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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Hi Patrick, Beautiful work, the salon looks fantastic well done Best Regards, Pete
  2. Thank you Patrick, I am pleased with how she is turning out , she's looking like the one in the picture Thanks Cap'n'Bob, The box was something I made while building the Lobster Smacks, and was built around a old "C" clamp I had laying around. here is a pic of the " Clamp Table " holding the Herreshoff Buzzards Bay 14 for the Varnishing phase. it is a very handy tool, I use it all the time Best Regards, Pete
  3. A busy day today, I started by redoing the steering stations , I then made the railing for the Port side. I then painted the Railings including the Rail on the Nav Tower a gloss red. I then made the Main sheet Traveler along with the winch box ( that sits forward of the Traveler) I then Painted the Traveler Flat Black and the Winch box White. I then laid out the Cockpit for the Grinders and steering stations. Next I installed a Volvo logo on the Cabin bulkhead, followed by the 2 forward Grinders the Winch box and Main Sheet Traveler. I then installed the 2 steering stations and lastly the Com Tower. The Cobham/Inmarsat along with the other com tower goodies are painted and ready for installation. Next will be to start Spar making. Here are the results
  4. Today, I started the day by Painting the Com Tower, I then turned my attention to making the 2 steering wheels, I then started fabricating the Steering stations . At this stage none of the parts have been glued into the Cockpit section. Next will be to finish the steering stations, make the winches and Main sheet traveler. Here are the results
  5. Hello waikiwi, The best advise I can give is to take your time measure twice and cut once, All the Bulkheads are made out of Basswood, I only use Balsa to plank the Hull. Best Regards, Pete
  6. Hi waikiwi, On the Volvo 70 I used the plans for the Camper boat ( also a Farr design) for the Hull and Deck , The Volvo 65 has very precise lines ,( no margin for error ) where as the Volvo 70 has more rounded lines ( thus making the tolerance larger and more forgiving) Thank you Patrick, I may just do updates to the Sailing version in this log ( I have not decided yet ) Thank you Marc, First the Hull was painted white , I then laid out the design, in this case the lines are at a 45 degree angle from the waterline . I then cut strips of masking tape ( to match the plan ) and applied them to the Hull. I then sprayed 2 coats of Black and once the paint dried I removed the masking tape giving me the desired Paint scheme. Very interesting , I had not thought about making a kit , you may have something there , I will have to look into it Best Regards, Pete
  7. First off, I hope that every one had a great 4th of July , that being said, we currently some horrible fires in the area. ( Bayview ID is the big one ) I started on a Sailing version of the Volvo 65 yesterday, By cutting out the frames and Bow section. ( As per plan, and she will be the same scale ) This morning I set up all the frames installed the Bow section, Keelson and Deck Clamps. Next will be to make the Keel box and fair the frames. Here are the results
  8. Hello waikiwi, Thank you , This one is being built static and has been a pleasure to build , as far as the rocker, I am building her as per plan ( lines drawing on posting #1 ) There is a company that makes a RC version ( stock maritime ) and they followed the same drawings that I am using , ( with the forward or bow sections sealed off or water tight will add more buoyancy ) thus preventing submarine effect you speak of. the Volvo Open 70 was a lot easier to build than the 65 , this has been a very challenging build ( I enjoy a good challenge ) Yesterday I started on a Sailing version of this boat so that she may go in the water. I have cut out all the frames and I am getting her set up in the building jig ( I will post photos later today) she will be the same Scale as this one. Here are a few pics of the stock maritime RC version Best Regards, Pete
  9. Thank you Patrick, I am pleased with how the Tower turned out Thanks Cap'n'Bob, The Tower will be Black and the com links ( Sailor 500 and GPS) will be white Best Regards, Pete
  10. Today, I started the day by laying out and fabricating the Com Tower . I started by making the Base, the Middle shelf ( wich will house the Inmarsat/Sailor 500 Fleet Broad Band ) and the top ( wich is for the GPS and tracking that sits atop ) I then cut and shaped the Metal tubing , wich makes up the side rails. , at this stage just the shelf's and rails have been glued. I then turned my attention to making the Sailor 500 Fleet Broad Band Dome ( it sits on the middle shelf ) , Next will be to get the parts ready for paint. Here are the results
  11. Hi Cap'n'Bob, Looks like you are off to a great start. Edge gluing the planking should give you hours of enjoyment , I am sure it will turn out amazing Best Regards, Pete
  12. Over the past few days, I Made the 2 Rudder blades Painted them Yellow ( as per plan ) Made the Keel and Bulb and painted it flat black . Today, I started by making the 3 grinders for the cockpit , I then painted them a flat black , along with the Bowsprit. I then turned my attention to installing the Rudder blades and Keel. I then masked off the Cabin top and painted it Black , I then installed the Bowsprit . Next will be to make the Nav/Com Tower ( to house the Inmarsat ) and the 2 steering stations . Here are the results
  13. Hi bridgman, While I was researching and building the Volvo Open 70 (she can be seen in the gallery) I came across the drawings for the Volvo 65 ( Google ) wich is the same drawing ( lines drawing ) on posting # 1 of this build log. I generally use Bass wood for planking, along with West System Epoxy or Epifanes Varnish ( if I am going for a natural wood hull finish) I thought I would try Balsa again after a disastrous experience and unfortunate end to the NZL-20 build log ( the 92 Americas cup challenger, designed by Bruce Farr ) The Balsa did work out well on this build along with Titebond 3 ( water proof ) and combined with sawdust made a really good filler Best Regards, Pete
  14. Hi Patrick , Beautiful work , and I echo all the comments , Well done Best Regards, Pete
  15. Thank you Mark, I am pleased with how the graphics turned out , there was a lot of masking ( very time consuming ) Thank you Patrick , Crisp clean lines are key to this build , so far so good Thank you Cap'n'Bob, She looks fast just sitting in her cradle , I was surprised at what a difference the graphics made Thank you Jay, I appreciate it . She's coming along rather nicely Best Regards, Pete
  16. Today, I started by getting the Hull prepped for the graphics, The first step was to lay out the angles ,to establish a starting point. I then took masking tape cut the appropriate angles and widths ( to match what is shown on the plans ) I then applied the strips to the Hull , I then masked off the deck and shot 2 coats of flat black . And after waiting 2 hours I unmasked the Hull to reveal the desired graphics. The next step will be to apply the logo's to the hull, and to make the Keel and rudder blades . Here are the results
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