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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Hi Omega, The interior of your "Ingomar" is looking Awesome ,your detail work is incredible. Best Regards, Pete
  2. Thank you David B Thank you Michael, Getting close Thank you Omega, I just faired in the "bustle" on the frames and Keel , then planked . I could see the form and it Faired in nicely. I hadn't thought about selling any models ( I will have to ponder that ) Best Regards, Pete Here are the Pic's of the Boxing Kangaroo after 2 light coats of semi gloss white ( I am very happy with the Keel )
  3. After I sprayed the First Coat of paint on the Boxing Kangaroo, I started installing all the frames ( remember Level is Level & Plumb is Plumb ) when I lay- out the Keel, I always mark the Water line first ( Level ) then I mark the frame spacing square to the water line ( Plumb when the Keel is up - right ) Then the rest of the boat is drawn in from the line's drawing . Then when I cut out the keel , I save 5 to 6 inches in length from the bottom of the Keel and glue it on a wide piece of wood, ( this becomes the base ) then I glue a Piece on each side . Place the keel in the slot , and she sits like she is in the water , ( plumb and Level ) Of course I double check everything with a level , and a square. I am throwing that out there for anyone that would like to start scratch building , because it's alot of fun. That being Said I glued in all the frames, the cockpit floor , The deck and the Transom . I then started to get the Cockpit Closed in. She's right on the money ( Checked against my new Stabila level ) and is looking like Stars & Stripes. Here are the results
  4. A quik update, The final fairing was completed this morning, Just need to mask her off, and she is on her way to the Paint room , more pic's of the first & second coat's later today. Here are the results
  5. Thanks Geoff, the Keel is just about spot on Thanks Jay, I was pleased with the how the keel turned out , She will look great once I get her into some paint Best Regards, Pete
  6. Today, I started my day by Fairing the Boxing Kangaroo and shooting another coat of primer, I am very pleased with the Winged Keel , just a little more fairing and 1 st coat of semi gloss white paint. Now there has been a lot of tool talk on M.S.W lately I also am a tool fan, and last night purchased the to me " Rolls Royce" of Level's The Stabila, this one is 4 footer . shown in the first photo. and here are the results
  7. Thank's Geoff, She's coming along at about the same pace as the Boxing Kangaroo did . It's going smooth , (We will see how the cockpit works out ) Best Regards, Pete
  8. Thank you Piet, I rooted for Stars & Stripes as well ( I guess it's obvious since I am building her ) It was the first time they had cameras on board ( that was incredible ) I am a first generation American my parents moved form Holland to California , ( and I was born in Hollywood California ) that's why my Grandfathers name is spelled like your's . I am Glad to have you on - Board Best Regards, Pete
  9. Today, I was able to get an early start. I started by notching the Keel for the frames ( and trued them up ) , Next I laid out the Deck, and decided at that point that I would do some detail work on this one, by adding the cockpit. First I cut the deck where the cockpit lay out is, the piece that I cut out will become the cockpit floor. Next I cut Frames 7, 8, & 9 for the cockpit, then Cut the keel for the floor. I then cut out the transom , nothing has been glued at this stage ( just a dry fit ) She's lining up real well, and going smooth as silk. Next will be to glue in the frames and install the cockpit floor and Deck . Her lines are alot different than the Boxing Kangaroo. Here are the results
  10. Looks Great Nils, Nice work on the Chimney, you certainly don't want the chimney opening facing the wind . Good call Best Regards, Pete
  11. Hi Michael , It is starting to look that way Hi Omega, I just had to build Stars & Stripes . For the 87' Cup this boat was not that fast in light wind , However in heavier wind this boat was fast and uncatchable , Plus She brought the Cup to San Diego, ( I was born and raised in southern California )So I was able to See the cup in person, And went to the Races for the 92' Cup ( that's another story ) Hi Michael mott, It kinda just worked out that way , not by design I included the list of the boats for the challenger series Best Regards, pete
  12. Thank you J. I am positive , I may do some detail on the deck of Stars & Stripes Hi Omega, I started building Stars & Stripes 87 yesteday ( the link is in my signature ) Remember the hint Hello Joe, Permission granted. Thank you , This Boxing Kangaroo was alot of fun to build Best Regards, Pete
  13. Your Welcome Nils, It's a pleasure to watch You build this Fantastic Boat Best Regards, Pete
  14. Today I shot 2 light coats of primer to see where I will still need to do some Fairing/ Filling.Looks like a little more work on the keel. This Boxing Kangaroo is almost finished . Here are the results
  15. This Summer Like every summer since I was a Kid , I get bit by the America's Cup Bug , This year is no exception , I have just about completed my first 12 meter Yacht ( Australia II ) and I am not quite ready to start my next project ( I will need some more R & D ) I Decided to build the 1987 America's Cup Winner Stars & Stripes, The Last 12 Meter Yacht to Win the America's Cup. She will be built in a 3/16" = 1' - 0" Scale. ( same scale as the Boxing Kangaroo ) This build will be a hull only build, I may detail the deck by cutting out the cockpit section of the boat. ( we will see ) I remember this America's cup very well , and was glued to the T.V. the entire time it would come on. I grew up in a Sailing Family, so this is our Super Bowl / World Series. Any way I got the Keel Layed out along with the frames and cut them out . Next I will cut the notches in the Keel for the Frames, true them up and install ( at that point I will decide if I am going to do the Cockpit Details. Here are the results
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