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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Amazing job Tom, She looks beautiful Best regerds, Pete
  2. Amazing work Michael . Fantastic detail, This is one beautiful boat, and a great build log Best Regards, Pete
  3. It was nice to get caught up on this build log. Beautiful work Bob Hats off
  4. Thank you, Michael, Bob (Hexnut) and Richard for the words of encouragement. Keith, I looked into that and it seems that there are alot of pics missing. I will restore the pics as soon as I can. I am happy to be back It was a longer break than I thought, I did find the box wich Keel # 4 was in and pulled it out right away.( I have alot of boxes to go thru) I finished planking the hull and started the fairing (it was nice to get my feet wet again)here are the results. 2 of the pics show's it with the centerboard lowered
  5. Hey Pete in Portland, the previous images for keel#2 are on my kit build, the link is in my signature
  6. Thank you Bob, I was pleased with the results
  7. I had been away for a while and had moved, Just Getting things back to normal, and trying to find all the boatbuilding stuff . Keel # 2 did get finished before the move, and my sis was very happy. I hope to have things up and running soon here are the results
  8. Thank you Shawn and Russ They both had no idea, so It was great I am now finishing Keel # 2 on my scratch build build log the Link is in my signature Best Regards, Pete
  9. Since I have completed my kit build log, I still have Keel # 2 wich is going to my sis (for Christmas) I will have it complete in the next few days got most of the cockpit and Cabin work complete and have started the masting . Here are the results
  10. I just found this build log , intresting it seem you made alot of extra work for yourself ,the frames can be opened up from the begining just add the deck clamp and it will keep the hull straight , without twist Take a look at my scratch build log for keels # 3 & 4, it will also show how I did the centerboard box the way Chapelle explains it in his book on boatbuilding. ( I will say I have experience in full size boat construction ) I am just doing it on a smaller scale Best Regards, Pete
  11. First off HAPPY NEW YEAR, and I hope that everyone had a Merry Christmas. Originally I was going to close out this build log with a bunch of comparisons between the Kit and the scratch build, I will say this that the Kit can easily be made to follow the Chapelle drawings. It is mostly in the Fairing of the frames and having the correct transom. The result that I had hoped for was achieved by both my Daughters when they recived the boats my oldest got the Kit build and my youngest Daughter got Keel # 1 her expression is priceless . Here are results
  12. Thank you Russ , Minwax makes a great product that is easy to work with Best Regards, Pete
  13. Hi Daniel, When I started on this project everyone in my family started to take intrest and would come over to see the progress, It just became easy to give them a boat as a gift. I do get to keep Keel # 4 and my wife will have keel # 3 , So I will still have 2 in this house Best Regards, Pete
  14. The base Varnishing (3 coats) on Keel # 3 is complete. I am happy with the way the transom turned out Here are the results
  15. Looks Great Tom , Beautiful boat , your build is very inspiring Best Regards, and Holiday wishes Pete
  16. Thank you Jakob, This Build Keel # 4 is going together so well, so I went with narrower planks 1/8" Best Regards, Pete
  17. Thanks Shawn, Hi Popeye , #2 (blue) is for Sis Its her favorite color . She loves the Boat. Best Regards, Pete
  18. Thank you Bob, Its the most fun that I have had in years, I am glad that everyone is enjoying the builds Best Regards, Pete
  19. I did some work on Keel # 2 ( Blue ) Today ,Unfortunatly I will not have it completed by Christmas. However I have an understanding Sis , so that works out well , I have made the hatch frame, and have started to make the rest of the cabin top . Then will come staining and varnish Here are the results
  20. On Keel #4 Today, I got more of the planking installed , I am very pleased with how well this boat is going together, Here are the results
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