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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Today, I started by sanding the hull with 600 grit sandpaper, I then attached the Rudder (wich had been painted with 2 coats ) and sprayed 2 coats of semi gloss white ( 6 hour's in between coat's ) , I am pleased with the paint job , I will let her set for a day or two and then paint the Blue highlights on the Keel . This Boxing Kangaroo is on the Down - Wind Leg approaching the Committee Boat . Here are the results
  2. Hi Yves, I saw that movie in the theater, Great sailing movie , I may have to see it again Thank's Piet, I am in total agreement , The prep is very important . Best Regards, Pete
  3. Thank you Russ, I Think the Bright work turned out alot better on this one, than it did on the Buzzards Bay, It's been a great learning experience Hi Onega, since this one is a proto-type , I did not build her the same way as if I was going to put her in water. ( I did not use any West Sytem Epoxy ) The Revised version will be built to sail Thank you Piet, I will be starting a 1 : 1 somtime next month , and I will give updates on that build in my build logs. ( as it is a full size boat )Kate and I are very excited about it . Thank you Geoff, Cogatulations I see that you are now a Captain Best Regards, Pete
  4. Today, After a nice little break , I stated by trimming the forward cockpit trim to match the deck camber. I then made the Mast support / Belaying pin rack ( I made some pins out of brass) I then made the Main Sheet traveler , and installed it. I then installed the rub rails and toe rails. I added the door at the back of the cockpit and started the Masting .I would like to get her finished this week. Here are the results
  5. Beautiful work Nils, I like the 2 photos of the Bow, it shows the incredible detail work , Amazing Craftsmanship , well done Best Regards, Pete
  6. Thanks Jay, the cockpit turned out pretty good, I still need to tune it up a bit. Planking is one of the fun parts of the build for me. Thank's Dave , She's looking like Stars & Stripes , And going together without a hitch , so I am pretty excited , Thanks Michael, the boat is only about 13 "long, and after having done the Boxing Kangaroo, it went very smooth Thank's Geoff , I enjoy Planking the Hull, This is the point when you see what she is going to look like , and if you did your fairing correctly, She has been alot of fun to build Best Regards, Pete
  7. Well I got Her planked in 4 hours with one 15 minute break ,It went together like butter . I stated to fair the hull for about 20 minutes , She's taking shape fast , I can almost see the American Flag flying off the Back- Stay . Here are the results
  8. Thank's J. , I have not used plywood for a frame and Keel ( I should look into that, as I plan Larger scale builds in the future ) , I realy like using this current set up ,for the smaller scale models. Thank's Mauro, I am glad to have you along Hi Dave, I had a friend that built R.C. Planes that told me about it, since alcohol evaporates faster than water you can install pices more quikly , as the glue will stick to it sooner than if you used water . Best Regards, Pete
  9. A quik update, The fairing has been completed and the planking material has been soaking in rubbing alcohol, I am ready to start planking . I will have more photo's of the planking later on , here are the results
  10. Hi Floyd, Intresting build you have here , I did not realize that you were building one as well, I noticed your build when I was looking in on Dave's Endeavour, Nice work I will follow along. She's looking Good. Nice work Best Regards, Pete
  11. Nice work Dave, I did not realize the size till I saw the dime, what is the overall length ? She's looking Great Best Regards, Pete
  12. Looking like Rain today and 68 degrees ( I thought it was Summer ) The boxing Kangaroo will have to wait for more Paint.
  13. Thank you Geoff, I am thinking I will have to add more detail work to this one Thank you Piet, Britton Chance jr, Did a Amazing job designing this boat . The lines flow very nicely. she was fast and swept Kookaburra III in 4 races, I think Kookaburra's only lead was on the first leg of race 4 , but by the first mark Stars & Stripes was in front Thank you Dave, She's a pretty Awesome Yacht, I hope I get it right Best Regards, Pete
  14. Hi Michael, The Deck looks Beautiful. Your Cutter sure looks great Best Regards, Pete
  15. Thank's Nigel, I've been waiting for this one , Well done and informative I will try it Best Regards, Pete
  16. Today, I finished closing in the Cockpit, Then I started thinking about adding the 2 Steering Wheels ( I may have to do more detail to this one ) Then I started shaping the Cockpit ( by rounding off the edges ) I am pleased with how the Cockpit is turning out .( the whole boat for that matter ) I then started Fairing the frames to get her Ready for Planking. I Love the Sheer Line on Stars & Stripes ( has that certain somthing ) She's going together very smooth . Some more Frame Fairing and she will be ready for planking. Here are the results
  17. Thank you Ulli, I would love to see other people build these fine 12 meter Yacht's. They are alot of fun to build ( I have thuroughly enjoyed building Australia II ) Thank you Michael, It's funny that you mention composite/Fiberglass . almost all the 12 meter Yacht's were made out of Aluminum , in the 87' Cup Team New Zealand , brought a Fiberglass 12 meter to the Regatta "Kiwi Magic" she was nicknamed " the Plastic Fantastic " Best Regards, Pete
  18. Thank you Piet, I am not sure what to say. This boxing Kangaroo has been alot of fun to build. ( not one problem ) Thank you Robert, She's getting there I will let these first 2 coat's cure for today, and do 2 more coat's Tomorrow Best Regards, Pete
  19. Hi Omega, that's intresting , my favorite part is Planking the Hull Best Rgards, Pete
  20. Wow Mark, Incredible workmanship . Thanks for showing how you did it " Amazing " Best Regards, Pete
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