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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Thank you Michael, Actually this one is the longest at 13 1/2 " while Australia II is just over 12 " it's interesting how the designers pushed the envelope to get the Maximum boat with the rules Formula Thank you David B. , She's gong together pretty quik and is catching Stars & Stripes Thank you Jay, The tricky part was removing the last frame and the Keel section aft of where the Cockpit floor runs into the transom. West System Epoxy is amazing stuff, and for Boat Building I would not use anything else . I talked about it on the Stars & Stripes log posting # 47 I will be happy to explain or show the process Best Regards, Pete
  2. Thanks Geoff, The transom was a bit tricky , I am thinking by using West System epoxy , will strengthen the Transom . She's going together pretty smooth . Best Regards, Pete
  3. It was a busy day for America3 , I started by cutting down all the frames that would be in the Cockpit area , I then cut out and installed the Cockpit Floor, I then installed the Cockpit side walls , I also added the Deck piece at the front of the Cockpit. I started to get the sanding done to get her ready for Epoxy , in the same manner that I did Stars & Stripes. . She has that IACC Look with the open Transom. Here are the results
  4. Thank you David B. , Those big cat's are Fast , I agree alot of the elegance and Graceful line's are gone , along with the mystique that was with the cup . Like I said in the KA-6 Build log , Corporate sponsorships and constant rules changes Kinda ended an era Hi Omega, it was a mismatch , If Team New Zealand would have given the San Diego Yacht Club more time to build a 90 ft mono hull of there own , I think it would have been better for the sport, I think they thought they could just come in and take the Cup ( They did 2 cups later when Dennis Conner lost it for a second time ) What a mess that Cup Defense was. Best Regards, Pete
  5. Thank you Tom , Thats why I dont consider it a real America's Cup . The Hobie 16 was a fun boat to sail ( I never raced mine ) . West Sytem is amazing , I normally use the 105 , 205 combo , this G-flex 650 is pretty impressive with a longer pot life . The Cup Boats have been alot of fun to build , ( I do recomend building one ) Best Regards, Pete
  6. Hi Omega, Nice work, I like the dental mirror photos ( nice photography work ) She's looking good Best Regards, Pete
  7. Hi Piet, tell Gwen thanks for taking the pic's. I am learning alot from your build and the tutorials , I can see where I had made mistakes , and why I am having a hard time with Metal work, you make it look easy . The details on the Torpedo launcher look Amazing . Beautiful work Best Regards, Pete
  8. Hi Michael, I had a 16 ft Hobbie Cat for a few years , she was alot of fun to sail ( fast ) What I am refering to is , The way the whole deed of trust was handled, it was more of a court battle than a cup race ( I grew up down there ) I will give the San Diego Yacht Club credit for coming uo with a 45 foot cat to defend the cup , But it kinda gave the sport a Black eye ( in my opinion ) Best Regards, Pete
  9. Hi Piet, I do the same thing in the morning . the way they maneuver is incredible and to come to a complete stop mid air is remarkable , I could go on about them , I will stop here Best Regards, Pete
  10. Thanks Piet, I am having alot of fun building these, and with the exception of the Catamaran vs Big mono hull ( wich to me does not count as an Americas Cup ) these are the 3 winners in order ( I did not plan it this way ) all in the same scale, I have used West System for years and am completly sold on it . the 2 stage is how I would do a full size build , except after the wetting out, While still wet Cloth would cover the hull and then the 406 Silica epoxy mixture over the top of the Cloth. I will be doing that 2 stage with cloth on the BMW ORACLE Boat Best Regards, Pete
  11. Thank you Geoff , She's moving right along without a hitch , I have not run into any problems building the Cup Boats , and they sure are alot of fun to build . Here is what the ship yard looks like as of 6:30 pm Best Regards, Pete
  12. Today, Once the Keel situation was under control on KA-6 ( " The Boxing Kangaroo" )on Stars & Stripes I finished Fairing the wings on the Keel . I then decided to use West System epoxy on the Hull, I did this in 2 stages the first was wetting out ( just straight epoxy brushed on the Hull ) Cure time on the West System G-flex 650 epoxy is 3 hours ( set's up in 45 minutes ) After 3 hours I mixed another batch of epoxy and added West system 406 Collodial Silica ( High density Filler ) . Then using the mixing stick / Applicator ( kinda like a small putty knife ) I applied it over the entire Hull . This was kind of a trial run for the R.C. Boat that is coming up. Next I will fair the Hull starting with 220 grit working my way up to 800 grit wet , This should give her a really smooth Hull ( like Glass ) Here are the results
  13. Thank's Keith , I was glued to the screen in 87' Watching this Beautifull Boat Sail , It was great . I am glad to have you on board . I am also building America3 92' winner in the same scale ( I was there for the races in San Diego ) the link is in my signature . I would love to visit Fremantle, and try to get a feel of what it was like . Best Regards, Pete
  14. To be honest , I could not live with with the Paint job on the Keel any longer, and first thing this morning, I went to work to fix it . After I got that squared away and was happy with it , I built a more fitting Cradle. from frames 4 & 9 on the plans I made a bow and stern section .Then I made a base with the correct spacing from frames 4 & 9 . when I put the boat in the cradle for the first time she fit like a glove . Here are the results. I will sleep better tonight
  15. That is so Awesome, Thank you Keith , I will have to do that on friday Best Regards, Pete
  16. Hi Steve, It's all about having Fun, The Companionway look's great . Nice work Best Regards, Pete
  17. That's Brural Casey, I was beginning to wonder what Happened . Glad to see you getting back to building Best Regards, Pete
  18. Thank you Dave, I am pleased with how she is turning out , she is very Sleek and all business Thank's Jay, The Keel was easier on this one than on the Boxing Kangaroo. The transom is key to this build and planes down to a point . Awesome design Thank you Geoff , She's comming together . I will use West system on the hull ( I wont be putting her in water ) but, I am thinking I will end up with a better finish Hi David B. , I would love to have a scaled down version about 30 feet ( so I would not need a full crew ) To me Stars & Stripes would be the 12 meter to have Best Regards, Pete
  19. Hi Piet, We have a Humming bird feeder on our back deck ( that's where I do all my sanding ) They are amazing to watch, and the sound they make while flying is incredible. Thank you for taking the time for this tutorial. I have learned alot from this posting Best Regards, Pete
  20. Thanks Jay, Epifanes is Awesome varnish, sounds like a great plan, I am intrested to see how the Matte works for you , I have only used the gloss. You may sell me on the matte Hi Kieth , Thank you she need some touch up on the Keel . Hindsight is 20/20 , there is always somthing I would have liked to do differently. Like a larger scale and a complete boat wich could be put in the water and Sail. However this is the first Cup Boat that I have built Thanks Omega, the stripes are next , I am not sure yet how I am going to do the lettering on the transom, whats great about this boat was all the inovations that were introduced at the time. The next Americas Cup In Australia , Every one had a winged Keel , and look at the bow section of Stars & Stripes deep and sharp. it is a fascinating case study . Best Regards, Pete
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