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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Frank Thanks!!! Normally I do use magnifiers like an Opti Visor for this type of work. I find it particularly useful, although, it can take some getting used to. I hope you're well and that your next update is not too far away. Cheers and all the best! Patrick
  2. Hi Igor She's looking really nice, especially with the black planking on the hull. I'm looking forward to the next update. Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Mark, Mick and Mike! Thanks heaps for all of your wonderful comments. Mick - No need to hide in the corner! I'm just glad you like what I managed to do. Greatly appreciated! Mark - Very grateful for your comments! It was a fun thing to do and it actually came out better than expected. Mike - Totally blown away by your comment. I must admit that I never give the background a moments' notice when I'm taking photos. The fact that your daughter likes the tin with the elephant is amazing. I promise to take a photo of it especially for her next time! Thanks and all the best! Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi jhenrique Can I offer a suggestion - It may help if we understood what you needed it for, or what you intended to do with these detailed drawings? For example, are you intending to build one? If we knew that, I'm sure people here would be able to help you better. Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi everyone Vaddoc gave me a great idea, which was to do a tiny model boat to display inside Symphony. Well, I had a go and came up with this gaff rigged cutter. It's tiny, but with a bit of imagination, you can just make it out. Here goes. Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Bob, Vaddoc and Carl and everyone else for hitting the Like button! Many thanks as always! Carl- thanks for your compliment, which is greatly appreciated. Vaddoc- funny you mention about a ship model, because the full sized boat actually has a large twin funelled steamer-type model on display, according to one of the photos I've found. Mmmm, now maybe you're onto something; albeit not a similar type ship, but something a bit more achievable at less than a centimetre long! Bob- Thanks. The cupboard's red top is Australian Jarrah, which contrasts nicely against the wattyl veneer. Thanks everyone, as always Patrick
  7. Hi Vaddoc She's coming along beautifully. The laminated knee looks great! It's amazing how something so seemingly insignificant can have such a structurally important function, but then again, without it, the risk to the full sized stern being damaged in rough weather would be pretty high. Overall, nicely done as always! Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi everyone A quick update. I've started on the curved cupboard which sits on the starboard side of the saloon. Aft of the curved cupboard sits the navigation station. Still lots of work to go. Hope you enjoy. Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Igor There you go again, with that massive giant matchstick again!!!! But, we're not fooled. We know that it's another tiny masterpiece taking shape. Nicely done, as always. All the best! Patrick
  10. Hi Steve Very nice work, there! Well done. Cheers Patrick
  11. Hah, Carl. You're most probably very correct! Retirement is meant to be fun, for sure. All the best! Patrick
  12. Hi Igor Nice and neat job on the deck planking! Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Mark I feel with your new toy that you may make a killing taking orders for jobs? I'm sure there's plenty of international customers who'd be lining up to have parts cut. It might become a real little earner for you! I'll take my 20% cut, of course. Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Igor Great job on the hull. Seeing as it looks like a full hull that you're building, will t be set into a sea, or be made freestanding? Cheers Patrick
  15. Ahah Igor, so this is the Lena you were mentioning in your other log... Nice choice and a very interesting subject to model. I'll definitely follow along with my popcorn and chair! Front row seat. Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi Dennis Thanks. The curved bit on the floor is the template for a curved cupboard. Aft of the curved cupboard is the navigation station. I also need to build the actual fireplace itself, perhaps out of shim brass or copper, as in the real ship's hearth. But, that'll be done a bit later on, once I finish the curved cupboard. Still lots of work to go, but it keeps me off the streets! Cheers and thanks Patrick
  17. Hi Mobbsie Thanks! Absolutely no need to kick yourself, because it's great to have you on board. Please feel free to stick around and enjoy the journey! All the best Patrick
  18. Hi Ben Thanks for the compliments! Cheers and all the best Patrick
  19. Hi Igor Nicework, as always! Just curious what you're waiting for? Cheers Patrick
  20. Hi Frank Okay, okay, okay, I have gained even more respect and envy of your skills. All it took was just one look at your figurehead made from clay and the other one in wood. Very nice! Cheers Patrick
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