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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Hi Piet, She is looking Fabulous , amazing detail work , just incredible Best Regards, Pete
  2. Thanks Geoff,she's getting there , once the detail work on deck is complete , I will start making the Keel and Rudder Blades, she's getting closer to Sailing Thanks Omega, The hull turned ourt well , I really like this blue ( Same as on Stars & Stripes ) I am having a blast building this boat, She practically built herself, every thing has gone smooth Best Regards, Pete
  3. Today, Was one of those days where you loose track of time and Bam , it's dark, My Morning started by Having Coffe outside and looking at the Boat, I decided that even though I used a semi-gloss white , I still got way to much Glare, So I wet sanded the Deck and Cockpit up to 2000 grit. ( that seemed to do the trick) Next I painted the Cabin and surrounding Deck area Dark Grey, I was actually talking with Kate this morning about the Grey on the Bruce Farr VO 65 Drawings , and decided to add some flat Black an 1/8 thinner to the Grey and wow is it close to the drawings,( I plan on doing the Graphics the same as the Drawings ) I then Painted the top of the Toe rail red as well as the Cabin highlights Cabin entry point on Deck and the Hydraulic end of the Boom Vang . I put her together so we can see what she will look like . ( nothing has been glued to the Hull, I also Sprayed 1 coat of white on the SAILOR 500 and both life Boat boxes. Here are the results
  4. Nice work Dave, The Transom looks fantastic, how is the Sonar system coming alog ? I just figured that I would have to build a faster boat . Best Regards, Pete
  5. Thanks Michael, you are not a slow poke . I am fortunate that I have not encountered one problem on this build, so no Complex allowed. Thanks Harvey, She's starting to take shape , this has been a fun build Best Regards, Pete
  6. Today, I started by painting the Bow section Yellow, ( it looks more like Tangerine ) Next I made the Life Boat Boxes for underneath the SAILOR 500, on the Com Tower, I then sprayed 2 coats of white on both the Sailor 500, and the 2 LifeBoat boxes. I started Making the first of 2 Steering Stations , Here are the results
  7. Thanks Cap'n'Bob, You make a great point , and That is the way I am leaning , I have to have the details on the Boat , It just requires better planning , so that I can have my Cake and Eat it too. Best Regards, Pete
  8. No Problem Michael, I can see what you were seeing , ( I completly understand ) I just finished painting the Yellow on the Bow section , and will have pic's later on today Best Regards, Pete
  9. Hi Micheal, it's a tape line , the Bow and reverse camber will be painted Yellow , so what you are seeing is the line from where I masked it off for the final 2 coats Hi Omega, it's optical , I can see how it would look as if somthing were added Best Regards, Pete
  10. She Looks Awesome Dave, beautiful work . I like how you did the rails black , it does contrast well . Best Regards, Pete
  11. Thanks Mark, I agree the fishing weight should stay ( just not in that location ) Thanks Omega, I understand your side of the fence , and I can imagine the incredible detail work that you put into it . I am sure it is Awesome. ( you do Amazing work ) and you are correct I would like to take it to a new level ( and that is where the problem is ) so It becomes a compromise of visual or performance , and that is the fence that I am sitting on Hi Michael, I am not sure what you mean , toword the bow section there is a camber ( between the Hull and Deck) that starts at the bow and goes to zero midship , The only thing I have added to the Bow section was the Bowsprit . Best Regards, Pete
  12. Hi Omega, let me see if I can Clarify, the RC Boats are Amazing , most of the details from the actual boat ( the real thing ) are left off , in order for there to be better performance for the RC Boat . So I am thinking do I want it to look right or sail right Best Regards, Pete
