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Everything posted by pete48

  1. I would first off like to thank everyone for the Likes and Comments, I am greatful for all the input and information the video's are Amazing . I am thoroughly enjoying this Build. It is alot of fun , and I am learning alot about theses State of the Art Racing Machines Thanks Jay, I am hoping to get the Blue on the Hull today Thanks Hans, What do you think of the Bruce Farr VO 65 ? Hi Michael, the Keel cants from Starboard to Port, the Keel acts like a pendulum and is rased toward the windward wide of the Boat with the Dagger Board dropped on the Lee Side ( I hope that explains it ) The Boat Is starting to come together Thanks Harvey , for the intresting Conversation, on the Roller furling system ( for the model ) Best Regards, Pete
  2. Look's really good Piet , once painted it will look amazing , Incredible work Best Regards, Pete
  3. Another very productive day with the boat , ( mostly spent sanding ) Once the hull was Faired and the Deck sanded , I apllied 2 coats of primer to both the Hull and Deck. I then shot 1 coat of semi-gloss White on the deck and cockpit ( allowing overspray on to the Hull ) Here are the results
  4. Hi Michaelpsutton2, I will do that, However I will doing my own graphic's and color scheme on thi one Thank's Dr Per, I appreciate your 2 cent's, I found a Bruce Farr designed VO 65 Line's drawing that I would build from , ( The graphic's are the same as the Stockmaratime RC Boat ) So I am thinking about building the newer version as per plan , in an RC Version ( about 30 " ) Hi Harvey, I had a Schaefer Marine furling system on the Catalina 27 I used to own, I am thinking like the one on the Stockmaratime Boat. I think Michael Mott is correct on how the set up works ( it would just be a matter of employing it ) Thank you Michael, I appreciate it , I watched the video's a few time's and I belive that you are Correct , on how it works Here are the Drawing's for the Farr Designed VO 65 : I would be Building the Boat from these Drawing's Best Regards, Pete
  5. Hi Dr Per. , I looked into it as well, I would rather build one . I joined an RC forum a few months back , and came across someone building the Ericsson Boat , I asked him if he could send me the Plans ( so I am waiting on that ) I will be happy to share them with you , if you dont like building from a lines drawing. The new Boats for this years race are 65 feet in length, so I am looking into plans for the new boats. any Idea how they get the roller furling to work for the Gennaker ( from the Stockmaratime video ) That is a huge selling point to me wanting to build an RC version Best Regards, Pete
  6. Thanks Geoff, I am going to try and get her into primer today Thank you Dr Per, on posting # 24 I show the drawing that I am using fof building the Boat, It would make a fantastic RC Boat ,( I am considering doing one instead of the cup boat ) I am currently working on getting RC Plans for the Ericsson Boat, I belive the length is about 4 feet Thanks Michael, Thanks for the links to the stockmaritime boats ( they make one with the canting Keel as well ) I may build on of these in an RC Boat instead of the BMW Oracle AC Boat Thanks Harvey, The HMS Suprise would make an intresting RC Boat Thanks for the Awesome Video Tom, totally incredible ,it is Extreme Sailing Best Regards, Pete
  7. Thank's Jay I am having a blast building this one, she's right on the money and going together like butter , I look forward to seeing the Masting complete as well . I started calling her " The Sled " Best Regards, Pete
  8. Another Great day with the Boat , ( this Boat has become my favorite build ) That being said, I sealed up the Cockpit floor, cut an access in the Cabin cut out the Mast step and installed the Cabin. now the only entry into the boat is thru the cabin. ( she has to be water tight , like a wine bottle with a cork in it ) I then used West System Epoxy on the Deck , the same way I did the Hull. I also used Epoxy on the Comunications Tower securing the Brass Tubes to the Base ( wich I shaped to the Correct specs ) I then turned my attention to making the Spars, This is a tapered Mast , I first cut the mast to length, ( I left the label on the Boom side of the mast ) I then with the mast on it's side cut the taper in the forward section ( never touching the Label side ) then I put the Mast label side down and maked and cut the taper on the sides of the Mast then sanded the 1/4 round on the tapered section to give it the correct profile. The mast is ready for spreaders ( and then will have Epoxy applied, for stregth ) The communications tower is still being held in place by the Fishing weight and has not been installed , Here are the results
