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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Dan Ok, hear me out here. I think I've just had one of those "doh" moments...you know when you whack your head with your fist, thinking why didn't I think of that! Of course, I'm talking about your brilliant idea of using the collette to twist the wire for the eyebolts. Simple, quick, effective and a master stroke of genius. What a great idea! Thanks Patrick
  2. Hi Dan That's true - a man just can't have enough tools! I'm looking forward to following your progress and seeing the hull grow with each update. Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Giorgio Very nice work on the painting of the hull. With my large scale models, I was often worried that the hulls were too glossy, So I added a clear satin coating to tone it down and weathered the hull extensively with rust stains, grime, etc. All the best! Patrick
  4. She's looking very nice, Leo. Very nice indeed!
  5. Hi Altalena I'm glad that you're going to get a case. At least you'll be rest assured that it'll be safe. Can you drop any hints about what your next model will be? Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Nils Okay, now I'm really stunned. I know that to you, the badges were probably easy to do....but to me, oh my God, where would I even start!!! Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Dimitris Really nice work! Just wondering what sort of display case you've got lined up for your AV...I'd imagine it'd have to be a big one! Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Bdgiantman Many thanks for your support and comments. Like you I'd also love to do a larger scale ship, but I 'm limited by space, hence why I choose to do miniatures, instead. Good luck with your model and I hope you can get back into it soon. Cheers and all the best! Patrick
  9. Hi Piet Good point, especially as it pertains to aircraft. I'd hate to have a structural failure in an aircraft at anytime, particularly when cruising at 30000 feet! Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi Frank It looks like you're gonna be pretty busy for a while! I think I may need to reserve my front row seat early... All the best! Patrick
  11. Hi Ben Many thanks for the information you've provided above. Not only is it very clearly explained, but it's also instructive and informative; particularly because, as a layman, I really have little understanding of the different construction techniques that one would use and why they're used. After reading your comments, I went back to the original description of the full sized boat to see what type of hull material was used. Apparently, the original boat does indeed have a GRP hull, (not Aluminium as I originally thought), so I guess that explains the hull shape. As a general comment, I'd also like to say that your expertise is invaluable...it's not everyday that I can get advice from a professional naval architect and I'm pretty stoked about that! So, once again, thanks! All the best Patrick
  12. Hi Frank From keel to the top of the mast, and everything in between, absolutely crisp, clean and precise. Very nicely done! I guess you're on the finishing straight now. What's planned for your next build? Cheers Patrick
  13. Nice and clean work! Well done. Cheers Patrick
  14. Thanks Frank. Are you fully back on deck yet? Hopefully so, because it'd be good to see how your Paragon is going. Hopefully I won't have too much more to sand, in which case I can do it outside. Cheers and all the best Patrick
  15. Hi Brian A seriously brilliant job you've done! All I can do (at the risk of sounding boring) is to echo everyone else's comments above. Have you considered sending your photos to the kit manufacturer? Perhaps they may want to use them in their advertising/promotional material. Just a thought! All the best Patrick
  16. A mask??? Ugh, hadn't thought of that, but you're right....but then again, apparently bacon and sausages is supposed to cause cancer now. Next thing they'll be telling us that breathing air causes cancer. Oh wait, they've already done that! Thanks Greg, I jest of course, but I know you're right. Better to be safe than sorry. Cheers and all the best Patrick
  17. HI everyone A very quick update on Magellan's hull - still lots of sanding and puttying to go before I can get the mirror smooth finish that I'm after. Lots of work, but lots of fun to go! All the best everyone! Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi Michael It's just as if you're building the full sized skylight. Nicely done! Cheers Patrick
  19. Hi Girgio Very nice and clean work! This ship's gonna be a beauty once finished, for sure! Cheers Patrick
  20. Hi Altalena I was wondering what had happened to you because I've missed your posts. However, updates or no updates, there's no doubting what a brilliant job you've done. Lots of character and atmosphere, coupled with beautiful sails. Really nice. Would you be putting her in a case in order to keep the dust away? Cheers Patrick
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