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Everything posted by md1400cs

  1. JPett Joachim, John, Nigel, JanV, Mark Guys thanks so much for your latest encouraging words. I have, as you might know, been bothered with past mistakes (ship-of course (:-) the other parts of my life have been perfect Hmmmmm.. I went back and looked at an error that would be too hard to fix now. Corel, as opposed to Billings, did not properly indicate how the upper deck entry framings should look, nor how high they should be above the deck. So, if this might be of help for Corel Wasa kits under your tables, it could have been an easy adjustment (had I known) I could have installed that middle portion of the weather deck template a bit lower, and added a rearward slope to the housings themselves, then added the cover planks. Moving forward; looking forward to my next steps. Again thanks to all of you who post, click Like or just look in Big Thanks. Regards, Michael
  2. Mark, Your paint work is First Class, yes it does get tiring (:-) But your quality of work sure shines. nice update Regards, Michael
  3. Hello everyone, Joachim, Matti, thanks for your comments. Buck I will check this out. I do remember something like that in JPett's log. Thanks Here is the third, and last update regarding this "fix". It is hard to believe that I'm almost totally done with fixes. The first photo was the original look of that part of the ship; before rebuilding the ladders, the gratings, the transom railings, the poop deck, as well as adding those two benches on each side of those doors, and adding white trim all along the outer edges of the railings. The second pic is the same view after all of the repairs. Oh, as you can also see on that second pic, those "rope pulley things" (knightheads?) have been removed. They will also get re-invented to look correct. Those railings that Corel indicated should be added have also been removed. In second photo you can really see the error built into the Corel kit regarding those "center" entry door framings. The housings are much too high. Just the upper rounded tops should rise above the weather deck. AND my lack of shaping them with a rearward slope (MY error) added to the problem. grrrrr (:-) That section of the deck should be just a bit lower. I could have done that as I was installing that first deck layer, but I was ignorant of that issue at that time. I've become a bit more critical since. The rest of the pics are just a look around sort-of speak. I'm comfortable with this repair work and can now move forward. 1) Drill all hull cannon door and draw rope holes. 2) Build and install ratline frames 3) Figure out what to do regarding those square hole dilemmas for the railings 4) Cut in half, and paint the remaining gilded figures for the deck railings decorative bits. Thanks for stopping by, always very much appreciated. Regards, Michael
  4. Matti, Yes to all of the above. I really like your perspective on this ship. Beautiful.... R/ Michael
  5. Nigel and Mark, Thanks to both of you for your advice. Both ideas are clever. My fear is that the railings are much too fragile for some 80 squared holes. I'm still debating how to achieve this. it would have been, of course, a simpler project doing the holes before installing the railings. I'm thinking of this approach (see pic), labor intensive but it might also work. I will only need to drill round holes. The square vertical pieces, once the tips are rounded, will hide the round railing hole, and the piece will seem to continue uninterrupted just bellow the rail. This will allow the accuracy of the 1:1 to stay seemingly intact. In any case I will drill all of the holes before installing the ratlines. The nature of these very thin square "pegs" will be super fragile and will be the very last bit of the build waaaaaay down the road (:-) Again thanks for your advice. Regards, Michael
  6. Nigel, Thanks your suggestions will be very helpful, though my issue is how to square the holes per the 1:1 example for the very upper railing verticals. Note pic. I may just drill all of the holes and then insert dowels instead of trying to square the holes after drilling them. In any case this will be well down the road. Regards, Michael
  7. Very surprising indeed. A country with such a history to become "American" and cast aside some of its glorious past is, well, shocking. We in the USA are PHD's in destroying our past history by mostly tearing down the old and building something new above the removed rubble. Unless one travels to Boston or Philadelphia we would never know where we started from some 350 years ago. That mobile phone bit is so sad, not for folks our age but for today's children. Such a disconnect. Regarding museums, much is the same here with interactive displays, but there must be places where one just goes just to look in wonder, don't you think? (that was a rhetorical question). Michael
  8. Buck, Sorry to read your sad and inevitable post. Hmmm loosing parents is one of the very difficult truths in all of our lives. You, and your dad are lucky that you could share each other's love until he turned 93. A real gift many of us did not have. Good for you. (:-) I hope that you settle back to a routine soon enough. Many of us do miss your posts and kind words. Take care, hope that you can get back to your hobby in the near future. Regards, as always MIchael
