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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Thanks Omega, I am still working on the Roller furling Drum ( I am having some problems with it ) The rest of the boat has gone together very smooth , This has been a fun boat to build . Best Regards, Pete
  2. Hi Niks, The Rigging looks great , Beautiful work , Looks like she is almost ready for the Final downwind leg of this build , Incredible build Best Regards, Pete
  3. Thank you Piet, I have been learning alot about these Boats, since starting this build. these are the most High tech state of the art Racing Yachts that I have ever seen . It is incredible to see them sail ( I have watched lots of you tube videos on these boats ) I am very excited about building the new Farr Volvo 65 , for this years Race ( wich starts Oct 4 th ) Best Regards, Pete
  4. Today, I started by working on the Keel , I did alot of fairing and then applied a second coat of epoxy. ( I hope to have the Keel ready for paint next ) I told Piet that I would be making the Main Sail, However I decided to try and make Gennaker # 2 ( the shorter Gennaker) with the Blue rip-stop Nylon, This material was alot harder to work with than the Fabric for the first 2 sails. ( the glue has to be placed in such away as not to effect it's ability to Furl )It worked out after the second try , I am happy with how the seams turned out and it's ability to Furl, I then turned my attention to making the second Steering wheel , Here are the results
  5. Hi Piet, I know the feeling , , After the Camping trip it's been a bit hard to get back to work , and around here Fall fell hard, It only got into the 60's yesterday , it's suppose to be nice by the weekend , I am going to make the main for the Volvo today. your Sub looks Amazing , Just incredible work my Friend Best Regards, Pete
  6. Thanks Michael, The sails are all glued no stitching , It was great seeing you out on the water on your Boat Best Regards, Pete
  7. After the Annual Family Labor Day Weekend Camping Extravaganza, I could not wait to get back to work , I started by finishing the hem in the Foot of the working Jib and 150 % Genoa , I then added the North Sails logos ( On boats I have owned, if a sail needed to be replaced I always Bought from North Sails ) I then turned my attention to making the Keel . I started by buying a fishing weight that was close to size and weight. . In this case I needed to add extra to the trailing edge of the bulb. I then wraped flat brass around it and attached it to the Keel . next I added the side pices of the Keel enclosing the Brass, in the center . the entire Keel was put together with West Sytem Epoxy. I gave myself alot of material , so that I may obtain the corect Keel Foil Shape . Here are the results
  8. Hi Marc, I am using 4 different materials, the Working Jib and 150 % Genoa are made from the left-over material , from the Buzzards Bay, I am using a Blue Rip Stop Nylon for the Gennaker, Out Door Sports Material for the Main ( The thinnest I could Find ) and a light weight nylon for the rest of the Head Sails ( the Closest I could Find to the Buzzards Bay Material. all purchased at Jo Ann Fabric . Best Regards, Pete
  9. Today, Was one of those day's , that I did not feel like making parts for the VOLVO 70 , Keel # 5 had made the journey to the Boat shed, and Has been sitting on the shelf by my work Table.( so I look at it while I have Coffe ) The Hull had been coated with West System ( I did it at the time , that I did the Herreshoff Buzzards Bay 14 ftr. ) I started by Cutting out a piece of Birch ply for the Cabin top and another for the Cabin companion way wall. I then installed the Cabin Top and Companion wall, and Made the Rudder blade and installed it as well. Next I sanded the Deck, Coamings , Cabin top and Rudder Blade to 600 Grit Sandpaper. I then wanted to try this experiment wich is to see how a cut out Logo ( Paper ) would do if Epoxy was applied over it ( I choose a Loyd's certified logo and a small West System logo ) I first apllied them with Elmers white glue and applied epoxy over the top of it . I worked out great no ink bleed or seperations of any kind . ( this experiment will now be applied to future builds where this kind of application is needed) , So now Keel #5 has turned into a Shed model/ Test Boat , wich works for me. And as I am not going to do any more work to her, I will close this build log ( the other 2 boats were in a box that went to the Good Will 3 months ago) Don't Ask all I will say is that I was at fault. . So there will be no new Postings to this log , I will still respond to comments and questions . Here are the results from Keel # 5
  10. Thank you Michael, It's been alot fun making the parts for this one Thanks Omega, she does have that speed boat look Thanks Geoff, she's coming together, I am almost finished making all the parts , then I will make the Keel and Rudder Blades, She will see water soon Best Regards, Pete
