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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Happy New Year Cap'n'Bob I am ready for a Party Best Regards, Pete
  2. Nice work Bob, I will be following along as well , She's looking good Best Regards, Pete
  3. Today, I lofted out all the frames , as per the offset table. I then layed out all the frames on the wood ( Bass wood ) It took longer than I remembered the first time . I am pleased with how she is turning out so far. Next will be to cut out the frames and set up the Keel. Here are the results
  4. Thanks Piet, I am becoming tempted to build another Lobster Smack , After watching you build yours Best Regards, Pete
  5. Hi Piet, They are addicting to build and after looking at yours I may have to scratch another one out Best Regards, Pete
  6. Beautiful work as always Michael , its nice to get caught back up on the build Best Regards, Pete
  7. You know it Cap'n'Bob I love the lines of the Herreshoff boats , I will probably build the Herreshoff Alerion next . it's great to hear from you Best Regards, Pete
  8. Thanks Omega, Its nice to get back to building, The majority of the other boats have been sold .( I needed to clean house ) The Volvo is in storage and I will get back to it at some point Thanks Geoff, There is plenty of room, I am excited about building this one , I can do all the things that I wanted to do after the first one was built Thanks Michael, I am old school, and love to work from drawings and lofting etc ( more hands on ) My boatyard has been cleared out so that there is room for the new boats Best Regards, Pete
  9. Very Cool Piet, I just discovered your build log ( I have been away for a while ) Looks Good, They are very fun to build Here is a Scratch build I did with a retractable centerboard Best Regards, Pete
  10. After Taking a break ,I decided to build the Herreshoff Buzzards Bay 14ftr. This boat was designed by L. Francis Herreshoff . What he had done was to lengthen his father's ( Capt Nate ) Famous 12 1/2 . I have the plans and have built one ( it can be seen in the Gallery ) I did get the Keel layed out and next will layout and cut out all the frames. The boat will be built in a 3/4 " = 1' - 0" Scale Here are the results after day 1
  11. Thanks Bob, no doubt she is built for speed, speaking of speed hows the AC72 coming along ( lol) Thanks Kees, I am totally hooked on the Volvo Ocean Race ( Oct 4th 2014 is the start of this years race) Thanks Piet, The Keel and bulb turned out to be more work than I had thought , I am pleased with the result Thanks Omega, The keel has not been installed yet , once I get the 2 more coats of flat black and the rudder blades painted,and installed, She will be ready for Tank testing Best Regards, Pete
  12. Looks good Russ, shes staring to come together. Nice work Best Regards, Pete
  13. Hi John, Beautiful Hull , Very nice work Best Regards, Pete
  14. Hi Omega, Bob is right , you will still have to fit her out , so we are looking at closer to 1.8 million , hey that put's you on the helm sailing away , as for crew , there are enough members on this site that woulld love to be on the crew , I would do a leg on a Volvo 65 no problem . so who wouldnt want to go Sailing with you ( as for the money you only need to get all 6 numbers right on a lottery ticket ) Best Regards, Pete
  15. Thanks Omega, I am pleased with how the Keel and Bulb turned out , there was alot of fairing . She will have 2 rudders Thanks Richard, These boats are incredible , I have learned alot about them thru the course of this build , ( they are very High Tech. ) and I will keep the pics coming Thanks Joe, She is getting closer to where , I can start to think about her Sea-Trials Thanks Geoff, I hope that you are feeling better , I would like to see your Connie come together Best Regards, Pete
  16. Today , I did get the Keel faired and 2 base coats of the flat black ,( 2 more coats and the keel will be ready for installation) I also added the logo on the Companionway hatch , I then dry fit the keel ( fits perfect ) Next will be the rudder blades and main sheet traveler, Here are the results
  17. Thanks Joe, I am having alot of fun with this build and everything has gone smooth ( I could not ask for more ) I had to include the action shots , it helps set the mood Best Regards, Pete
  18. Hey Dave, you may want to reconsider your appointment with Dr. Phil, in my session with him , the presciption he gave me was to join this ship modeling group Best Regards, Pete
  19. Thanks Richard, That is some great information Best Regards, Pete
  20. Nice work Dave, Beautifully done bow section looks incredible. I perfer to call it a passion , addiction sounds harsh . I think we are all in the same Boat ( every pun intended ) Best Regards, Pete
  21. Beautiful Work Nils, Uncompromised Craftsmanship absolutly incredible. Well done Best Regards, Pete
  22. Thanks Piet, I can't seem to get it to work ( I think it's a wiring issue LOL ) , the Inmarsat Sailor 500 works perfect LOL Hi Omega, The Sailor 500 Does exactly that in unison with the GPS , its an incredible technology that allows real-time Satellite tracking from the boat , as to location, performance , and keeps a log ,its just another thing that makes these boats incredible ( State of the Art ) I also did the final West System Application to the Keel ( for a total of 3 ) next the Keel will be sanded smooth and painted a Flat Black along with the 2 Rudder Blades Best Regards, Pete
  23. Hi Piet, At the back of the Transom ,is the communications tower , wich has 2 Lifeboat boxes , and the Sailor 500 Inmarsat Fleet Broadband , wich is for Voice and Data Communications, there is a GPS dome at the top of the tower ( wich I made today ) here is what it looks like Best Regards, Pete
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