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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Igor I tried to copy a real Diesel engine from the Yanmar website, but it got so difficult (in fact near on impossible!) to do anything. The engine is thinner than a matchstick and only about 0.8 of a centimetre long. I think I have to accept that trying to achieve the 'essence' of the engine rather than the detail is the best I can do. I'll try to take some photos tomorrow. All the best! Patrick
  2. Hi everyone and many thanks for all of your likes and comments! Greatly appreciated. Well, I've finally started on the internal bulkheads. First and foremost, I've started on the engine room which is situated in the centre of the ship. The funny little red thing that you can see in the first photo is, in fact my feeble attempt at the ship's engine. I'm a bit embarrassed about it, because it's so tiny that it was difficult to get any detail on it. If I can, I'll try to take some photos of it (that way, we can all laugh at it!!!). Anyhow, I'm just glad that I've been able to start on the internal work, because that's what I enjoy the most. All the best! Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Doris Simply superb and amazing! Congratulations on your new job, too. Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Keith Nicely done! Judging by the quality of the finish that you've got on the deck and other woodwork, I can see that you're a skilled hand at model building. You just can't beat the J Boats for sheer beauty and majesty, can you? I'm looking forward to more updates. Cheers Patrick
  5. Happy Birthday Matija!!! I hope you're having a great day. Here's looking at many, many more in the future! Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi timmo The planking looks good. I've also gone for speed over meticulousness if I know the hull's going to be painted. The sanding and filling will no doubt come next and then you can look back with satisfaction. A job well done! Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Nenad Work, gardening and remembering the love and special memories, will help you heal. I wish you, Hothead and Princess well. Take care Patrick
  8. Congratulations Pete! With those classic colours, she looks like a picture from a book of vintage yachts from yesteryear! Just beautiful.
  9. Hi Ben You must be feeling like the 'proud father' of the neighbourhood! Very slick and, talk about manoeuvrable! Nice! Would the full size ship have been able to turn on it's own axis, do you think? All the best Patrick
  10. Marvellous work, Bob. She's full of life and character. A true credit to your skills and workmanship!
  11. Hi Vaddoc Good luck with the painting, as it looks like you've solved the masking issues you had before. Also, I reckon the colour combination you mention will set off her hull lines really nicely. I hope all goes well and that you can show us the results in the next update. Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Ben Good luck with Baby No.2. I hope your wife has an easy time during the 'main event' and that both are delivered safe and well. All the best Patrick
  13. Hi Pete, Nils, Bob and Ben Thanks for all your comments! Nils, you're right about the engine...it's going to be fun and, at this tiny scale, I'd be happy if it even looks passable! I'll do my best, of course. Ben, thanks for the tip about the Yanmar website. I'll check it out. I've also been following your engine build and thinking how great that looks. You must be getting close to finishing it by now, so, I'm looking forward to your next update. Pete - thanks for your encouragement which is always greatly appreciated! Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Nils Grant's beat me to it, because that's exactly what I wanted to say, without a doubt. The only thing I would add, is that there's an element which cannot be measured, and that's the "Nils Magic". So, the magic, together with your skill and methodical approach, is going to lead to one hell of a beauty! Looking forward to following along for the ride! Cheers Patrick
  15. Thanks, Bob. Yep, not far off now. But first, I want to try to make the engine (or, at least something that looks remotely like one)! All the best Patrick
  16. Yep, you're right. Also, I won't need to go to Holy Confession to confess my sins caused by perving at things I shouldn't be looking at!
  17. Hi folks Thanks for all your comments and likes!!! Here is the latest update: I've partially completed the oval cockpit at the stern of the ship. There's still more fairing and sanding to go, but, it's looking ok so far. Up forward, I've done the companionway hatch that sits right on the foredeck. If you look carefully, you'll be able to see that I've left the sliding hatch open in order to give the foredeck a semblance of 'life'. Still heaps more work to go, though! Enjoy your weekends! Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi Panagiotis You know, looking at your beautiful model, is a bit like being on a Nudist Beach. There's so many things to look at, that I don't know where to start! The more I look at your photos, the more details start popping up! Amazing and marvellous. Look forward to more updates. Cheers Patrick
  19. Hi Bob Love those eggs! Apart from what Carl said above, there is no doubting the talent and skill that you've shown with your models. I still look at your rigging and all the metalwork fixtures on your masts and hulls and shake my head in the knowledge that I'm nowhere even close to meeting your standard. So, yep, without a doubt, your models are a cut above the rest as far as I'm concerned! Hi Carl- I've sent you a PM. Cheers and all the best Patrick
  20. Hi Lawrence Many thanks. Big or small, as long as we have fun building, then size really doesn't matter (LOL)!!! All the best Patrick
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