  13. Another Great day with the Boat , I started by finishing the Boom Vang. I decided not to add any of the other colors to the boat until the Paint Cures. So I turned my attention to making and installing the Bowsprit ( made from Brass ) I gave myself an eyelet on the front of the bowsprit , so that a Gennaker can be deployed from it . I then went to Cobham Areospace for the specs on the SAILOR 500 Inmarsat Fleet Broadband ( it is designed to meet the voice and Data Communication needs of maratime professionals globally ) I got that from their website. I made the part by making a round base and the shape on 2 center pieces, next I add 4 pieces to the outer edge and started shaping ( the 2 center pieces allows you to shape 1/4 at a time with a built in reference point) I also made and installed the shelf for the SAILOR 500 . wich brings me to this , There has been alot of great points made about the RC Boats , However somthing Harvey said about the scale being off got me to thinking, the key parts to those boats have to be eliminated in order for the raidio gear to work . ie: the Communications tower , Steerining stations and alot of the other defining detais .So I am a bit on the fence. Here are the results
  14. Thanks Michael, I am Happy with her Thanks Dr Per. , I am learning about these Amazing boats as I am building this one , and perhaps will generate more builds Hi Kees, Its not that I build fast, it's that I continuously build , I explained the Mast taper in a previous log Thanks Geoff, It's Funny but I had a problem finding the right color paint for Stars & Stripes , because in certian pictures it looks light and in other pictures dark , So I went with the straight Blue and it turned out to be the same color Thank's Piet, They are very sleek Extreme Sailing Machines Here is a shot of the Womens Team for this years Race Best Regards, Pete
  15. This morning , after I had my manditory Coffe, I unmasked the Boat finished making the Boom Vang, and put the mast in the Mast Slot ( to see where I am at ) I am very Happy with how the Boat is turning out , I am going to Paint the Cabin Grey , with Red highlights and the Yellow on the bow section. Here is what she Looks like,The Mast and Communications Tower have not been attached to the boat , are in position for the pic's
  16. Hi Nils, Beautifull job on the Masting, Amazing craftsmanship Best Regards, Pete
  17. Hi Geoff, It is the same color Blue, I took the pic's outside by the shed where I painted her, and the way the light hit it, makes the color look lighter Thanks Omega, I am pleased with the Blue paint n the Hull . Best Regards, Pete
  18. Today was another very productive day with the Boat ( I am enjoying building this one ) I started by making the spreaders for the mast, I then layed out and installed the eyelets for the stays, I then installed the spreaders , and painted 2 coats of flat black ( I am thinking maybe one more coat) I also painted 2 coats on the Boom, Then I Masked off and shot the final 2 coats of blue on the Hull, ( I am pleased with how it turned out ) When you look at the pics you will see that the bow section has been masked off as well . ( as that Bow section will be Yellow ) Here are the results
  19. Fantastic work Piet, The launcher and torpedos look amazing Best Regards, Pete
  20. Thank you Robert, These are some pretty amazing Boats Best Regards, Pete
  21. Thank you Kees, I made the Boom for the boat today ( So the masting has started, I had already made the Mast , I still have to add the Spraeders) after adding the thru Deck Fittings for the Stays, and the Toe Rail , I painted the Deck. Thanks Piet, I am really into these Boats, they are just Amazing. I am having a great time building this one . I re- Faired the Hull this morning and decided to take away some of the Blue on the Deck . Best Regards, Pete Here are the results
  22. Thanks Geoff, I wanted to see some clor on her as well , I like the blue Thanks Michael, it's been alot of sanding the past few days , I will get the thru deck fittings installed and spray the final coat of white on the deck Thanks Marc, I will be making my own sails , The Soling is an amazing boat ( I have been fortunate enough to sail one, full size ) and I have looked into the RC version . The next Volvo boat I do will be the new Farr VO65 for this years event Best Regards, Pete
  23. Today, was another day of alot of Sanding and Fairing. I then masked off an shot 3 coats of Blue, before the power went out ,( we had a thunder storm this afternoon ) next I will sand the hull to 800 grit wet sandpaper and shoot 2 more coats of Blue. Before I do that I will Install all the thru Deck Fittings , and finish Painting the Deck , I also sprayed 2 coats of flat Black on the Comunications Tower and Fising weight ( I dont know why ) Here are the results after another great day with the Boat
  24. Thanks Hans , I appreciate all your input it has been very informative and has given me greater insight to these amazing Sailboat's. Best Regards, Pete
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