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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Thank you Piet, No work done in the shipyard today, I went and had all the drawings printed out for the BMW ORACLE USA-98 Boat, I decided to build her at 1 : 35 Scale so she will be 30 " in length. I am very excited about building this Boat Best Regards, Pete
  2. Hi Piet, It's looking absolutley amazing , Beautiful, I hope that you are feeling better Best Regards, Pete
  3. Hi Nils, It's pretty amazing how fast those boats are , I am still partial to the mono Hull America's Cup Boats
  4. Thanks Bob, The Buzzards Bay Sailed beautifully that day, I cant wait till you build the AC72 , It will be a fantastic build to watch Best Regards, Pete
  5. Nice work J, I like the way you made the loops , did you have to soak the wood first ? Best Regards, Pete
  6. Hi Piet, The Airplane sounds very intresting , I don't think anyone is over estimaing your abillities , I belive that you can pull it off Best Regards, Pete
  7. Today , I started by sanding the Hull . I then turned my attention to making the Keel and Rudder , the Keel bulb was not as simple as I originally thought , Once I was happy with the Keel and Rudder , I installed them on the boat . while the glue was drying I made a better cradle for her , next I will use West System on the Keel and Rudder ( just the wetting out stage ) and get the hull ready for primer . Here are the results
  8. Hi Dr. Per , That's true, However I think my Mom had a hand in it Dave, no cut off's , Just shorts , although all my friends all had cut off's Thank you Tom, This is a hull only build , I am going to add some details in the cockpit and on deck , This is one of those build's that I would have liked to have done on a larger scale Thanks Bob, I took the Buzzards Bay Sailing ( photos in the galley ) It's Summer time and that can only mean one thing , " America's Cup " I got bit by the bug again this year , and am doing a 4 boat campaign . The 3 hull only builds and a larger RC Boat . In the Topic : America's Cup and the AC72 , I posted the Drawings for the ORACLE AC72 and said that I would definetly follow that build log , I was speaking to Brian ( probablynot ) about it , Here are the drawings for the AC72 Best Regards, Pete
  9. Nils, She is looking really good , Beautiful work .I am excited to see the Masting. She will be breath taking when completed Best Regards, Pete
  10. Hi Jay, It' was alot of fun , and a Pleasure to share it with everyone Hi Tom, Thats right it feels like you purchased a container of air, I am sold on the G-flex for models, You are correct smaller batches are easier to manage ( with a longer pot life ) and 1 to 1 mixing is easy and the G-flex kit has everything you need , ( I only paid $25. ) and I have now done 3 boats with it, and the bottles are still over half full . alot of bang for the buck , Best Regards, Pete
  11. Hi Dr. Per, I was fortunate to have already had the plans for the 3 Americas cup boats, (I have had them for 15 years ) They were lines drawings. For the BMW ORACLE US-98 . ( to be built next ) those plans are for an RC boat ( IACC 120 Class ) The talk of sailing when we were children brings back alot of good memories. The boat in the photo is a Lyle Hess design ( lapstrake hull ) she was a Montgomery 8 Thanks Dave , My parents are from Holland , So of course I had the Dutch Boy Haircut ( it's pretty funny ) Best Regards, Pete
  12. In between Epoxy Stages on America3 , I sanded the hull on Stars & Stripes , I then Sprayed 2 light coats of primer ( very light ), I then sanded her with 600 grit sandpaper , The hull is now ready for Paint. Next I will get the top side finished . Here are the results
  13. Thank you Piet , Its amazing stuff , I have used it on every full size build that I have ever done ( I always use the 105 resin with the 205 hardner for full size builds ) I thought to give this new stuff a try when I did the Buzzards Bay 14 ftr.( I was pleased with the results ) . The G-flex also works on metal , so it can be used for a lot of different aplications. I would recomend trying it out Best Regards, Pete
  14. Hi David B. , When the epoxy is cured it just it comes right off. Before I use them I wipe them down with rubbing alcochol.( Thats what you use to get it off your hands before it cures Thank you Geoff , I hope that it helped . Kate smiled when I told her you said thanks . Best Regards, Pete
  15. Hi Dr. Per , I pretty much grew up in the water as well, I had my first Solo when I was 6 . You are more than welcome to crew on Stars & Stripes with me, I think I would have to build her first. Kate grabbed the Photo album and here is the photo of my first solo taken by my Dad. That's in Marina Del Rey California Best Regards, Pete
  16. Thank you David B. Thank you Dr. Per , for adding the link, I forgot about that Here is Stage 2 , The nice thing about the West System Epoxy is the mixing cups and mixing sticks can be reused, as the epoxy does not stick to them. the mixing of epoxy is the same as stage 1( 1 part resin to 1 part hardner), however after you get it mixed to look like honey, Add the 406 silica and mix ( you can make it as thick or as thin as you need )and the pot life is still 45 minutes. For this aplication , I don't need it very thick ( a little bit thinner than Peanut butter ) and using the mixing stick ( it's shaped like a small putty knife ) I applied it over the entire hull ( mainly to fill in between the planks ) I got Kate ( my wife ) to take the photo's , In conclusion it is very easy to use, and here are the results
  17. OK, Here we go with the first stage , The wetting out , to Start , The G-flex mixture is a 1 to 1 ratio meanig that the same amount of resin to hardner. next is to mix it thoroughly ,( I make small batches ) it should look like Honey.( at this stage once it is mixed you will have 45 minutes to use it ) ( pot life ) I use a disposable sponge brush for the aplication, it works better than a regular brush ( for models ) I start by dabbing it on ( you dont want to get it on too thick ) once covered I smooth it out so that it even over the entire hull, in this case ( America3 ) the inside of the Transom as well. ( as it is part of the Hull ) in 3 hours it will be cured enough for the second stage . Here are the results from stage one
  18. Hi Omega , I use Basswood , However in my research on RC boats ( IACC Class ) they use plywood for the frames and Balsa for the planking with epoxy and cloth over the hull. I will probably use Basswood for the frames and a balsa core with epoxy and cloth for the Hull . The BMW ORACLE Boat will be about 36 " in length , not quite the full length of the IACC 120 Class rules ( they are 1200 mm or 47 1/4 " in length ) 36" is the largest RC Sailboat in my area (at the local RC Sailing spot ) and if I show up with the full size IACC 120 no one will want to Sail against me , and what fun is that Best Regards, Pete
  19. Thanks Jay and Geoff , I will do the West System epoxy in 2 stage's like I did on Stars & Stripes. it's a fairly simple procedure . I will explain and show the process later on today. here is a photo of the West System Products that I will be using Best Regards, Pete
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