  11. After a unexpected but welcomed interuption, I was able to get back to work, I started by making the Turn buckles ,I then Painted them Flat Black, I then Made all the Secondary Winches for the Cockpit.Next, I turned my attention to finishing the Streering stations, I srarted by making the pedestal for the Wheel, I then decided to make the Wheel out of Wood ( as a test & it worked ) I then Painted the Bases Grey, the Railing and Wheel center Red, The Pedestal and wheel rim Flat Black, with the center of the Wheel being White, Nothing at this stage has been Glued to the Boat , The Fishing weight is still being used to hold up the Communications Tower, I am very please with how she is coming along. Here are the results
  12. Hi Nils, Incredible, I am amazed at the beautiful workmanship every time I look at your Boat , Superbly done Best Regards, Pete
  13. Hi Dave , Nice looking water pumps , beautifully done Best Regards, Pete
  14. Thank you Michael, It's great to be able to leave everything set up so the " Boat Shed " is Perfect, and you were right Making Sails is Addictive Thanks Geoff, I am happy with the Boat Shed , It's the best Banishment I have ever had Thanks Omega, I appreciate all the support I can get Best Regards, Pete
  15. We Have a 10 X 15 foot Shed , I Have been using it for Painting , Kate said just use it for your Boat building shop ( SOLD ) once I brought the Table in , I decided to make a Burgee ( Pete & Kate Royal Yacht Club ) that scored me some points , I then turned my attention to making a working Jib and 150 % Genoa. This is going to be a better workspace than the Dinning room Table. Here are the results
  16. Thank you Geaoff, She's getting there , I started making Sails for her today Best Regartds, Pete
  17. Last night it got to late to do a build log, Yesterday I started by finishing the Life Boat boxes, I soaked very thin strips of wood and bent them around the Boxes . I then painted the banding red. I also re did the Toe rails , as I only wanted the Red to show on top. the 4 primary winches were also painted a flat Black , and the Roller furling Drum was Painted flat Black . Nothing has been glued to the Boat at this stage. Here are the results
  18. Hi Omega, She looks Amazing , The Hull looks incredible, Beautiful work , Best Regards, Pete
  19. Thanks Piet, I thought it would be fun to have a complete set of working sails for the boat , ( then she will be able to sail no matter the comditions ) I wish I would of had a reefing point on the Buzzards Bay Main ( at the time she sailed, the wind was just a bit strong at times ) Plus when the inspiration is there , you gotta go for it. Your shipyard seems like it will be busy for a while. Best Regards, Pete
  20. Hi Michael, I have few new Ideas for making the pannels , if it works out It will be alot easier than how I had aproached Sailmaking in the past, Hi Omega, Like I was saying to Michael, I have a few new Ideas for Sailmaking .All the sails on this boat will be able to be removed and replaced with smaller or larger , depening on wind conditions, , I have a few more things to work out, I am thinking I can get the furling system to work. ( at least it will fully deploy ) there is no radio on board. Kate has been telling me to build the Bruce Farr VO 65 in the same scale so that we can sail them together ( so I am leaning toward that scale, and leaving the radio gear alone until spring ) another month or so and it will be a bit to brisk for my liking. ( a perfect time to build the Herreshoff Alerion ) Best Regards, Pete
  21. Hi Omegaa, Beautiful work. very nice table. Looking good Best Regards, Pete
  22. I was away for most of the day , however I managed to make the 4 large Deck winches, and roughed out the 4 smaller ones that surrond the Cockpit. My Main Focus was to make the Roller Furling System for the Gennaker , so That it can be deployed and rolled back up , ( it's a feature that I jusy have to have on the boat . In a prelimenery test It worked proprely ( hope to show a mock up in the next few days. I also plan a full Sail inventory, including 2 Mains ( 1 standard and 1 half , as if it were refed, A working Jib, a 110 % Genoa , and the Gennaker ( Possibly a storm jib ( for high winds ) ( I am going to get the Sail making down) does'nt the saying go make your weekness you Srengths , (the only other set of Sails that I have made were for the Herreshoff Buzzards Bay )I am excited about Sailmaking for the first time in my life Here are the result
  23. Thank you Piet, I think my Paint jobs are getting better ( almost to where I would like them to be ) Have you thought about you next project yet ? I am sure it will be amazing . Best Regards, Pete
  24. Beautiful work piet , the Carftsmanship and detail are amazing, Have you thought about fabricating metal parts for people ? I know that I would place an order . I have not seen better metal work on this site , you my friend are truly gifted Best Regards, Pete
  25. Hi John, Very nice build you have going on here , I really like how you made the cradle , beautiful work , she's taking shape , It's always good to see am America's Cup boat ( I am a huge fan of the America's Cup ) I will pull up a chair and follow along Best Regards, Pete
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