not "The Lone Ranger" in this regards. Also someone with the level of talent that you have appreciating my efforts is very touching. Actually, I don't think that I have mentioned what is under the table. I thought that I would try something totally different. Regards, MIchael
  13. Frank, Thanks your nice thoughts are always appreciated. Michael
  14. Hello again, The second series of kevels have been completed. Small little bits, but rather labor intensive. Nonetheless I'm mostly comfortable with the results. As I finished these, it glared at me again that there were problems with the side railings near the stern. There should not be a "break" in the railing where the two kevels are co-located (last pic) Hmmmm. OK. I so spent the day tearing out those railings, side timbers, vertical deck upright side timbers, as well as those four co-located kevels. Grrrrrrrrrr. (:-) I'm already seeing how the fix will make a big dif. I also (sometime back), sent an email to Corel, and they sent me two more cannon decorative pieces. I will incorporate those into the fix as well. So it seems that it's always two steps back and one forward with this build. The next build in-waiting, already under my table, will hopefully only move forward. As usual thanks so much for looking in, posting, or clicking the "like" button. Supper appreciated. Regards, Michael
  15. Matti, You really HAVE captured the beauty of this ship. Excellent work. I also admire how you incorporated the perfect curves and grace of the galleries as they form at the back with the stern. Your photos also offer excellent perspectives. R/ Michael
  16. Chuck, I don't know enough to comment, however you are on my list when its time to order rope. After seeing so many awesome builds here, I know that the kit provided ropes just won't do. Glad to be of future support. PS: Your new lanterns look awesome, but wrong century for my current build (:-( R/ Michael
  17. Nigel, Nice addition to your tools arsenal. It should prove to be an excellent workhorse. Looking forward to what you can do with it, which, of course, will be super impressive (:-) Regards, Michael
  18. Ferit, Super well done. Looks really exceptional. Your attention to the smallest details is remarkable. R/ Michael
  19. Ulises, Yes, your rigging is outstanding. You have also become an expert with your rope making tool. Beautiful work. Very admirable. You have set the bar very high for all of us, especially Vasa builders. Yes, the mouse is a question isnt it? Maybe you could ask F. Hocker on the Warshipvasa . Book two (Vasa ), should be coming out fairly soon. That book will focus on rigging and sails. ¡hasta luego, Michael
  20. Henry, I happened onto your build as I was looking at the latest full views. So decided to look into your log. Whoa, with all that beautiful detail painting, you have set at a very high bar. Beautiful work, quite impressive. Regards, MIchael
  21. Lawrence, thanks much appreciated. B.E. thanks for the vocab. word. I then looked it up; hard to find even on Google (:-) R/ Michael
  22. Matti, Yes, looking very nice indeed. It will look so nice when you finish all of this section. Those galleries are indeed not the most fun to do (:-) R/ Michael
  23. Matti, I have looked at your photo of the stern several times, and each time I look at it I'm so impressed. Beautiful detail work. I also think that the wash colors that you developed for the hull, and upper sides make your ship really special. Beautiful build. I'm really enjoying following it. Regards, Michael
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