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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hey Denis A really nice job on the dinghy! I reckon the oars will really set the dinghy off nicely and give it that 'extra air of reality and atmosphere'. All the best Patrick
  2. Hi Marcus I totally agree with Piet about the interior. Go for it, because it'll be well worth the effort. I'm looking forward to seeing it all come together! Best of luck Patrick
  3. Hi Ben and also, a big thank you to BDGiantman Ben - thanks for your advice. After BDGiantman's advice above regarding the side thrusters, I had started trolling the internet trying to find examples of a similar yacht which had one installed. I wasn't having much success, unfortunately. However, as you've said, perhaps they aren't as common as one may have thought. Most certainly, they are not present on the ship's plans. Nevertheless, it was a worthwhile exercise for me, just for the sake of learning something new. Thanks and all the very best to you both! Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Marcus I hope the crowd's not too large, because I want a seat as well. I don't mind standing if there's no room for seating, though. I'm looking forward to following along! Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi Piet! Thanks and yep. Gonna be fun, as well. Hi BDGiantman Thanks - but a 'side thrust system'??? I can't see anything like that on the plans that I have; apart from the two propellors at the rear. Would you have any pictures/examples (if possible) that I could look at? Cheers Patrick Thanks
  6. Wow, Hartmut, the interior detailing is awesome!!!! Cheers Patrick
  7. Thanks, Greg, Hartmut, Mark, Dimitris and everyone else who hit the Like button. Greatly appreciated. Cheers Patrick
  8. Lovely work, Nenad. You and your worker ants must be very pleased! Cheers Patrick
  9. Thanks George. Doing the interal fit out will definitely keep me out of mischief for a while! Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi Dave Yep, I agree - a red stripe would really set her off, I reckon. Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi everyone Thanks for your comments and Likes! Greatly appreciated. I couldn't resist...I was pretty keen to see what the colour combination of gloss black on the topside and Matt blue on the under hull would look like. So, I roughly taped it off with Tamiya tape and painted the bottom. It's a rough job, but I can always do it properly later on. At this stage, I'm more interested in just seeing what it'd look like. Not bad, I thought. I also cut the lower deck and main deck templates. These will prove invaluable in helping to get the internal layout right. Here are the results, so far. Cheers Patrick
  12. Looking great, Mark. Won't be long now and the rigging will start; particularly given all the prep work and research you've been doing.
  13. Hi Piet I know you said that the blocks aren't the "prettiest ", but, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And...to my eye, they're pretty darn good!!! Keep up the great work, because I learn more and more each time I see your achievements. Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Nils Many thanks for your comments about the paint. You're right about the black paint being unusual, however, the real ship's hull is black, hence why I went for this colour. Personally, I reckon she'd look better in a more traditional white coloured hull, but at least this way, she'll certainly stand out from the crowd! All the best Patrick
  15. Hi Julie Great choice for a model. The Endeavour, as well as the original and new J Class yachts are spectacularly beautiful boats and I'm going to enjoy following your progress. All the best Patrick.
  16. Hi everyone Many thanks for all your comments and Likes. I've given Magellan's hull a coat of gloss black (see photos below). Later on, I'll mask off the hull under water and paint it a matt red or blue. You may also note that I've cut out the large anchor wells in the bow of the ship, as well as the hole for the bow thruster. Still heaps of work to go! Have a great weekend! Cheers Patrick
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