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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Today, I got started by getting the second coat of paint on the Mast and Boom. I then finished making the winches. I started cutting out some of the Logos for the boat, None of the winches or graphics have been applied, except for the logos on the Boom. Next will be to make the Boom vang and finish up the Cockpit details. Here are the results
  2. Thank You, Cap'n'Bob, It is nice to work on this one again, I should be rounding the top mark and ready for the downwind leg to the finish Best Regards, Pete
  3. Thank You, Piet, It is nice to get back to work on this one ( it's been a while ) The design of these modern racing yachts is very impressive and the performance and speed is Amazing Thank You, Patrick, I have been wanting to get back to this one for a while, I can't believe that it had been a couple of months since the last time I worked on her. Working on the Volvo has got me thinking about building a cup yacht next ( perhaps a Larger scale Australia II ) We'll see Best Regards, Pete
  4. Nice work Moxis, Beautifull looking boat, she's coming together nicely Best Regards, Pete
  5. After a Busy week, it was nice to get back in the shipyard, Today, I started by spraying the first coat of flat black to the Mast and boom. I then marked out and painted the Yellow triangle in front of the Mast step. I then cut out the forward hatch and started making the Primary winches, Next will be to finish making the winches and deck hardware, Nothing in the Cockpit including the forward hatch has been installed and is dry fit. Here are the results
  6. Nice work, Keith, The planking looks fantastic Best Regards, Pete
  7. Hi Michael, That is going to be a beautiful deck, well done Best Regards, Pete
  8. Hello, Piet, I agree with Patrick you got this Best Regards, Pete
  9. Very Nice work Keith, she's looking good Best Regards, Pete
  10. Hi Michael, the Mast is 24' in length and started as 1/4" square ( before tapering ) the boom is 11' - 6".in length Best Regards, Pete
  11. Thank You, Piet, I figured that you were involved with Aircraft in one way or another. FAA that's the big leagues. Thank You, Elijah, I am pleased with how the mast and boom turned out Best Regards, Pete
  12. Today, I finished making the Spars ( Mast and Boom ) I started by making 2 new spreaders ( I did not like how the first ones turned out ) I then drilled the hole's for the standing rigging and finalized the sanding. Next I installed the spreaders and Gooseneck. Next will be to apply the first coat of varnish and to varnish the Hull ( 3rd coat ) Here are the results
  13. Looks Great Erik, I am looking forward to seeing her planked Best Regards, Pete
  14. Very Nice, Jon, The letters look fantastic, Beautiful work Best Regards, Pete
  15. Thank You, John, Here is where I am at with No. 2 I have installed the Keel and am about ready to start planking, This one is going together a lot smoother than the first, the fine tuning of the molds and building jig have made a big difference and she's right on the money. Here are the results
  16. Very Nice Jon, My backyard looks exactly the same with more on the way. The Boat looks beautiful, I look forward to your progress on the second one Best Regards, Pete
  17. Today, I actually got a very early start, and a very simple task, I painted the Grey bilge coat ( it proved not to be as simple as one thought ) Next will be to work on the Cockpit seating, ( I have not decided whether to enclose them or leave them open like on the plans ) Here are the results
  18. Thank you, David B., She's starting to come together Best Regards, Pete
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