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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Wow, Vaddoc, That is Amazing, Congratulations. I thoroughly enjoyed watching you build this Beauty. Well done Best Regards, Pete
  2. Today, I started by making the Turnbuckles, I then turned my attention to making the Blocks, I thought about this a lot and I wanted them to look more like real Blocks. I modeled these after the Harken Blocks on my boat. Another thing that I wanted was to have the Halyards in easy reach of the Cockpit rather than have them Cleated to the Mast. ( this is better for single handing the boat )I then attached the Turnbuckles and prepped the Mast for the Standing rigging. With the stays attached to the Mast, I installed the Jib halyard Block and the Blocks for the Halyards. I then ran the rope for the Halyards extra long. Next will be to finish making the blocks for the running rigging and install the standing rigging. Here are the results
  3. Thank You, Cap'n'Bob, She does look good in the water, Hard to believe that was almost 2 years ago Best Regards, Pete
  4. Thank You, Patrick, 3's a charm, All the varnishing is Complete, I hope to squeeze in a few hours today, Thank You, Yves, Actually, the one in the water is the first one I built,( she now lives in Florida ) the one with the sails ( in the photo ) is the second build ( I currently have it listed on ebay ) here is the rundown of the 3 boats #1 on top #2 middle and #3 bottom Best Regards, Pete
  5. Wow Keith, You have been busy, The Deck looks Fantastic, Well done Best Regards, Pete
  6. Hi Erik, I agree with Chuck , Looks good Best Regards, Pete
  7. Thank You, Piet, The previous 2 were a real learning experience, I am very pleased with how this one is turning out Best Regards, Pete
  8. Beautiful work Piet, The carvings look Amazing. I have real appreciation for those who can carve like that. ( not one of my strong suits ) Kate does not want to be called Admiral either Best Regards, Pete
  9. Very Sweet Patrick, That is looking good, Beautiful work Best Regards, Pete
  10. Very Nice Keith, She's going to be an Amazing Boat Best Regards, Pete
  11. Congratulations Matti, Beautifully done, Your Clara May looks Fantastic. Hat's off Best Regards, Pete
  12. Thank You, Jon, The key to a good finish is going slow, taking your time to make sure the prep( mostly sanding ) is smooth Thank You, Patrick, It's not sad at all, The fun for me is building them, so if I can sell a few here and there it helps finance future builds, I mostly end up giving them to friends and family Best Regards, Pete
  13. I thought that I would show a couple of comparison shots between # 2 and the current build, # 2 is currently on the market ( Ebay )and I wanted to get a few comparisons before she ( # 2 ) goes to her new home
  14. Thank You, Piet, I let the first one Sail ( she is now in Florida ) I am pleased with the set of Sails for this boat Hi David B., The material for the sails is a Sport cloth with blue ripstop nylon trim Thanks John, I had a lot of fun that day, I did a series of sea trials for the first boat, wich was part of the build log. She sailed very well Thank you, Nils, The Sails for this boat turned out better than on the previous 2 builds. Best Regards, Pete
  15. Hi Jon, Fantastic posting ( it was worth the wait ) I have that copy of WoodenBoat ( I remember the cover ) It's in a box somewhere around here, I will have to dig it out . You gave alot more insight to the Class well done Best Regards, Pete
  16. Beautiful work Jack, Congratulations She's a Beauty. Hat's off to a job well done Best Regards, Pete
  17. After a busy week ( wich still continues ) I have managed to squeeze in a few hours here and there in the Sail Loft. Ironically, Out of all the Boats I have built, Only the Buzzards Bay 14 have I made Sails for every time. ( This was pointed out to me by Kate ) After many failed attempts, I am pleased with the Sail set for this boat. ( Main and Jib ) I thought I would show the set from the previous Builds. ( # 1 is the Boat in the water) Here are the results
  18. Hello Dan, Amazing work, She looks Fantastic well done Best Regards, Pete
  19. Thank You, Lawrence, I have been working on the Sails this week, Hopefully I will have a set that is presentable today Best Regards, Pete
  20. Hi Erik, Nice work the red looks good, She's really starting to take shape Besdt Regards, Pete
  21. Beautiful carvings Piet, How long do we have to wait to see this Suprise? Best Regards, Pete
  22. Hi Cap'n'Bob, I would have to agree with all of the above, I think it looks great Best Regards, Pete
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