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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Simply Amazing Nils, The detail work is just incredible, beautifully done Best Regards, Pete
  2. Thank's Jay, I am glad that I have a good drawing for the boat . It was a bit tricky Best Regards, Pete
  3. Thank you Piet, She has been alot of fun to build, She's moving to the finishing room Best Regards, Pete
  4. Amazing Work Piet, looks like you have your work cut out for you ( regarding the torpedo launcher ) I am sure it will turn out excellent , You do such incredible work Best Regards, Pete
  5. Hi Geoff, Not only that someone may want to kill me Thank you Robert , This build has gone very smooth , The toughest part was the Keel , She's a paint job away from being finished . Hopefully this week Best Regards, Pete
  6. Thank you J, The links to my builds are in my signature ,However I am thinking about a little red skiff Best Regards, Pete
  7. Today, I was able to get the Keel completed, with the trim tab. The fairing is just about complete, The last item to make for this Boxing Kangaroo, is the Rudder and than I will get her into primer . This was an Amazingly fun boat to build , Out of couriosity What cup boat would you build ? .And If anyone ever ask's how long it takes to put a Winged Keel on a Boxing Kangaroo, You can tell them 2 days . Here are the results
  8. Looks Good Dave, Water lines can be trickey . I understand wnat you are saying (Painting is still difficult for me ) Best Regards, Pete
  9. Today was the day to start the Winged Keel, To say it is difficult would be an understatement. ( this is the first one that I have done or even a Cup boat for that matter) I first finished Fairing the hull to the Keel line , Next I cut frames for the Keel, Then I made the wings, On the frames, I notched in the wing angle , I then used scarp to fill in the spaces between the frames . I got the front 2 sections of the keel finished . I still have the aft section of the Keel with the trim tab fo finish followed by Fairing the Keel ,The Wings have not been glued in at this time, This is an amazingly well designed Boat. Here are the results
  10. WOW !!!!!!!! Awesome Michael, She sure looks great in the water, Very nice work Best Regards, Pete
  11. Thank you Leanne, I was 16 at that time , I grew up in a Sailing Family and had my first solo at 6 , So the Americas Cup was bigger than any other sport in our house. the Cup was bolted down for 132 years in New York Yacht Club, so to see an inovative yacht come in and force 7 races was spectacular, and the winged Keel taking center stage made for a great story Best Regards, Pete
  12. Thank you John, This Boxing Kangaroo has been extremely fun to build, so it's hard to stop working on her Thank you Omega, that section was a bit trickey ( I have a great drawing of the boat ) So it was easy to see how the lines come together , executing it was trickey Hi Keith , I am not going to stop now, the winged keel looks to be the most challenging part of the build, I am excited to start on it Hi David , the Hull will be painted white < so I went with Bass Wood for the planking Thank's Jay , I should have some pic's of the Keel tonight, ( fun Stuff) Thank you Michael, The Winged Keel is very exciting for me , As I have never done one before, Well I never built a 12 meter before either . Lot's of first's for me on this build Best Regards, Pete
  13. Hello Mark, Let me see if I can clear this up , First off you saw my Herreshoff Buzzards Bay 14 sailing . I was refering to building a 12 1/2 at 1:1 scale, wich means the boat would be full size. This proto-type is being built so that I can make sure that all the calculations are correct . the scale for the model is at 3/4" = 1' - 0" as far as the adjustment's there are no plans available for the 12 1/2 ( they are owned by Cape Cod Ship Building ) So I have been developing the plans , using the Buzzards Bay plans as reference . ( And all the other resources that I have found pertaining to the 12 1/2 ) I hope that helps Best Regards, Pete
  14. Thanks Geoff, It was somthing I learned from a friend that built R.C. Air Planes, and It works great Best Regards, Pete
  15. Today, I was able to do one of my faforite parts of the build ( Planking ) I started by soaking my planking material an rubbing alcohol, I do this because alcohol evaporates faster than water esp. when it's 90 degrees farenheight outside . I let them soak for about an hour and started plankihng , The only trickey part is at the transom, it all went together smoothly I planked the boat all the way to the Keel and started Fairing the Hull , Here are the results, That was fun
  16. Thank's Omega, She turned out to be a Beautiful boat and great saillor Best Regards, Pete
  17. WOW, Nice work Omega, you do such incredible work at such a small scale it's Amazing. Being sick is horrible, I am glad that you are feeling better Best Regards, Pete
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