  9. Hi everyone, Here is part 2 of my poop deck railing fixes. Due to errors in the Corel framing, the new cannon openings will "sit" too high. But I wanted to add the stern most cannon port decorative pieces. So you and I will know of this error but it will escape everyone else's attention. Ironically enough even if I had understood this before installing the weather deck, and made height adjustments, it would have thrown off the entire stern and galleries. As it is, the upper galleries sit too high along the hull. But had I incorporated the adjustments then the stern windows as well as the window stranding soldiers would have not had the proper space in which to stand. Corel hello??? Moving on.... I also needed to add filler pieces to the upper weather deck stern decorative piece (piece where the flag pole will mount) in order to have it properly align with the deck edges after removing those hull trim pieces from my previous post. These fillers will visually mostly disappear as I add more details during the third and final update of this repair. I also decided to remove all of the wood trim along the entire upper hull railings, and replace them with stained white trim. It will look much more detailed as well as adding a sense of "paint" that the Vasa wore so well for an hour or so. The upper rails will also have this white trim added when the poop deck work is completed as well as the very last third railings. These wont be installed until the very end of this build. Though in the interim I need to drill all of the holes for the vertical uprights. These holes need to be square (no idea how to do this without damaging the already fragile rails). Thanks, as usual, for stopping by. Regards, Michael
  10. Mike, Hmmm, no I have not heard of this tool. But you spiked my interest as well. This may be informational for you Possibly other members could address how this tool works with much much smaller wood pieces for adding trim detail to planks? R/ Michael
  11. Nigel, Hmmmmm very unfortunate update regarding the Maritime Museum. I remember admiring soooo many beautiful model ships, many of which, of course, were period builds. Whomever are responsible for those decisions should walk the plank. I will then just remember the wonderful memories of that visit. I imagine that these silly things still take up museum space, see pic (:-) Regards, Michael
  12. Nigel, At the risk of certainly repeating myself, it is such a pleasure to look at your ship's updates. Your art work is as good as it gets. Even with the ofttimes redundant details that take time and several yawns to get through your example is certainly a project of love. PS: Ah yes, those winter storms of the UK. Having lived there for 2 years back in the 90s (London; St John's Wood), I remember inclement and cold weather. But, I also cherish the memories visiting our favorite pub (Greene King) and enjoying a pint (or two) sitting outside at 10:00 pm in mid July with a still wonderful glow of subdued sunlight. We loved the UK, and in fact my sweetheart and I were speaking of wanting to return someday. PS2 I, of course, boarded the HMS Victory and saw the Mary Rose, as well as the Cutty Sark. PS3 Your Maritime museum, Greenwich is the best in the world. Better than the Paris example of the same (:-) As always, Regards MIchael
  13. Hi everyone, Here is the first part of my continued obsession with fixes grrrrrr. (:-) On the plus side there is almost nothing else that I can fix. The 1:1 does not have a break at the poop deck side railings, as I posted earlier. Mine did, so this needed to be re-done correctly. Here are the first pics of how the repairs are going so far. As always thanks so much for looking at this build. So appreciated. Regards, Michael
  14. Patrick, Really coming along. Beautiful hull work. A pleasure to follow along. Regards, Michael
  15. Lawrence, Thanks, your words are so nice. My next update will be, for me, a real step forward as far as "fixing" issues that were not accurate in my original attempts. I'm honored that you are following this build. I have also been watching you work. Your detail quality is really so excellent. The copper plating on your Victory, for example, is superb, especially the rudder. Beautiful craftsmanship. Again thanks for following along much appreciated. Regards, Michael
  16. Peter, Thanks for dropping by, along with your very much appreciated comments. Yes the Vasa Museum is a sight that stays in one's mind. I'm happy that this was also a place your children will remember. I would like to return there as it has been many years since my first visit. I'm sure that the museum has added many new displays. Again thanks for your nice words. Regards MIchael
  17. Alexandru, YES as Jason just posted, there are simply no words the would fit in regards to your astonishing art. I so enjoy following your amazing build. Regards, Michael
  18. Joachim, As you know I, and many others are fans of your work. That would be where outstanding belongs. Thanks for your, always, nice posts; so nice (:-) I'm glad that you are enjoying these log updates. Regards, MIchael
  19. Grant, Thanks for your very nice comment, post, and for following this build; all very much appreciated. Yes, the Vasa museum is, well, astonishing. I was working in London in the mid 90s, and took a long weekend and flew over to see it. A "must see" for anyone interested in world history. Ironically enough as I started the Corel kit, I did not connect the dots until much later regarding accuracy. Hence all the "fixes". I hope that my mistakes, and your love of the Vasa museum will work in your favor when you start your build (:-) Regards, MIchael
  20. Hi folks, Minor update on latest fix (:-) My posts always seem to be moving backwards, but hopefully when they (the fixes) are finished and progress can be made, it should all work out. Note on pic. one that there is a break on the upper poop deck railing. I incorrectly built that in. Pic. two is the repair in progress. I'll post an update after its finished. As always I so appreciate your kind people looking in. Amended: added a reference pic of 1:1 that shows you where I "goofed". Thanks Nigel for pointing this out (:-) Regards, MIchael
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