  9. Thank you Hans, I realized that these boats are very wet, so I sealed up the floor in the cockpit , and created an access in the cabin ( to add ballast if need be ) I just finished the second stage of the epoxy on the Deck and will have pic's later Best Regards, Pete
  10. Thank you Hans, I like the Imoca 60 cabiin style , I think it will deflect water better . I have been enjoying the Freedom of this build, I have been learning alot about these Boats , and they are Incredible , the design is alot more complex than it would appear from looking at the boat, and now that I have a better understanding of the Boat , I may have to build another, ( per todays specs ) Best Regards, Pete
  11. Looking very Sweet Dave, I cant wait to see her fully rigged . Beautiful work Best Regards, Pete
  12. Thank you Geoff, She's coming together Thank you joe, Extreme Sailing , These boats are amazing , and to be on the crew would be a rush Thank you piet, This boat is actually more complicated than I had originally thought , Incredible design and engineering . Thank's Omega, She definitely looks fast just sitting there , This has been my favorite build thus far , every aspect of this build has gone smooth, it's been alot of fun Best Regards, Pete
  13. Today, Day 5 of the build , I started by enclosing the Cockpit ( I did leave an access in case I need to add Ballast ) I then applied West System Epoxy to the Hull in 2 stages . While that was drying, I found some Small Brass tubing and made a new Bowsprit, I then made the Comunications tower for Aft of the boat ( the fishing weight is to hold it up for the photos) I did add the Cabin access on top of the cabin as per plan . ( I think it looks good ) Next will be to install the Cabin and West System the top side . Here are the results
  14. Hi Michael, On the plans it looks to square , this looks like water will flow over the top better, ( acting like a spray dodger ) Reality is that I like this look better Best Regards, Pete
  15. Looking good Dave, She's coming together rather nicely. Best Regards, Pete
  16. Hi Nils, The Bow Shots look incredible. Beautifull work , She's quite the Master piece Best Regards, Pete
  17. Hi Omega, Probably hanging out in a Marina , trying to stowaway on someones Boat. I am greatful that I have the Boats Best Regards, Pete
  18. Thank's Geoff, She's going together very smooth Thank's Omega, I am thinking that she will be ready for water in a few week 's ,I may have add ballast at the center of the boat, so that she will sit on her water line ( I will see after I tank test ) Best Regards, Pete
  19. Today, another great day , We had a thunder storm and lost power early this morning , so I spent the day getting the Hull faired. The boat is actually a little more complicated than originally talked about .I then decided that I would do somthing different with the cabin , I made a mock up out of paper once I was happy with it, I made one out of Basswood. I then started making the Bowsprit , ( I taped it together and to the boat for the pic's) The cabin is not attached and is positioned for the pic's. Here are the results
  20. Hi Omega, Very nice work , shes looking really good , Fantastic detail Best Regards, Pete
  21. Thank you Hans, The Mini sounds very impressive , Best of luck with your full scale project Thank you Piet, I could plank Boats all day ,for me It's then that the Boat starts to take shape Best Regards, Pete
  22. Than's Geoff, Planking is one of my favorite parts of the build, I am pleased with how it turned out Thank 's Harvey, She's starting to take shape, I did find an RC model with the Canting Keel made by Stockmaritime here is the link to the site :n http://stockmaritime.com/modellboote/vo/allgemein.php?lang=en_GB&id_bilder=393163 Hi Michael, I am happy with the colors that I have chosen , and can't wait to see her in those colors Thank you Hans, For providing a great wealth of knowledge on these Volvo Boats, I appreciate it , the Mini Transat 650 looks to be a fast boat, and looks like alot of fuin to sail. Best Regards, Pete
  23. Today was another Great day with the Boat. I started by pre soaking my planking material 1 hour before start. I then finished planking the Hull, I am pleased with the results. this Boat has been extremly Fun to build , ( I would recomend it ) I then started Fairing the Hull, I will finish Fairing the Hull in the morning . She's coming out right on the numbers . Here are the results
  24. Hi Cap'n'Bob, She's a different kind of a Bird, thats for sure , I was amazed to see them sail , and Bam I am hooked Best Regards, Pete
  25. Here is a shot of my Shipyard this morning at 8:00 am , this gives you am idea of how different this boat is when compared to a Cup boat.
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