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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Thanks Patrick, I should have explained myself better in regards to the camber on the Aft Deck. I saw a Buzzards Bay 14 at the wooden Boat show (Seattle ) with the camber as I had done this time ( I liked the way the deck planking sat on it ) This one will not have radio gear, and will free sail as the first one did. I am considering bumping up the scale to 1" = 1' - 0" so that radio gear could be installed . Best Regards, Pete
  2. Well, I finally got back to work on the Herreshoff. I started by detailing the Cockpit section , this time around I was able to get the frames cut deeper . ( this was something that I wanted to do the first time around ) I then detailed the frames for the aft Deck ( with the correct camber ) next I added a nice pice of birch ply to the Transom and stained it a Cherry Red. then the Frames were installed into the Keel. Next will be to Fair the Frames and get her ready for planking. Here are the results
  3. Looking Good Patrick , Beautiful work Best Regards, Pete
  4. Hi Patrick, I have made it half way thru this build ( trying to catch up on all the build logs ) Beautiful work , as always Best Regards, Pete
  5. Simply Amazing Nils, just incredibly beautiful work Best Regards, Pete
  6. Thanks Omega, There were a few things that I wanted to do differently after I had done them on the first one , and the mast step was one of them Best Regards, Pete
  7. Beautiful work Omega, She turned out Amazing Best Regards, Pete
  8. Today, I started by truing up all the frames , Next I glued in the first 4 frames then built the Mast step , I then attached the 5th frame ( or frame 7' - 6" ) , this was one of the things that is easier to do now rather than the way I did it on the first one . Next will be to detail the cockpit frames and install them. All the connections were glued with Titebond 3 ( waterproof glue, as she is being built so that she will be able to be sailed ) Here are the results
  9. Absolutely Beautiful work Nils , she looks fantastic Best Regards, Pete
  10. Looks great Piet, I am thinking that I may have to build one, your boat is very inspiring Best Regards, Pete
  11. Thank you Piet, your Lobster smack is sure coming together Best Regards, Pete
  12. Looks great Piet, She's really starting to take shape nice touch on the opening hatch doors Best Regards, Pete
  13. I have not done an update for a while, the truth is that I got side tracked on the Herreshoff 12 1/2 . I decided to try out the Keel revisions that I had done. ( after building the proto type ) I will have an update on the Buzzards Bay in the next day or so . Here are a few pics of what I have been working on, with the Buzzards Bay 14 in the foreground in photo #1
  14. Thanks Cap'n'Bob, She's starting to take shape, Thanks Patrick, Shes got Beautiful lines as do most of the Herreshoff Boats Thanks Michael, The Bass wood is 3/32" for the frames and 1/8" for the Keel. Everything is cut out by hand with a X-Acto knife #11 blades. Best Regards, Pete
  15. First Happy New Year, Today, I cut out all the frames and set up the Keel to accept the frames , Next will be to detail the frames ( seats deck camber etc.) The first thing that I did differently than the first one was to lower the cockpit floor . I am pleased with the way this one is turning out. The frames are just dry fit into the Keel Here are the results
  16. Hi Nils, to start the new year , I have just started a Herreshoff Buzzards Bay 14 ftr. Best Regards, Pete
  17. Very Nice Work Dave, HAPPY NEW YEAR Best Regards, Pete
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