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Everything posted by archjofo

  1. Hi Albert, thank you for the nice comment. So it goes on with the construction report. To rig the 18 pounder I'm still researching on with respect to the breeching ropes. Was this right laid or left laid? In the meantime, I'm doing the "Baille à Drisse", some sort of container for coiling of ropes, such as the topsail-haylard. On the French Corvette was thereof a total of 5 units available. 2 pieces each in front of the foremast and the mainmast and 1 piece in front of the mizzen mast. Here I show the detail of the plan by J. Boudriot. This is an example of this container on the model of the Belle Poule from the Musée national de la Marine in Paris. For the French corvette I make the container of sheet brass. The upper and lower parts were etched. The drawing for the film I made myself. The etching is done by a service provider. After assembly, the part is still burnished. But thereof next time more.
  2. Continuation: Rigging the 18-pounder All components for rigging of the four 18-pounder guns of La Créole were completed. You can see the double and single blocks of Seitentaljen, the eyebolt and the hooks on the inside are attached to the bulwark and the block hook, for hooking the tackles on gun and the bulwark. Until next time ...
  3. Hello, thanks for the nice comments. It is a great pleasure again and again. Here I show you how I make the blocks for the 18 pounder. For this I use a primitive holding device so that I can bring each block with a file in form.
  4. Hello, I am very glad for your positive comments, thank you for that. So here are all the hooks before they are blackened. The next picture illustrates a comparison between the 1st version 2 and version of the block with hook.
  5. Hello Mark, thank you for your nice comment. Meanwhile, I made the blanks for the hooks. And in the other I make the hooks for inboard.
  6. Hi Karl, the rigging has become really top notch. I admire your meticulous work.
  7. Hello, thank you very much for your nice comments. The hooks so far prepared are not optimized in shape. The original hooks were forged from iron. They had thickened and dilutions. The shape is very special, as can be seen in the next picture. Therefore, I have my previous manufacturing method refined. On the next screen, the procedure is shown in 7 steps.
  8. Very interesting what I can learn all about the hook here.
  9. The method with a piece of wire, I tried not yet. I put a thin piece of wood in the hole. This works quite well.
  10. Equip the blocks with sheaves poses a particular challenge. So I tried it. Whether it is visible after the pull through of the rope, who knows? The sheaves have a diameter of 2.5 mm and a thickness of 0.45 mm.
  11. Hello, I thank you all for your motivating notes. It continues with the preparation of the blocks.
  12. Hello, currently I am working with the production of the gun tackle. Here are a few pictures of the components and a finished gun tackle. Next I will show you the gun tackle how it will look on the model.
  13. @JesseLee Thank you for the nice comment. Breeching rope for the 18 - pounder Here's another attempt to make the lashings with a brighter yarn. So it seems so that it works better with the brighter yarn. Bye for now ...
  14. Hello, I am very pleased with your positive comments. Here it continues in the report with a small update Breeching rope for the 18 - pounder The four 18 - pounders of La Créole have meantime been provided with the latest fittings. The next step is to prepare the breeching rope. The breeching rope of 18 - pounder had a length of 8.20 m and a diameter of 55 mm. The attachment of the breeching rope inboard on the bulwark was performed using eyebolts that penetrated the hull in the original and outboard with a screw (yellow arrow) were countered.
  15. Hello Alexander, thanks for your kind words. The carronades are now complete. Still missing four 18 pounder guns on the gun deck. I made this a long time ago. But a few details had yet to complete.
  16. Hello Alexander, ... incredible precision ... really fantastic!
  17. Hello Mark, hello Greg, thank you for the kind comments. The carronade nr. 20 will now be installed:
  18. The battery of the La Créole fills up slowly but steadily. Today the carronade no. 17 was set. Now is still missing 3 pieces and 4 pieces 18 pounder, then the battery is fully. The following photo shows the famous image of Horace Vernet the Battle of San Juan de Ulua with the poop deck of La Créole as background. I just wanted to transfer the atmosphere of the image on the model.
  19. Hi Mick, thanks for the nice words. The planking of the hull and other parts of the model are not made of linden wood but from pear wood. Here is an internet address http://arkowood-shop.com/ of a dealer from Germany for model wood. I hope to have helped you with it.
  20. Hello, many thanks for the nice comments! Here is a small update: The 11th carronade is located.
  21. Hello, now I have mounted the fifth of twenty carronades. For this, I show two images.
  22. Hello, here in the picture yet the necessary parts are assembled.
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