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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Doris Magnificent!!! I'm particularly drawn to your passenger liners. Are they scratch built from card as well? Cheers Patrick
  2. Thanks Ben and Frank Greatly appreciated and thanks to all who hit the Like button! Frank - thanks and I wish that were true, but we can all learn from each other, so I'm happy with that. Ben...'doll boat'..okay, I'll take that! Nothing wrong with that as far as I can see. Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Mark, Bob and Carl Thanks for your feedback and comments. Mark, I will definitely keep the Admiral's in the dark. But, somehow, i wouldn't trust myself to build a full sized one. I don't think I could afford the super glue! Carl - funny you say that, because I was just reflecting on the fact that there really isn't a hell of a lot of difference between model boats and doll houses. Same skills, similar techniques, just different subject matter. Who knows, maybe I might try branching out one day and trying something new. Thanks and all the best! Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Jon Looks like full-steam ahead and I can't wait until she hits the water under sail. Looking forward to the next update. Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi Ben How does the saying go ..."S..t happens"!!!! Honestly, I think I can recount an interminable amount of times I've made similar errors only to feel a bit sheepish afterwards! No dramas, though. It's the end result that counts and your ship's looking brilliant. Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Igor Very,very nice! Heaps of character and charm. I especially like the color of the sea, which is somehow reminiscent of a calm Mediterranean sea (turquoise/bluey green). Cheers Patrick
  7. Good to hear about your recovery. Best to let these things take as long as needed to ensure a full recovery. All the best!
  8. Hi everyone! Thanks for all of your comments and Likes! Greatly appreciated. Symphony has a large curved sofa in her main saloon, which I've been trying to duplicate. Here's my attempt at it. I hope you like it. Here are the latest photos. Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Igor One of your finest, so far, that's for sure. Nice! Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi Dave That's a great solution and it looks very convincing. Nice! Cheers Patrick
  11. Happy birthday Mark!!!!! i wish you all the best and here's looking at many, many more happy ones to follow. Cheers Patrick
  12. Lextin You're back! I was wondering how you've been because I've missed your updates. Nice job on the pivot gun. She certainly has a fair bit of recoil, that's for sure! Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Igor ..ahem...I actually have exactly the same magnifiers! Damn useful they are, too. All the best Patrick
  14. I'll second that! Sing out when you're ready for an update.
  15. Hi Vaddoc Each and every update that you post exemplifies just how much progress you're making, and not only that, but also just how nice the build is. Have you given any thought as to how you will display her? Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi Dennis She's coming along beautifully. Everything's nice, crisp, clean and precise; all of which adds up to nice detailing work! All the best Patrick
  17. Hi Ben Your battering ram made me think.....When we were kids, we used to take great delight in using our RC cabin cruisers to chase the local ducks on the lake. The ducks hated it, but the bystanders had a laugh. I can just imagine how much more entertaining the spectacle would've been if your battering rams with spikes were fitted to our boats! Now, that's worth a thought. Cheers Patrick
  18. Ahhh! That's the same as what I've done on occasions....great minds think alike. Thanks! All the best Patrick
  19. Beautiful work, Sherry. A truly classy piece of work! Cheers Patrick
  20. Hi Igor What's your secret for doing the blocks? Cheers Patrick and
  21. Thanks Vaddoc! I actually haven't thought about the connection between fruit and boats, but now that you've pointed it out, it brings a smile to my face! Thanks for the compliment! All the best Patrick
  22. Hi Dennis, Dave and Frank, as well as everyone who hit the Like button! Greatly appreciated! I've made a bit more progress in the owner's stateroom in the aft of the ship. Principally, the work to date includes the settee on the port side and also, I've mocked up the double bed that sits on the starboard side. Once I'm satisfied that the bed frame fits, then, I'll do the final frame. I've still got to do a fair bit more work on the surrounding area, eg settee cushions, mattress, cupboards, etc. Anyhow, here are the photos. Cheers Patrick
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