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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Last night I was able to get the Sheer plank and first 3 rows of planking installed. Next will be to continue with getting the rest of the Planking installed. Here are the results
  2. Hello Bob, A long time ago a Freind of mine that builds RC Airplanes told me about it, Alcohol dries quicker and allows You to glue up the part sooner, than Water. ( without discoloration ) I have used this Method on Teak and Mahogany as well, It works really well Best Regards, Pete
  3. Thank You, Michael, I am using Basswood for the Planking, wich is currently soaking in rubbing alcohol, I hope to get the first few rows of planking on today, I will have an update later Best Regards, Pete
  4. Last night and this morning, I installed the planks that make up the Keel, and then installed the Garboard, I then sanded them with 220 grit sandpaper. Next will be to install the Sheer Strake and plank the Hull. Here are the results
  5. I could not agree more Best Regards, Pete
  6. Michael, I agree with all of the above Best Regards, Pete
  7. Looks good Piet, I am confident that your steady hands will get them painted perfectly, 64 blocks, wow Best Regards, Pete
  8. Michael, did you take out Maria this summer? I already miss going Sailing Thank you Mark, I was fortunate to grow up around a few of these, In Port Townsend WA, ( when I was older ) I saw one that was breathtakingly Beautifully built, I modeled the rear deck on the last one after it. The Building jig is made from 1 X 6 Pine ( actual size is 3/4" X 5 1/2" ), the Blocks are made from 1/2" X 1/2" Birch ( varying lengths based on the width of the frames ) The Frames are made from 3/32" basswood, Keel sections are 1/8" Basswood, the planking will be 1/4" X 1/16" Basswood, the Transom is a Birch ply. Thank you Bob, One of the details that I would like to achieve on this one is a more accurate Keel shape, I think that this one will be dialed in, with all the elements from the first 2. I thank you for the tip on the 12 1/2 Kit, I am actually considering buying a set of Plans for the 12 1/2 from Mystic Seaport, ( the offset table is blacked out ) However I read in wooden boat ( many years ago ) that what Francis had done was take his father's ( Nate) 12 1/2 and stretch the waterline to 14 ft. with the same beam. So with some reverse engineering and overlaying the frames from the 2 boats (from the lines Drawing ) I could get a offset table for the 12 1/2 ( in theory ) I would love to build full scale again ( its been at least 20 years ) Best Regards, Pete
  9. Beautiful work Michael, Wow that looks amazing Best Regards, Pete
  10. Nicely done Andrew, they look great and thanks Michael for the demonstration Best Regards, Pete
  11. Welcome aboard Piet, I really enjoy building this Boat, The Buzzards Bay 14 is one of my favorite boats ( very pleasing to the eye ) I hope that I can capture that same beauty with this one. If it was still warm outside I would be Sailing right now Best Regards, Pete
  12. Thank you, Patrick Michael, I am looking forward to the planking as well, It is my favorite part of the build. I will concentrate this week on getting the Keel made up and the Garboard installed. ( and get a few pics on here before I get carried away with planking ) Thank you, Bob, I am a huge admirer of the Herreshoff Designs, this is the 3rd time that I have built the Buzzards Bay 14. ( this Boat is an absolute pleasure to build ) I have been considering building the BlueJacket 12 1/2 ( I did a scratch build proto type of the 12 1/2 ) How is the BlueJacket kit ? I have also considered building Joel white's version of the 12 1/2 . Best Regards, Pete
  13. Today, I, started by adding the piece of Birch ply to the Transom, wich I had pre-cut. Next I laid out the parts that make up the Base of the Keel. ( this was something that I wanted to get right this time around ) I then cut out the parts and installed them. I then Faired all the frames. Next will be to make up the Keel section and add the Garboard, Followed by the Sheer plank. then were off and running to plank the rest of the Boat. Here are the results
  14. Michael, It looks fantastic, beautiful work Best Regards, Pete
  15. Very Nice Bob, She's looking great, Nice work Best Regards, Pete
  16. During the Week and today ( when I was able to squeeze in an hour or two ) I was able to get all the pieces cut, that make up the Keel and install them, I then installed the Rib Bands. So far the Boat lines up right on the Money, ( this is by far the best way to build this Boat ) next will be to Fair the frames and start work on the Keel. Here are the results
  17. Hi Nils, very informative on how the badges were made,( I will have to try that ) they look Fantastic, well done Best Regards, Pete
  18. Amazing Piet, I just found this build log and I will have to catch up on this incredible build Best Regards, Pete
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